Army Of Two 40th Day Qvorbs WWise format by OrangeC at 7:37 AM EST on January 9, 2010
I thought the ww2ogg tool would support the qvorbs from ao2 but i was wrong, it might need to be updated because of different headers or somethings in the header. other files in the game use xma wwise which is easy to decode.

anyway hcs here is the first of the several qvorb files.

by hcs at 12:53 PM EST on January 10, 2010
Added support in 0.4 for RIFF smaller than the whole file, these had a bit of padding at the end.
by OrangeC at 12:58 PM EST on January 10, 2010
Thanks works perfectly hcs.
by OrangeC at 8:34 AM EST on January 11, 2010
Okay well i have found 14 files that give me an unknown sub type OUTRO 01.dat and 13 files that says invalid codebook id error.
by hcs at 10:06 AM EST on January 11, 2010
Just needed to add a subtype for OUTRO, for the others I added support for the codebooks being inline, you need to use --inline-codebooks. 0.5.

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