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by Josh W at 3:55 PM EDT on September 1, 2007
by F3582 at 6:57 AM EDT on September 4, 2007
In other news: I recently read Oddigy saying something about the music in Tri-Ace PS2 games being un-ripable. Does anyone know details?
by Mouser X at 8:09 AM EDT on September 4, 2007
All PS2 games that use a custom driver are unrippable because to rip them requires tools that only Neill and Zoopd have. At least, they're the only 2 that have ever ripped custom drivers off the PS2. I know that Daivironica (however you spell that) has the song data for Radiata Stories, and I think for Star Ocean 3 as well. However, s/he doesn't have the drivers to play them. So, if I understand correctly, they're unrippable because no one currently has the ability (tools [specifically, I think you need a PS2 developer kit, since you need to rewrite/recompile some stuff, but I'm not sure on that] and such) necessary to rip them.

If I'm mistaken, then hopefully someone else will be able to clarify. Mouser X over and out.
by Lunar at 7:16 AM EDT on September 6, 2007
There was a load of PSF rips added to Lawrence Lin's mirror recently. Mostly WIPs.

I'm hoping Airgrave and Battle Bugs PSF rips will appear sometime down the line.
by marioman at 7:36 AM EDT on September 6, 2007
Wow! I had no idea that there were so many PSFs that have been ripped recently. There are quite a few PSF sets there that I have been looking for. Thanks for pointing that out.
by Lunar at 8:09 AM EDT on September 6, 2007
Yeah this is what I mean, it's so hard to keep track of these ripped formats :P I don't even know if there's a place where discussion about PSF ripping goes on (actual "I'm working on a rip of (X) right now" etc.) The ripped music scene is very convoluted indeed.

Lawrence Lin's mirror seems to be the most comprehensive and regularly updated anyway, so it's a good place to keep bookmarked.
by Knurek at 9:31 AM EDT on September 6, 2007
As most of recent PSF rips are done by japanese 2CHN users, you might try this link:
by Lunar at 2:37 PM EDT on September 6, 2007
Ooh, that's kinda cool. Damn, I wonder if stuff has been ripped and I just don't know about it. Though then... I assume that many rips appearing on Lawrence Lin come from 2ch anyway. Good to have, nonetheless~
by Knurek at 5:10 PM EDT on September 6, 2007
Well, they have recollection packages available on Share I guess.

About 2.4 GB in all, can't say how much is available elsewhere, as I can't get Share to work here.
by snakemeat at 11:23 AM EDT on September 7, 2007
@Knurek - Thanks Knurek, I didn't know anything about that Jp stuff until these two posts. Now I know where to find links for 2ch and have learned to use Share (something I never knew existed). Even better, are the thousands of MDX files I found with it! In any case, I'm not sure what clusters to use, but I couldn't get those PSF recollection packages to even show up as search results.

@Lunar - I grabbed all the PSFs I could from the 2ch posts, and from what I saw, they were all on LLin's mirror.

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