Street Fighter IV Sound File by pietastesgood at 3:52 PM EDT on June 17, 2009
According to my friend this file is compatible with vgmstream.

I am new to vgmstream, I have all the plugins in their proper places in the winamp folders, the lib dlls in the main folder and the in_vgmstream dll in the plugins folder.

However, when i try to play the music file above, winamp simply says that the song is 0 secs long and it does not play.

Any idea as to why it does this, and is there a way I can make it play?

Thanks in advance!
by arbingordon at 4:02 PM EDT on June 17, 2009
check to see if vgmstream is picked up as a dll in the input dlls dialogue
by bxaimc at 4:08 PM EDT on June 17, 2009
Hmm, a csb file. There are .aax files inside so use this to extract them:utf_tab suite
by pietastesgood at 4:08 PM EDT on June 17, 2009
Yep, it is.

vgmstream plugin r601 Mar 13 2009 [in_vgmstream.dll]
by pietastesgood at 4:10 PM EDT on June 17, 2009
Thanks, I'll try that out!

Edit: It works! Thanks so much!

edited 4:13 PM EDT June 17, 2009

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