Twisted Metal 2: Audio from str files by godzfire at 2:54 PM EST on February 26, 2015
Guys, I'm at my wit's end here and desperately hoping you can help.

I'm trying to get the audio from the PS1 game Twisted Metal 2. On the disc are some str movies. I have thrown every single program I can find on Google and Zophar's Domain at those damn things to try and get the audio from them, but nothing works.

I'm hoping and praying someone can extract the audio from them for me. I would be eternally grateful.

Small example file for testing on
All Movie Files
by Nisto at 3:04 PM EST on February 26, 2015
Did you extract the "STR" files as raw (2352 bytes/sector)? That's the only way to work on such files. Then you can pass them to the CDXA extractor in VGMToolbox.
by godzfire at 11:18 PM EST on February 26, 2015
Nisto how does one extract the files as raw?
by Nisto at 12:40 AM EST on February 27, 2015
You can do it with IsoBuster (it's free, it just has some odd unavailable features and occasional nag screens for registration). There are certainly other programs that do it, this is just what I use.

EDIT: Come to think of it VGMToolbox can do it too...

It's under Misc. Tools -> Extraction Tools -> Generic -> ISO/Archive Extractor

edited 5:59 AM EST February 27, 2015
by godzfire at 10:32 PM EST on February 27, 2015
Nistro, you are a wonderful, wonderful man. It worked, I'm so happy.

I have one other question for you and everyone else. Twisted Metal 2 contains redbook audio for it's soundtrack, and there's also the audio that's with the movies you helped me extract.

However, there's a vab file that has the sound samples. Problem is, playing them, a bunch play way too fast/not proper speeds. Any idea why that is happening?

by Nisto at 12:00 AM EST on February 28, 2015
VAB files are typically used for sequenced music samples or sound effects. There isn't any tool (yet.. afaik) that extracts VAB samples with accurate sample rates, unless the game has it stored somewhere, but GenPSF has experimental support for it since version 4 ( ?). You can give that a try. Looks like Rom Hacking is down at the moment though, and the links posted in the tool's thread here seems to be dead too (bugger!) But Rom Hacking was up and running just the other day when I was browsing the site, so I'm sure it'll be up soon in case you can't find the tool some place else.
by godzfire at 2:39 AM EST on March 3, 2015
Got something a little different this time, it's the sound effects vag from the PC version of Twisted Metal 1 and is supposed to be higher quality than the PSX version. Only problem is, PSound and Video Game Sound Converter won't touch it. Can anyone try their luck at it:

by Nisto at 3:07 AM EST on March 3, 2015
I'm not sure about this one. But there's a good chance 0x38 is the sample rate.

Perhaps it's just WAV? I'll leave it up to the more "universally experienced" audio people as I have no experience with decoding/encoding audio.

edited 8:15 AM EST March 3, 2015
by godzfire at 4:31 PM EST on March 3, 2015
Anyone know what I need to do to do the cutters on this?
by Nisto at 1:46 AM EST on March 4, 2015
How was the .Vab file extracted? Because I'm 99.9% sure 0x30 is the sample's size, but the size of all of them adds up to 0x890A0C (8981004) bytes, while there's only 0x22F518 (2290968) bytes of audio in the file you uploaded. There appears to be no offsets, so the offsets are calculated relative to the size of any previous sample(s) (meaning there has to be a continuous stream adding up to 8981004 bytes.. unless the header was defined for some stuff that ended up not being used).

edited 7:29 AM EST March 4, 2015
by godzfire at 11:02 PM EST on March 4, 2015
I just pulled it straight from the PC disc.
by Nisto at 1:09 AM EST on March 5, 2015
Hmm okay. I'll see what I can do. It seems to be just raw PCM.
by Nisto at 3:17 AM EST on March 6, 2015
Can you check if this does the job?

It's a Python script, so you will need to have Python available (installation is easy, just grab it from - preferably Python 3 as that is what I wrote it for, haven't tested it with Python 2). Just pass the full path as the first argument to the script, like so:

I am not familiar with the game at all so I am not 100% sure the sample rates are correct. There are two other possibilities for the location of the sample rates, but I tried as best I could. If anything at all seems off, please report back and I will try something else.

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