NDS Sound Drivers by Igoreshazhu at 2:25 AM EST on February 17, 2025
I'm looking for some kind of specialist here who is better versed in DS sound drivers. This is needs for unfinished list in VGMPF.

This list was started by Duc Nguyen because of his own obsession. In early version of his list he wrote all sorts of lies there, which I had to eliminate: https://vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php?title=Nintendo_DS_sound_drivers

I'm know only Nitro Composer by Nintendo, DSX Sound Engine by Shin'en Multimedia, sound driver by Engine Software, which mostly used in games by 1st Playable Productions and games which composed by Bart Roijmans. Later i found sound driver by Logik State, which mostly used by Allister Brimble and Anthony Putson and sound driver, that used in games by Ubisoft Casablanca (King Kong, Prince of Persia, Star Wars: Lethal Alliance and Rabbids series).

Now i checking some Nitro Composer games used CyberBotX's NDStoNCSF tool and NDS Header Tool. Later i found that last Shin'en games used sdat files, not dsxe. I mean, in Barbie and the Three Musketeers and Aliens: Infestation. And Over the Hedge uses gob file instead of dsxe, while Shin'en Multimedia is creditied there. It seems that DSX by Shin'en used only in 31 games (or 32 including demo version of Anaka, but it unconfirmed). Maybe there's missed some games.

Also I'm used EPFExplorer for checking games, which uses Engine Software. Also I found, that games, which uses Logik State sound driver, uses .ls files.

I will be glad if someone helps me with confirmation.
by Igoreshazhu at 2:36 AM EST on February 17, 2025
I finished research of DS drivers a week ago, but i ignored some games for kids and with unknown file formats. Sound drivers, that used in games by A2M, Amaze Entertainment (early games), Barking Lizards, Magic Pockets and Vicarious Visions are still doesn't identified. Most of games with streamed music is moved to Nitro Composer section, as well as DSX by Shin'en, LS_Play by Logik State and sound driver by Ubisoft Casablanca, since these drivers are branches of Nitro Composer.

Maybe I'm really missed some games that uses bin files for music. Maybe someone will can help me and confirm it.
by Igoreshazhu at 5:24 AM EST on February 17, 2025
I'm also interested, did loose STRM and SWAV files are extracted version of Nitro Composer sound driver?

Same goes with one Golgo 13 game and Journey to the Centre of the Earth, which uses loose SSEQ files.

Afaik, most of Nitro games uses SDAT files, but some games uses extracted Nitro Composer file formats, which i mentioned.

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