Paper Mario n64 .mid by shuttlecock72 at 2:31 AM EDT on October 10, 2024
In look for any tools to grab .mid, .sf2 from Paper Mario. The n64 sound bank tool is not ideal
Paper Mario by Jiji at 9:47 AM EDT on October 16, 2024
I totally understand the struggle of finding the right tools for extracting .mid and .sf2 files, especially when the standard ones don’t quite do the job. When I was working on a similar project, I found that exploring various online platforms led me to some useful resources. One site I came across was and it had a few listings that helped me solve my issue in an unexpected way. It might be worth checking out different platforms to see what tools or advice you can find. Hope this helps!
by aerorime at 11:17 PM EDT on October 16, 2024
@shuttecock72 There isn't many other tools that can extract both the midi and the s2f files from an N64 game. You're better off posting an issue on the N64-Tools GitHub page since they're still active. I was recently getting some help with the same thing you're doing, but with a GameCube port of an N64 game.

I should also mention that there is a USF rip of Paper Mario right here, which is more accurate than the music you would get from extracting midi and s2f files from a game using the N64-Tools. If you want to play the USF files, don't forget to download Foobar2000 and the LazyUSF component. I hope that this helps with your issue!

edited 12:42 AM EDT October 17, 2024

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