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Strange issue when extracting audio from XBOX360 Guitar Hero games by mrhappy at 6:47 AM EDT on October 10, 2010
Hi everyone,

I've been using xendecrypt, fsbext, and the xma_parser to extract audio from some of the Guitar Hero games and I've run into a strange issue I can't identify.

Most songs extract and convert perfectly but occasionally, some of the extract channels are cut-off on the end (so far I've run into this on GH:VH and GH:SH). When it does happen it seems to always happen when I extract "channel 4" at offset 1800 (the final track in the file) from the from the first file in the set, and sometimes to others in the same song. It can vary between 1 and 4 channels that are cropped within the affected songs, and no two cut-off in the same spot.

So my question is- does anyone have any idea what's going on and what I can do to fix it? I've tried messing with every setting I can think of in xma_parser (and the other programs) to change it. Different offsets, block sizes, etc and nothing works. Here's one of the affected files if someone wants to take a look (Ain't Talking 'Bout Love by VH):

The command I use to get the cropped track from the above file is: xma_parse m1 -o 1800 -b 10000 -r t4

Thank you so much for any and all help.

edited 6:51 AM EDT October 10, 2010

edited 6:54 AM EDT October 10, 2010
by biff100 at 12:22 PM EDT on October 16, 2010

I had exactly the same problem as you. The solution is to add a large header onto the file after the parser has been run. You can find the header here
Open both the xma file and the header file using an hex editor. The contents of the header need copying to the beginning of the xma file and saving as a new file. You should then be able to use towav to decode a complete file which is not cut off.
by mrhappy at 3:54 AM EDT on October 19, 2010
Thanks Biff100, it worked!! I figured it was either a software bug somewhere along the line or something else I couldn't do much about but I'm glad to see that's not the case.

It's odd but I've had a few channels/tracks on different GH songs come out one or two KB's smaller than the rest (even with different headers). I guess it doesn't matter because it's just silence at the end that's cut, but it's perplexing.

Thanks again for all your help!!

edited 3:55 AM EDT October 19, 2010
by adimifus at 1:27 AM EST on March 4, 2011
Sorry to bump up an old topic, but I've been having the same issues, and the mediafire link isn't valid anymore. Would anyone happen to have this file? Or be able to show me how to change a header so it will work better for me?

Thanks in advance!
by hcs at 3:31 AM EST on March 4, 2011
Fyi I've recently made a tool called xmash (0.3 here) which combines decryption, separation of streams, rebuilding as XMA1, and header generation. I don't know if it will work on exactly the games you are describing (it was mostly tested with GH5).
It handles both encrypted and unencrypted FSB as well as some standard XMA2 RIFF headers.

It is intended to use all-in-one, so just run
xmash.exe allalongthewatchtower_2.fsb.xen

and it will kick out
allalongthewatchtower_2.fsb.xen_multichannel sound_1_1.xma
allalongthewatchtower_2.fsb.xen_multichannel sound_1_2.xma
allalongthewatchtower_2.fsb.xen_multichannel sound_1_3.xma

which can be decoded directly with toWav.

edited 3:36 AM EST March 4, 2011
by adimifus at 8:15 AM EST on March 4, 2011
I tried using your tool on my decrypted fsb files, and it kept hanging on "Trying padding..." Maybe this is because it got decrypted funny somehow? I would try it on the original encrypted files, but I accidentally deleted them from my computer. So, I took a look at the xma header I had and tried modifying it to see if I could get towav to convert the whole file, and it worked.

I'll be sure to keep that program handy for future use, though.

by hcs at 3:02 PM EST on March 4, 2011
Weird, that means it didn't detect it as a valid FSB and it tried to decrypt it. If you could upload an example file I could probably fix it, even though you don't need it I'd like to make the tool correct.
by adimifus at 2:08 AM EST on March 5, 2011
I copied the encrypted fsb files back over from my xbox to see what would happen.
Here's what it would output:


Trying padding...
Possible key 1: 85 5b 16 20 21 89 b0 f4 bc 16 a1 86 16 2f ef 9b 9a 46 51 2c 64 3
9 9c c1 51 e0 5c c2 52 30 8c : "\x85[\x16 !\x89\xb0\xf4\xbc\x16\xa1\x86\x16/\xef

Type: FSB4
Header: 0x30 bytes
Table: 0xdd0 bytes
Body: 0x1aaa000 bytes
Total: 0x1aaae00 bytes
File: 0x1aaae00 bytes
1 subfile

0: multichannel sound_ header 0x30 entry 0x0dc4 (+0x000c padding) body 0x01aaa00
0 (+0x0000 padding) (0x00000e00)
48000 Hz 8 channels (4 streams), 14627031 samples

adlc11_1.fsb.xen_multichannel sound_1_1.xma parsed samples = 14627328, expected 14627031
Trying padding again...

After a while, it just says "failure."

Its a Guitar Hero World Tour DLC file. It does this to every GHWT DLC file I've tried.

It did produce a file "adlc11_1.fsb.xen_multichannel sound_1_1.xma", which I tried to run though the program. It just says "Trying padding..." then "failure."

Where is a good place to upload the file to?

While I have figured out the xma header issue, having an all in one tool is always a better solution.
by bxaimc at 9:19 AM EST on March 5, 2011
Anywhere that doesn't throw billions of popups/redirects/viruses/etc. at us.

edited 9:21 AM EST March 5, 2011
by adimifus at 8:28 PM EST on March 5, 2011
Ok here's the file

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