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Animal Forest, missing hourly music. by AENIGMA at 5:14 PM EDT on October 16, 2005
First off, thank you so much for making the USF for this game. I checked out all of the music and noticed that the only hourly music that was included, was the default music:

sparse01.ram.miniram.miniusf = 12:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse02.ram.miniram.miniusf = 1:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse03.ram.miniram.miniusf = 2:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse04.ram.miniram.miniusf = 3:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse05.ram.miniram.miniusf = 4:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse06.ram.miniram.miniusf = 5:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse07.ram.miniram.miniusf = 6:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse08.ram.miniram.miniusf = 7:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse09.ram.miniram.miniusf = 8:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0a.ram.miniram.miniusf = 9:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0b.ram.miniram.miniusf = 10:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0c.ram.miniram.miniusf = 11:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0d.ram.miniram.miniusf = 12:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse0e.ram.miniram.miniusf = 1:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse0f.ram.miniram.miniusf = 2:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse10.ram.miniram.miniusf = 3:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse11.ram.miniram.miniusf = 4:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse12.ram.miniram.miniusf = 5:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse13.ram.miniram.miniusf = 6:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse14.ram.miniram.miniusf = 7:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse15.ram.miniram.miniusf = 8:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse16.ram.miniram.miniusf = 9:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse17.ram.miniram.miniusf = 10:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse18.ram.miniram.miniusf = 11:00 pm (default) Hourly music

In the Winter (in the game), when it's snowing, the hourly music is different. It sounds more seasonal. Also, during the Cherry Blossom Festival (in the game), April 5th - 7th, the music is also different. It sounds more mellow.

Have you come across these songs when making the USF [a total of 48 tracks]?
by hcs at 5:53 PM EDT on October 16, 2005
There is a gap of 104 tracks that don't seem to play, these might fall in there somewhere.
Now that I know I'm looking for time-dependent stuff I might be able to figure out how to get these working...

edited 10:23 PM EDT October 16, 2005
by AENIGMA at 9:47 PM EDT on October 16, 2005
I just remembered that there are also 2 versions of all of the Totakeke "Live" Songs. The Aircheck (radio) version of the "Live" songs are also missing from the USF. Here are all of the "Live" songs:

sparse3a.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec0.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec1.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec2.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec3.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec4.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec5.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec6.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec7.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec8.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsec9.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseca.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsecb.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsecc.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsecd.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsece.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsecf.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed0.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed1.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed2.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed3.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed4.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed5.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed6.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed7.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed8.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsed9.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseda.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsedb.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsedc.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsedd.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsede.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsedf.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee0.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee1.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee2.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee3.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee4.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee5.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee6.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee7.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee8.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsee9.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseea.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseeb.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseec.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseed.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseee.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparseef.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef0.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef1.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef2.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef3.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef4.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef5.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef6.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef7.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef8.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)
sparsef9.ram.miniram.miniusf = (Totakeke Live Song)

Some of the "Live" songs may be repeats (like sparse3a.ram.miniram.miniusf is the same as sparsef9.ram.miniram.miniusf). In the GameCube version of the game there were a total of 55 Totakeke songs and 55 Aircheck (radio) songs. With the missing hourly music [48 tracks] and missing Airchecks [55 tracks] that makes a total of 103 tracks, leaving 1 missing track left.

The last missing track may be a alternative version of sparse2b.ram.miniram.miniusf . In sparse2b.ram.miniram.miniusf Totakeke plays his guitar, but after you talk to him (in the game), you'll hear the BG music without his guitar. The song without the guitar is also missing.
by hcs at 10:02 PM EDT on October 16, 2005
Eeeeexcellent... that would explain everything nicely. Now I just have to find whatever triggers that.
I remember zoopd mentioned something like this for Tetrisphere, even with the song selection function it wouldn't play the chiptunes unless you unlocked them with a cheat code.
by hcs at 6:04 AM EDT on October 18, 2005
CRAP, all my animal forest data is corrupt or missing. I'll have to rerip it if I hope to find these tracks.
by marioman at 6:59 AM EDT on October 18, 2005
Bummer. Oh well, hopefully it won't be that hard since you have ripped it before.

Hey AENIGMA, if hcs gets the full Animal Forest set finished, can you tag it? I think that some of the music on this game is pretty good, and I would like to see it tagged. Just wondering.
by hcs at 5:24 PM EDT on October 18, 2005
I can only hope I have some paper notes around, it was hell figuring the damned thing out and I don't remember much.
by AENIGMA at 6:01 PM EDT on October 18, 2005
I'm new to this type of game music, is tagging just renaming the .miniusf file? Like:

-renamed would be-

If so, then sure I'll tag the tracks. I have most of the tracks named. There are about 15 tracks I need to figure out what the music is related to. Animal Forest/Crossing is a huge game to sort through music wise. A lot of the music only plays on a certain day/event/time. There are also some differences between the N64 (JP) game and the GameCube (US) game. The GameCube version has a lot more music and some of the "Events" in the game may be different.
by Mouser X at 6:16 PM EDT on October 18, 2005
Well, renaming is basically part of tagging, but no, that's not it. In Winamp, if you click a song, and push "ALT+3" an info box will appear. In that box, there's a "Title" field, artist field, game name field, year, genre, comments, tagger, length, fade, and volume. When tagging, it is usually expected that you at least fill the "Title" field (though there's a few where this hasn't happened), the artist field (again, this is much prefered), the game name field (this should be easy), and loop the song twice in the length field, and fade for the appropriete time. You can ignore the volume field, it's not used to oten anyway (but it can be useful if the song is to quiet or to loud).

Hopefully, that helps. You can also use a utility called "psfpoint." It can take a batch file, and fill all those fields from the batch file.

So you know, a batch file, for psfpoint, would look something like this:

psfpoint -game="Animal Forest" -artist=unknown *.miniusf

psfpoint -title="am Hourly Music (defualt)" -length=1:00 -fade=5 12_am_Hourly_Music_(defualt).miniusf

and so on. Again, hopefully that can help. Mouser X over and out.
by Josh W at 6:16 PM EDT on October 18, 2005
yes, but also there is the internal name that is used by winamp (can be viewed by selecting an item in the playlist and pressing Alt-3

Then there are textboxes that are for information such as Title,Game,Artist... which can be edited there.

Then, also you rename the file to something sensible


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