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by PabloACZ at 11:25 AM EDT on May 20, 2012
How can we compile this project properly? I only get a bunch of errors in Visual C++.
by Knurek at 12:33 PM EDT on May 20, 2012
A friend of mine managed to build the winamp2 plugin for me, here's the compile and patch for the sources.

This has something nice added, an additional window that shows you the SPU activity and a different one that allows you to mute select instruments.

Winamp 2 Plugin
by cooljacker at 1:20 PM EDT on May 20, 2012
^Yeah, that instrument option allowed me to mute (in Winamp) the water/whatever sound that was present in Rune Factory 3 2sf files, before converting to a standard codec, very helpful.

edited 1:22 PM EDT May 20, 2012
by admiralpete at 11:31 PM EST on January 4, 2013
I'm late to the party again. Any possibility of getting the plugin re-uploaded or some direction on how to compile?
by dj4uk6cjm at 12:21 AM EST on January 5, 2013
by admiralpete at 2:16 AM EST on January 5, 2013
Thanks for the reply. However, I was referring to the version that Knurek posted. Wasn't sure if they were the same.
by Knurek at 2:40 AM EST on January 5, 2013
Here you go.
by dj4uk6cjm at 3:04 AM EST on January 5, 2013
Sorry my bad, i wasn't sure which version you guys were looking for (it does have the mute-channel option i see in the prefrences/input of winamp) but ah i see knurek re-uploaded his version so all is well. :)
by JFD62780 at 5:40 AM EST on January 5, 2013
You are a LIFESAVER, Knu! This rerelease perfectly complements the newly-released XMPlay 3.7! No more scratchy 2SF's! (INB4TUK) ;)
by Mouser X at 9:14 PM EST on January 5, 2013
I wish I didn't have to ask this, but the default browser in Android can't download from sendspace (and I can't download from the Android app store, because the system refuses to acknowledge that I exist. I can login, but that's it). Could someone post a link (likely a direct link) that I can download from? I'd really appreciate it. Mouser X over and out.

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