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by DjKnuX at 12:52 PM EDT on April 10, 2008
Please! Somebody must write a Tool to play these Files. The Music in this Game is awesome. I only heard a few Tracks of the Game but I can say the Tracks are very chill (Mario-Game-Like).^^
I´ve ripped the Music of the Credits of the Game from a Video I found on the Net.
Sorry for the bad Quality!
Mario Kart Wii - Credits Music Rip

Check it out and maybe sommebody like this Tunes and build a Tool for play them in Winamp.;)

Greetz, DjKnuX
by Lunar at 2:00 PM EDT on April 10, 2008
It'll be supported in good time. Early days yet.
by Omochao at 6:04 PM EDT on April 10, 2008
Credits ripped straight from the .thp:

EDIT: The soundtrack has been requested over at FFShrine.

edited 2:31 AM EDT April 11, 2008
by Omochao at 1:17 AM EDT on April 12, 2008
Anyone working on this?
by jurassicPieter at 6:31 AM EDT on April 12, 2008
I just ripped it off the disc. I'll make an mp3 soundtrack.
by DjKnuX at 8:25 AM EDT on April 12, 2008
Thanks jurassicPieter for waste your time for this!^^ I really love the Soundtrack. When youre done with ripping and when it will come up? Which Bitrate do you use for the Soundtrack? Please use a higher Bitrate as 160 kBits. When the Quality is lower then this, the Sound will sucks.:) And which 1Click-Hoster do you use? (When you don´t have an own Server ^^")
I don´t like Rapid, I always usw Megaupload.;)

Thanks in advance and greetz, DjKnuX
by marcusss at 8:29 AM EDT on April 12, 2008
Yeah someone ripped it but at 128kbps.. on FFshrine.. VBR is probably the best extreme or something ;).. Anyway thanks for your hard work doing this ^_^ Any chance to get the brstms? ;)

edited 8:32 AM EDT April 12, 2008
by starerik at 5:12 PM EDT on April 12, 2008
I'd rather want the BRSTMs than any MP3s.
by Mouser X at 6:23 PM EDT on April 12, 2008
They're available. I don't know if they're on HCS's site (they're not, that I know of), but I do know they're available. Due to the preferences of those doing the releases, I am unable to provide a link to the set. If you join us on IRC @ channel #usf then maybe we could work something out. Just FYI, they were put up 3 days ago. Mouser X over and out.
by jurassicPieter at 7:13 AM EDT on April 13, 2008
I put the brstrm that don't work because of the number of channels issue in the main directory and the brstrm's that do work inside the strm directory including the thp files converted to dsp.
the sound library revokart.brsar is included but no file can be extracted from it.

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

edited 7:27 AM EDT April 13, 2008

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