PSF Upgrade Utility by MarkGrass at 10:41 PM EDT on October 11, 2015
It recently came to my attention that one (or more) of my old drivers is bugged.
This utility will fix that by upgrading the PSF to use the newest driver.
It's super easy to use and actually works with any PSF, even if it wasn't created with any of my previous drivers (note: must use standard SDK data types -- SEQ, VH and VB)
This utility updates old PSF files to use my current generic sequence driver (v4.2.1)
This utility is compatible with any PSF file, even if it wasn't originally created with any of my previous drivers, but only if standard Sony SDK format data is used: pQES (SEQ) pBAV (VH+VB)
Commandline usage is not necessary!
You may simply select any amount of PSF files in a folder with your mouse and "Drag & Drop" them onto the "PSFUpgrade.exe" executable file. However, this application presumes the following:
SEQ data is located at 0x800A0000 VH data is located at 0x800E0000 VB data is located at 0x80160000
If any data is not located in these addresses, you must use commandline parameters.
The following commandline parameters are not case sensitive and may be called in any order:
SEQ <ADDRESS> ADDRESS must be in hexdecimal format VH <ADDRESS> ADDRESS must be in hexdecimal format VB <ADDRESS> ADDRESS must be in hexdecimal format
Option to support minipsf sets? Whoever ripped the Rayman set, for instance, split the set up so that redundant VH/VB blocks are in their own PSFLIB files.
Of course, there are so few files in the set, it could be easier to just upgrade the whole lot by hand. Or at least mass convert them from minipsf/psflib to .EXE first.
Converting FROM minipsf/psflib shouldn't be hard, it'd just be converting back TO it, which should be left as an exercise to the ripper.