This place is alive ? :) need Zero Tolerance covers by SeregaZ at 12:27 PM EDT on September 30, 2024
If anyone can make nice Zero Tolerance game music covers - will be nice. One my comrade work on greatest romhack of ZT in a history. So greatest romhack will be a more great, if it will be some new music - covers, or same style like music. Like Depeche Mode - Christmas Island for example. When i hear it - my braim it self paint images with ZT game :)

Deflemask or Furnace will be nice. VGM Music Maker - fine too. No samples. 4 or maybe 5 channels for FM and 2 for tone, without noice channel of PSG. Defle i can convert into GEMS. VGM MM, with some ass pain can too. Never work with Furnace, but i dont think it will be harder, than Defle.

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