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by hcs at 8:51 PM EDT on July 10, 2005
Changed the initial handshake/sync thingy and now it works on Windows XP, Windows 98, and in a Linux port. The current source for this and some other projects runderwo and I have collected are in the n64dev SourceForge project CVS.
I'm glad to get that out of the way, now I can focus on actually writing stuff for the N64.
by hcs at 9:10 AM EDT on July 11, 2005
Oh, delicious irony:
The guy who wrote the program I first disassembled (because he refused to give me the source) now wants to incorporate my improved version into his own project.
Well, the source is out there now, anyone's welcome to it (I've got to get a license on it sometime...)
by Mouser X at 11:56 AM EDT on July 11, 2005
Hah. If it was me, I'd be thinking "If you had given me your source in the first place, it would have been faster/better." Though in truth, all I'd say is something like "I'll let you use it if you give me help next time I ask for it."

Then again, I might say nothing at all, and they use it anyway. But yes, that is rather funny. That's what you get when you mess with HCS! See your program? Can I use your source? No? Well, I'll figure out myself. What's this? Mine is better than yours, and you wouldn't even let me see your source? Well, hopefully it helps out. (My reply would probably be closer to "Geez. Thanks for the help!").

Anyway, there's my 2 cents. Mouser X over and out.
by hcs at 12:55 PM EDT on July 11, 2005
Well, he had a legitimate reason not to give it to me. I told him I'd be releasing whatever source I end up with and his apparently came from official Datel/Interact sources, so he wasn't really at liberty to distribute it anyway.

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