CPK/CSB Doucmentation? by Azu at 8:40 PM EST on November 11, 2011
So, I'm looking to see if anyone has any documentation this that would help in creating a file browser (like an ISO Tool i.e WInImage, etc) that would browser, extract and replace files in the CPK/CSB without actually unpacking them.
by snakemeat at 8:59 PM EST on November 11, 2011
You could look at hcs's utf_tab suite tools, since he included source for them.
by hcs at 9:46 PM EST on November 11, 2011
As snakemeat says, my code is probably the best explanation at the moment (aluigi has converted a lot of it to QuickBMS). If you want some tables, here's something I wrote up back when I was working on it (January 1 2009). Not sure how accurate it is relative to the newer utf_tab stuff.


0x00-0x03: "@UTF" - chunk name
0x04-0x07: chunk size (big-endian)
__ proper start of chunk
0x08-0x0b: (values?)
0x0C-0x0f: offset of string table (from proper start)
0x10-0x13: end of string table? start of whatever is next?

then entries:
0x00-0x03: string table offset of entry name
0x04: flags? 0 = special header inline?
__ inline
0x05: size (counting from 4)
__not inline
0x05: ? single byte


(sizes and offsets within chunks are from byte 8 of the chunk, just after the header and size, and big endian)
TBLCSB format (.csb file):
0x00-0x03: @UTF
0x04-0x07: chunk size
0x08-0x0b: subchunk list?
0x0c-0x0f: offset of string table
0x10-0x13: offset of contents
0x14-0x17: string table offset of chunk name ("TBLCSB")

0x18-0x1b: 0x0003000D
0x1c-0x1f: 6 (number of subchunks to follow?)
0x20: 0x5a ?
0x21-0x24: string table offset of "name"
0x25: 0x50 ?
0x26-0x29: string table offset of "ttype"
0x2a: 0x5b ?
0x2b-0x2e: string table offset of "utf"

(further unmarked "offsets" are within the TBLCSB contents)
0x2f-0x32: string table offset of info chunk name ("INFO")
0x33: 07 ?
0x34-0x37: offset of info chunk
0x38-0x3b: size of info chunk

0x3c-0x3f: string table offset of cue chunk name ("CUE")
0x40: 01 ?
0x41-0x44: offset of cue chunk
0x45-0x48: size of cue chunk

0x49-0x4c: string table offset of synth chunk name ("SYNTH")
0x4d: 02 ?
0x4e-0x51: offset of synth chunk
0x52-0x55: size of synth chunk

0x56-0x59: string table offset of sound element chunk name ("SOUND_ELEMENT")
0x5a: 04 ?
0x5b-0x5e: offset of sound element chunk
0x5f-0x62: size of sound element chunk

0x63-0x66: string table offset of Isaac chunk name ("ISAAC")
0x67: 05 ?
0x68-0x6b: offset of Isaac chunk
0x6c-0x6f: size of Isaac chunk

0x70-0x73: string table offset of voice limit group chunk name ("VOICE_LIMIT_GROUP")
0x74: 06
0x75-0x78: offset of voice limit group chunk name
0x79-0x7c: size of voice limit group chunk

TBL_INFO format
0x00-0x03: @UTF
0x04-0x07: chunk size
0x08-0x0b: 0x22 ?
0x0c-0x0f: offset of string table
0x10-0x13: offset of contents
0x14-0x17: string table offset of chunk name ("TBL_INFO")

0x18-0x19: 2 ?
0x1a-0x1b: 8 ?
0x1c-0x1f: 1?
0x20: 0x54 ?
0x21-0x24: string table offset of "DataFmtVer"
0x25: 0x54 ?
0x26-0x29: string table offset of "ExtSize"

0x2a-0x2b: 0x94 ?
0x2c-0x2d: 0 ?
0x2e-0x31: 0x1758 or 0x14E0 ?


0x00-0x03: @UTF
0x04-0x07: chunk size
0x00-0x03: offset of sound element list
0x04-0x07: offset of string table
0x08-0x0b: offset of contents
0x0c-0x0f: string table offset of chunk name ("TBLSDL")
0x10-0x11: 0x07 number of fields
0x12-0x13: 0x17 or 0x15 size of whole structure
0x14-0x17: number of elements
0x18: 0x5a ?
0x19-0x1c: string offset of "name"
0x1d: 0x5b ?
0x1e-0x21: string offset of "data"
0x22: 0x30 or 0x50 ?
0x23-0x26: string offset of "fmt"
0x27-0x28: 0x0050 ?
0x29-0x2c: string offset of "nch"
0x2d: 0x30 or 0x50?
0x2e-0x31: string offset of "stmflg"
0x32-0x33: 0x0054 ?
0x34-0x37: string offset of "sfreq"
0x38: 0x54
0x39-0x3c: string offset of "nsmpl"


general table structure
0x00-0x03: @UTF
0x04-0x07: table size
0x08-0x0b: offset of rows (from 8)
0x0c-0x0f: offset of string table (from 8)
0x10-0x13: offset of data/contents (from 8)
0x14-0x17: string table offset of table name
0x18-0x19: number of fields
0x1a-0x1b: size of each field
0x1c-0x1f: number of rows

field type description:
starts with a single byte, indicates type
0x00: type
0x01-0x04: string table offset of field name
0x05-: constant value


#define COLUMN_TYPE_MASK 0x0f
#define COLUMN_TYPE_DATA 0x0b
#define COLUMN_TYPE_FLOAT 0x08
#define COLUMN_TYPE_8BYTE 0x06
#define COLUMN_TYPE_4BYTE 0x04
#define COLUMN_TYPE_2BYTE2 0x03
#define COLUMN_TYPE_2BYTE 0x02
#define COLUMN_TYPE_1BYTE2 0x01
#define COLUMN_TYPE_1BYTE 0x00

The duplicates (2BYTE2 and 1BYTE2) are probably signed vs unsigned.

edited 9:53 PM EST November 11, 2011
by Azu at 10:11 AM EST on November 12, 2011
Thanks a lot, this should help.

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