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- by valiant at 12:41 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- Possible.
Would have to check the individual scene with my headphones plugged into the TV. Unfortunately I noticed the error long after I passed the cutscenes in question. Given that they have really bad fade-outs in some of their files, it's probably Nintendo's fault.
- by Mouser X at 1:37 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- I got this as soon as I knew it was available (before HCS even), but I didn't comment on it until now. Really nice job. Thanks you *so* much! I'm very impressed with the music of this game. Mostly because, when playing through, I didn't find the music to be that noteworthy. It was rare that I noticed the music at all, even. Listening through your rip though, I've been able to realize that the music is actually really good for 2 main reasons. 1) It's good, even by itself; 2) It does its job really well. In the game, it doesn't "overpower" the game, but is instead background music. It blends in, and compliments the game. Thus, in the game, it wasn't noticable (which is how it ideally how it should be, considering its purpose), but by itself, it's still really good.
As for the rip, I found the songs to all be very quiet. Specifically, I tend to listen to my music at -25 db in Rockbox (it veries between -30 db and -20 db), but with this rip, it was between -15 db and -5 db, meaning, I had to turn it up more than I'm used to. This is only a minor complaint though, since I *can* turn it up (obviously, since I did). I, too, would like to see the "artist" tag filled. In Rockbox, I got "Nintendo" as the artist, since the artist info wasn't available. It defaulted to another method of reading info, and the TP rip is in a "Nintendo" folder.
This may be irrelevant, but what about Replay Gain tags? Reading what you've posted, it sounds like you applied Replay Gain when you encoded the files. Thus, RG tags shouldn't be necessary, if I read that correctly. I don't normally use RG (for various reasons), but with as quiet as these were, I considered it because I think I can "preamp" the songs with it.
Last request: If I provided you with an ADX encoder, could you convert some of these songs to ADX? Due to the amount of songs, I would never expect you to do it for all of them. But, I could hope you'd be willing to do it for a few of them. The reason I'd want them converted to ADX is for looping support. While others may disagree (I know I've seen some people who didn't like it at GFF), the Hyrule Field at night music is some of my favorite. I'd like to have that one loop if I could. There are of course others, but I thought I'd ask you if you'd be willing to even do it. I can't do it because I don't have the originals, and I don't have a reliable means of discovering the point at which the music loops. You might not either, but the way the readme sounds, is that you at least have a better idea than I do about how to find the loop point, and to get it to loop properly.
If you're unwilling or unable to do this, then could you give me some pointers on how to do it myself? There's some good songs in TP that I'd like to have loop. This also goes for some other games that I'd like to convert to ADX for looping support. So, if you have any pointers on how to do this/how to find loop points/match up loop points, I'd appreciate any help you can offer.
Thanks again for the awesome rip. I *really* appreciate the work that went into this. It sounds top-notch. Mouser X over.
- by anewuser at 1:51 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- For any unable or unwilling to download from megaupload > I'm among those. Thanks, hcs / Prime Blue
edited 2:03 PM EST December 8, 2007
- by holyice7 at 5:20 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- I noticed some of the incorrect loops as well (probably because all I can do here is find loops and fix I'm a bit sensitive to it), but if what Mouser wants becomes reality, I would be more than happy to aid with re-timing.
One thing you could do is open the mp3 in Audacity or another such music editor and find the loop visually and audibly against the timing bar at the top of the application, then make notes somewhere for Prime to change the fade start.
Of course, that's assuming he left the Field Night theme long enough to include the loops you need.
- by Mouser X at 5:36 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- I never said it was timed/looped wrong. It plays twice through, and then fades out. This is what I expected it to do. However, I like the song, and I'd like to listen to it (w/o fade in/fade out, in other words, w/o ending and restarting) for longer than it plays when looped twice. Essentially, coverting the music to ADX, with correct loop points, would make it similar to most other emulated formats, in that it could loop infinitely, if so desired. Converting it to ADX isn't going to fix looping issues, if the problems are present in the original file, or if the loop points are incorrect.
If there's a problem with loops, then perhaps you should point them out? I'm sure that Prime Blue would be glad to know about it. I didn't divert my full attention to the rip, since I listened to it at work. However, it sounded really good to me, just a little too quiet.
Prime Blue: One other thing. If you're willing to help with some ADX conversions/looping support/issues, would it be okay if I were to provide you list of songs I want converted? The Hyrule night music is the one I want the most, but there are a few others I'd like to see given looping support as well. Mouser X over.
edited 5:42 PM EST December 8, 2007
- by AENIGMA at 6:38 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- Mouser X, what program are you using to convert to ADX? And does it convert WAV to ADX?
I just finished converting the Bully soundtrack to MP3 and I wish I knew that there was a program that could do that before I started :(
Did a little searching and I found adxencd and it seems to work :) Is this what you use?
edited 7:18 PM EST December 8, 2007
- by Mouser X at 9:52 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- It's the same version number (I downloaded it and ran it to check), so I guess you're good to go. I got mine from an English site though. Also, the only input files it can take are WAV, so yes. To convert MP3s (or whatever) to ADX, you'd have to output it to WAV first. The ADX encoder is a command line app, if that's an issue. I know a frontend for the ADX encoder exists, but I've never been able to find it...
Anyway, hopefully that answers your question. The ADX encoder isn't that hard to use. The hard part is knowing the sample address (number of samples) of the loop points. If anyone has some pointers on how to (preferably easily) find those (using a free program), I'd appreciate it. There's some really good music out there that I'd like to get looped... Mouser X over.
- by AENIGMA at 10:42 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- Thanks Mouser X, I'm probably going to re-rip the music again (through MFAudio) and manually edit the clicks out again. R* made the audio 22050Hz and in the process it made tons of clicks in the louder songs.
I use GoldWave to edit audio and it shows multiple time data including the sample address (see the menu at the bottom the this screen grab). I think Audacity might show the sample address as well.
- by unknownfile at 11:02 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- FUN FACT: ADX is a lossy format
- by Mouser X at 11:28 PM EST on December 8, 2007
- Unkownfile is correct. ADX is a lossy format, and doesn't compress (lossy or not) as well as MP3 does. As such, your ADX files will almost certainly be larger than the MP3 equivilent. However, depending on the bitrate, this is not always the case. Espeically since the MP3 has twice as much audio time (2 loops) as the ADX does. In other words, it might be close to the same size (since the MP3 has twice the data), but it probably won't be very close (since MP3 uses a much better compression method).
On the note of GoldWave or Audacity, is there a way to have 2 WAV streams open in the same window, so that I can do a side-by-side comparison to aid in finding the loop point? What are the memory recommendations for GoldWave or Audacity? I know I've attempted to use them before. My guess is I had memory issues, and gave up... Or patience issues... Mouser X over.
- by AENIGMA at 12:02 AM EST on December 9, 2007
- you can open multiple files with both programs but Audacity does a better job with it. Audacity's file windows are 'linked' whereas GoldWave uses 'windowed' windows.
I'm not sure about memory, I've been using GoldWave since Windows 95 and I've never had a problem with it. GoldWave seems to be faster at deflashing longer audio files than Audacity (I opened/deflashed a 2hr WAV file in Audacity and it took ~3min to open, but it took only ~1min in GoldWave).
- by SquareTex at 1:12 AM EST on December 9, 2007
- MouserX, I can help with the ADX. I'm absolutely CRAZY about that format. :)
I use Goldwave to trim the desired file to a workable loop and save it as a WAV. I also cooked up a little frontend to adxenc; I just feed it the WAV's name, the start sample number, and the loop sample number. Presto!
Just put up a list of what tracks you'd like to see looped, and I'll try and work on 'em this week.
edited 1:13 AM EST December 9, 2007
- by Lunar at 3:12 AM EST on December 9, 2007
- ADX encoder frontend? Yes please!
- by valiant at 5:00 AM EST on December 9, 2007
- You can of course turn up the volume of most of the files, but you'll get clipping with some of them. "Lakebed Temple", "Arbiter's Grounds" and "Jovani's House" for example are at their absolute maximum, ~83db.
Cant' help you with the ADX thing, you'll have to figure that out yourself. The loop points however are very easy to recognize (especially in "Hyrule Field Night Theme").
holyice7, would be nice if you could elaborate on which tracks' loops you have problems with. I'm positive they're all perfectly okay.
- by Omochao at 8:08 PM EST on December 9, 2007
- Something I need to mention about Four Swords Adventures. On the disc there is a file called SMW.AFC This is the main theme of Super Mario World, but I don't recall hearing it anywhere in FSA.
- by nensondubois at 9:36 PM EST on December 9, 2007
- That's weird. smw.afc shouldn't be there. Maybe it was a space filler or they were going to use but didn't.
- by valiant at 11:53 PM EST on December 9, 2007
- It's actually the Special Zone theme after it looped eight times in a row. Maybe a track to test some kind of technology.
- by Mouser X at 3:17 AM EST on December 10, 2007
- SquareTex: Awesome! I would really appreciate your help. I've narrowed down my list to something between 20-66 songs that I'd like as ADXs. The variation is due to having a "Really want" and a "nice to have" list. I'd upload/pastebin the list, but it's too late to do so now. Besides, I need to look it over again to be sure I've got the ones selected I want.
There's 2 reasons I asked Prime Blue for the help. He's got the lossless files to work from, and he *might* have the uncombined dynamic musics still (not sure on that. If you don't, no big deal. It was just a thought). If they're still available (which I *slightly* doubt, due to the rip having been completed/released), then it'd be pretty cool to have some of those dynamic tracks as ADXs.
Anyway, thanks for the offer of help, SquareTex, and thanks (again) for the awesome rip, Prime Blue. Mouser X over.
- by Lunar at 6:05 AM EST on December 10, 2007
- I suppose instead of using ADX to achieve looping, the BMS sequences could be supported in in_cube. *hides*
- by Omochao at 10:35 PM EST on December 10, 2007
- in_cube is streamed formats only.
- by marioman at 10:39 PM EST on December 10, 2007
- For now... >_>
- by Omochao at 3:55 AM EST on December 11, 2007
- True, but I suppose that could change.
In the meanwhile, here are additional links for the rips:
Twilight Princess:
Four Swords Adventures:
- by valiant at 4:35 AM EST on December 11, 2007
- I made an update to "x8-02 - SE Collection". It now includes the confinement theme from level 4-3. I wasn't caught by the spotlights when I beat the game.
There are also two tag and order fixes for anyone who'd like to have the most up-to-date version but don't want to download the whole updated MP3 set of version 3 again.
1. Put contents of composer field in artist field.
2. Separate all normal tracks (the "xX-XX" tracks are not meant by this) into two discs. Disc 2 starts with "Heavens BGM" (so disc 1 has 38 tracks and disc 2 has 54).
- by unknownfile at 9:51 AM EST on December 11, 2007
- I am setting up some crap at home for gamecube development. My old PC is going to do the bulk of Gamecube stuff whereas my newer PC will do recordings.
As I said before, my first target is going to be Pikmin. I will rip the game in a manner similar to that of USF, by adding hooks to certain functions to kill other threads.
- by SquareTex at 10:08 AM EST on December 11, 2007
- I'm ready for your list any time, MouserX. In fact, I already got started on a few ADXs already. Good fun, actually. :)
Oh, and if we suffer another outage, send your requests along to
- by marioman at 10:16 AM EST on December 11, 2007
- This is a little off topic, but while SquareTex is reading I figure will bring it up.
SquareTex, what is the status of your Mario Golf tags? They seem complete, but for some reason they are not officially released. Can you please shed a little light on this for us?
- by SquareTex at 11:58 AM EST on December 11, 2007
- Oh wow, it HAS been awhile since that.
I think my fellow Sakuraba fan Datschge and I came up with two different running orders, and submitted both to see which one was preferable over all. Or something like that. Maybe they're BOTH official and up to "personal preference"...?
Urgggh...get old, and the memory goes. <;)
*after digging around on hard drive*
Okay...there was a batchfile to rename the USFs - that's probably what you saw - but it didn't provide numbers...and I have a couple m3u files with Dat's and my track orders.
Is that what you have, too?
edited 12:04 PM EST December 11, 2007
- by marioman at 5:53 PM EST on December 11, 2007
- Yes, I have one of the batchfiles. I am not sure if it is the most recent one though. Could it be possible for you to sort them out and make an official submission? That set is done except for your tags. Thanks in advance.
- by JILost at 9:35 PM EST on December 11, 2007
- Three things:
1. I tried downloading the FSA FLAC zip and the TP zip from hcs and in both cases, WinRAR reports "unexpected end of archive". In the words of a famous intro sequence: What happen!
edit: Apparently, the downloads didn't complete for some mysterious reason. That's being remedied.
2. Is a FLAC TP rip still forthcoming?
3. I'll be glad to help out with the ADX thing. I've made about 100 of my own over the last few years, so my results would probably be decent. As stated previously: I'll take that list any time.
edited 9:49 PM EST December 11, 2007
- by AENIGMA at 12:12 AM EST on December 12, 2007
- The ADX files adxencd makes have a lower volume than the original WAV file. Does anyone know how to get adxencd to output a file with the same volume? I tried some of the Debug Options [adxencd -opt] but all I can get it to generate is static or a file with a barely audible volume.
- by SquareTex at 12:28 AM EST on December 12, 2007
- AENIGMA: Dunno what to tell you about that. For me, I simnply take it as a "fact of life" and just make sure my source wav's volume is as full as it can be without clipping.
JILost: Divide and conquer? Sure! :)
Here's what I've done so far:
-City in the Sky - not as clean a loop as I would like...dealing with instruments without sharp waveforms is TOUGH. :S
-Faron Woods
-Fishing Hole
-Hyrule Field Night Theme
-Inside a House
-Lake Hylia
-Ordon Village
-Queen Rutelia's Theme
-Shadow Insect
-Twilight - For some reason, I am OBSESSED with this music. Long before Prime Blue had set about his task, I had taken a version of it from another rip, looped it as best as possible...and there have been many days where I would listen to it for HOURS ON END. Seriously! :D
-Zora's Domain
And just for fun...I made "bonus" editions of those last two. For Twilight, I gave it some concert-hall style reverb to make it sound "spacious". And for Zora's Domain, I copied the wav loop, dropped the pitch a full octave, and mixed the two together to make a version with a deeper ambiance to it.
Certainly not "canon", but I enjoy listening to them anyway. If enough people are curious, I can tack them on with the rest of my wares once all requests are complete. :)
- by valiant at 12:42 AM EST on December 12, 2007
- Yeah, more concert hall reverb. Certainly something this world needs.
Reverb bashing aside, I did a small test track: "Faron Woods". It's not difficult. Just analyze the wave-forms in an audio editor and search for the right loop points.
Volume differences are not the cause of adxencd - in_cube makes the playback of 44.1KHz ADX files a little more quiet. hcs addressed that issue in another thread, I think.
...ah, yes. Right.
Other ADX players get the volume right (like Cube Media Player), but generate clicks.
Never played Pikmin but am looking forward to hearing some test tracks and more information on the method used.
edited 12:47 AM EST December 12, 2007
- by SquareTex at 12:56 AM EST on December 12, 2007
- That's a good, solid ADX there, Prime Blue. We both had exactly the same idea where the loop went, as it turns out. :)
Well, since you shared, it's only fair I do the same. One ZIP file of everything I've done so far coming up...
...right here.
edited 1:27 AM EST December 12, 2007
- by Mouser X at 2:00 AM EST on December 12, 2007
- Wow! Awesome! Thanks! And I didn't even get my list(s) up yet... So, here's a link to those those lists. Nice2Have.m3u and ReallyWants.m3u
Sorry for the extra Playlist stuff. It was easier to get the list together by listening to the music, and removing those that I didn't care as much about. Also, I might have accidently included some songs/files that don't actually loop. If this is the case, feel free to ignore them, and sorry for the inconvience they may have caused.
It's pretty nice to see that some of my "Really wants" are already done! Something to note about my "ReallyWants.m3u" list is that there's a few in there that are very similar (or not, in the case of #3 and 4). Feel free to do both, or take your pick. Specific ones are (according to PL # in Winamp) #2 & 33; #3 & 4 (and with those possibly #17 & 30); #8 & 9.
You'll also notice that the "Nice2Have.m3u" contains all the tracks from my "ReallyWants.m3u" list as well. I didn't bother removing them.
Anyway, thanks! Your efforts are *hugely* appreciated. Hopefully Prime Blue would be willing to help out on this, since he has all the non-MP3 audio... (Thus, when transcoding to ADX, there's less lost because the files being transcoded from are "cleaner") I really look forward to seeing more ADXs from you awesome people!
Oh, SquareTex, I got your email. Lucky thing really, since I haven't checked my email in about 2 months... I didn't bother replying though, because I figured I'd be able to respond here.
Prime Blue: That RAR you posted a link to (from sendspace, named "10-12-07.rar") is asking for a password. Any idea why this is, or what the password might be? Or did I somehow download the wrong file?
Thanks again for the ADXs. I'll put them on my Gigabeat right now.
[Edit] Now that I've done that, I have 1 more *small* request... When naming the files, would you mind putting their track numbers (according to Prime Blue's rip) in the filename somewhere? It helps organize them. As for the "bonus" files, you can stick to Prime Blue's methond (x9 or something), or the "usual" emulated audio method of "999 - name" or something.
Dang... It's later than I anticipated. Mouser X over.
edited 2:40 AM EST December 12, 2007
- by SquareTex at 9:42 AM EST on December 12, 2007
- You're welcome, MouserX. :)
Okay, taking a look at the lists, after taking out the ones done already, that leaves:
1-23 - Ilia's Theme.mp3
1-26 - Midna's Theme.mp3
1-29 - Twilit Battle.mp3
2-23 - Hyrule Field Main Theme.mp3
2-34 - Kakariko is Saved.mp3
2-36 - Kakariko Village.mp3
3-25 - Hyrule Castle Town.mp3
3-26 - Musicians.mp3
3-30 - Agitha's Castle.mp3
4-11 - Midna in Distress.mp3
4-12 - Meet Princess Zelda Again.mp3
4-20 - Sacred Grove.mp3
4-28 - The Twilight Realm.mp3
5-05 - River Game.mp3
5-14 - Snowpeak.mp3
5-18 - Snowpeak Ruins.mp3
5-23 - Sled Game.mp3
5-26 - Chamber of Stone (Past).mp3
5-27 - Temple of Time.mp3
5-32 - Hidden Village.mp3
5-38 - Malo Mart.mp3
6-06 - Mirror of Twilight Completed.mp3
6-09 - Palace of Twilight.mp3
6-12 - Zant.mp3
6-18 - Hyrule Castle Tower.mp3
x9-08 - Midna's Theme.mp3
1-20 - Cave.mp3
1-32 - Meet Princess Zelda.mp3
1-35 - Shadow Beast.mp3
1-36 - The Light Spirit Appears.mp3
1-38 - Recover the Light.mp3
2-01 - The Lamentation of the Spirit.mp3
2-03 - The Hero Chosen by the Gods.mp3
2-07 - Forest Temple.mp3
2-21 - The Next Light Spirit.mp3
2-29 - Link is Coming.mp3
2-37 - Sanctuary.mp3
2-38 - Graveyard.mp3
2-39 - Death Mountain.mp3
3-06 - Courage.mp3
3-07 - Inside Death Mountain.mp3
3-08 - Goron Mines.mp3
3-13 - Save Ilia.mp3
3-29 - STAR Game.mp3
4-01 - Meet Ilia Again.mp3
4-03 - Prince Ralis is Saved.mp3
4-10 - Light and Darkness.mp3
4-21 - Statue Game.mp3
4-29 - Gerudo Desert.mp3
4-30 - Arbiter's Grounds.mp3
5-02 - The Sages' Theme.mp3
6-08 - Enter the Twilight Realm.mp3
6-16 - Hyrule Castle.mp3
6-20 - Zelda Battle.mp3
6-26 - Princess Zelda's Theme.mp3
6-28 - Ganondorf Battle Second Half.mp3
x9-04 - Zelda Gallery.mp3
x9-06 - Stage Select (E3 2006).mp3 this will be a challenge. I see that many of your favorites are multi-parters. What are you looking for in respect to those...individual segments looped, or a playthrough of all of it with the best possible return to the beginning?
JILost, Prime Blue, y'all get first pick. :)
p.s. Yeah, I'll mirror Prime Blue's numbering format from here on out. Sorry 'bout that.
edited 9:49 AM EST December 12, 2007
- by hcs at 1:35 PM EST on December 12, 2007
- Regarding ADX volume, it is good to know that there are players that support it correctly, from these I should be able to work out the needed amplification.
- by Mouser X at 9:20 PM EST on December 12, 2007
- SquareTex wrote:
What are you looking for in respect to those...individual segments looped, or a playthrough of all of it with the best possible return to the beginning?
Well, seperating out the different "dynamic" sections would be pretty cool, but that's not what I was expecting. I was expecting it to be played all the way through, and looped as best as possible from there. I figured that'd be the easier way to do it. However, if you want to seperate out the dynamic sections, that'd be pretty spiffy. I certainly wasn't expecting it though.
In regards to the "dynamic" sections, I was hoping that Prime Blue could help out on that... Maybe he still has them around? It'd be easier to loop them that way. If not, no big deal. Hopefully that clears that up. Mouser X over.
- by valiant at 2:36 AM EST on December 13, 2007
- A lot of the tracks you want looped are already in the AFC set. hcs still has them in his bonus folder. That leaves:
1-29 - Twilit Battle.mp3
2-23 - Hyrule Field Main Theme.mp3
2-36 - Kakariko Village.mp3
3-25 - Hyrule Castle Town.mp3
3-26 - Musicians.mp3
3-30 - Agitha's Castle.mp3
4-11 - Midna in Distress.mp3
4-20 - Sacred Grove.mp3
5-05 - River Game.mp3
5-14 - Snowpeak.mp3
5-18 - Snowpeak Ruins.mp3
5-23 - Sled Game.mp3
5-26 - Chamber of Stone (Past).mp3
5-27 - Temple of Time.mp3
5-32 - Hidden Village.mp3
5-38 - Malo Mart.mp3
6-09 - Palace of Twilight.mp3
6-12 - Zant.mp3
6-18 - Hyrule Castle Tower.mp3
1-20 - Cave.mp3
1-35 - Shadow Beast.mp3
2-01 - The Lamentation of the Spirit.mp3
2-03 - The Hero Chosen by the Gods.mp3
2-07 - Forest Temple.mp3
2-37 - Sanctuary.mp3
2-38 - Graveyard.mp3
2-39 - Death Mountain.mp3
3-07 - Inside Death Mountain.mp3
3-08 - Goron Mines.mp3
3-29 - STAR Game.mp3
4-21 - Statue Game.mp3
4-29 - Gerudo Desert.mp3
4-30 - Arbiter's Grounds.mp3
6-20 - Zelda Battle.mp3
6-28 - Ganondorf Battle Second Half.mp3
x9-04 - Zelda Gallery.mp3
Rumor has it Prime Blue doesn't have the individual sections of dynamic tracks anymore because the rip is pretty much a final release when it comes to music editing.
So, sorry about that. Although I guess they're still easy to loop the way they are now.
- by Mouser X at 12:12 AM EST on December 14, 2007
- That's no problem. Since it was the final release, I figured you didn't have them anymore anyway. I asked in case you happened to have it. As for the AFC set, I have that already (more than once, I'm sure. I ripped it myself, though Sir-Sabin [or HCS?] is the one that uploaded it). I just selected the ones I liked. If it was previously available in looping/non-looping form, I didn't bother checking. Thanks for clearing them out. Mouser X over.
- by JILost at 12:30 AM EST on December 14, 2007
- Here are the ones I plan on doing over the next few days:
2-23 - Hyrule Field Main Theme.mp3
2-36 - Kakariko Village.mp3
3-25 - Hyrule Castle Town.mp3
4-11 - Midna in Distress.mp3
4-20 - Sacred Grove.mp3
1-35 - Shadow Beast.mp3
2-39 - Death Mountain.mp3
x9-04 - Zelda Gallery.mp3
That leaves:
1-29 - Twilit Battle.mp3
3-26 - Musicians.mp3
3-30 - Agitha's Castle.mp3
5-05 - River Game.mp3
5-14 - Snowpeak.mp3
5-18 - Snowpeak Ruins.mp3
5-23 - Sled Game.mp3
5-26 - Chamber of Stone (Past).mp3
5-27 - Temple of Time.mp3
5-32 - Hidden Village.mp3
5-38 - Malo Mart.mp3
6-09 - Palace of Twilight.mp3
6-12 - Zant.mp3
6-18 - Hyrule Castle Tower.mp3
1-20 - Cave.mp3
2-01 - The Lamentation of the Spirit.mp3
2-03 - The Hero Chosen by the Gods.mp3
2-07 - Forest Temple.mp3
2-37 - Sanctuary.mp3
2-38 - Graveyard.mp3
3-07 - Inside Death Mountain.mp3
3-08 - Goron Mines.mp3
3-29 - STAR Game.mp3
4-21 - Statue Game.mp3
4-29 - Gerudo Desert.mp3
4-30 - Arbiter's Grounds.mp3
6-20 - Zelda Battle.mp3
6-28 - Ganondorf Battle Second Half.mp3
Also, if there's any other obvious request that was on the "Offical Soundtrack" CD, I can do it -- I own the CD and thus, can start with a lossless source. If either of you others want any of these tracks for yourself (or specifically DON'T want any of the remaining ones), let me know and I'll adjust accordingly. I have my own webspace, so I'll upload my results to that.
Also, since Mouser X seems to be saying that division of the dynamic parts is up to the person doing the editing, I plan to do Hyrule Castle Town as individual parts and Hyrule Field as one giant loop, since the Town sections don't transition well into each other and Hyrule Field's do.
edit: Uploaded Kakariko Village, Midna in Distress, and Hyrule Field.
edited 1:47 AM EST December 14, 2007
- by holyice7 at 8:48 AM EST on December 14, 2007
- Sorry for the lateness; I'd much like to help exact the loops for anything that hasn't been scrutinized already, but there seems to be something strange up with my remaining ear
I have unilateral hearing loss, and I've recently gotten some strange constant ringing in the good ear, so I'm having some trouble listening to the tracks properly.
I'm hoping it clears up.
In the meantime, what was contained in that "10-12-07" .zip? It appears to need a password...
- by Mouser X at 9:10 AM EST on December 14, 2007
- It was a re-release of the Four Swords rip. The password is pretty simple. HCS figured it out. It's in the #usf logs. Just think "Who uploaded it, and what might the password be, (remove spaces)?" Since primeblue didn't reply to my question of the password last time, he might not want it on these forums. Hope that helps. Mouser X over and out.
- by Mouser X at 8:19 PM EST on December 21, 2007
- I've been enjoying the ADXs that have currently been made available. Awesome work. Thanks a lot! If I might make a small suggestion though, how easy/worth it, would it be to remove the "horn" at the beginning of some of the "mini-game" tracks? Though that might not be "cannon" it is my opinion that, if it's not a problem, those songs could be slightly improved if it weren't interupting the mood. Of course, I really appreciate what you've done (all of you!) so far, so feel free to ignore that suggestion if you wish.
Last, if you don't mind my asking, how's it going? The ADXs that are already available are great, but if more were made available, you wouldn't see me complain... Anyway, thanks again for your awesome work! If I had the means, I'd see what I could do to do some of these myself. However, my PC is not available to me, so I am not able to use this computer as freely as I would my own. :( Mouser X over.
- by valiant at 9:14 AM EST on December 22, 2007
- Although it's not impossible, I will ignore this suggestion - as...suggested by you. You know, over the past few weeks I've heard the strangest complaints from people.
"Is that the real beginning of the song? Sounds wrong/different in previous rips."
"Why did you include the dynamic chords in the horse battle track? I would've liked two normal loops!"
"Why do you dislike Minegishi's work? He's great!"
"Why are there just the intros for some battle tracks?" (Why did you delete duplicates?)
"Why no peak normalization?"
"Why do some instruments come from the left and some from the right channel? That sounds strange!" (Translation: I like my game rips mono)
As ridiculous as some of them might sound, they are all real. After a time, it just gets very unnerving. Hope you understand.
- by Mouser X at 12:55 PM EST on December 22, 2007
- Wow... Yes, I really appreciate the work you've done. And, hopefully my small suggestion wasn't taken as a complaint, as it's not one. I completely understand why the horn is present in the rip, and as such, I'd say that, for the rip, it belongs there. However, for those doing ADX conversions, removing the horn would be nice. Again, I had no intention of that as a complaint, just something different, since some work is being done anyway.
As for the dynamic tracks, you did it the way it would have been done, if an Official Soundtrack had been released. And you did a great job at it as well. I can understand some people's viewpoint on that, since occasionaly I'd like to have the songs seperated as well. But, under the circumstances, what you did is the "correct" method.
I think part of that complaint originates (to some degree, small or not) from emulated audio rips. Specifically, in most instances when a game is ripped, the dynamic songs are either ripped as one conglomerate (which very few people like since in the case of Banjo-Kazooie it sounds like a mess), or they're ripped as seperate tracks (since no one has yet figured out a way allow dynamic tracks to fade into each other).
Hopefully, you haven't heard an actual complaint from me yet. I really enjoy the rip, and excluding the volume, I have no reason to complain about this at all. You've explained the volume issue, so that complaint is addressed. Thanks again for your monumental work. Mouser X over and out.
- by valiant at 3:33 AM EST on December 23, 2007
- I didn't take your suggestion as complaint, I just wanted to point out some of the hilarious complaints I've got. But I understand how you could've read that into my post. Again, no offence.
- by SquareTex at 10:59 AM EST on December 26, 2007
- I've been holding off on doing any more to make sure I wouldn't be duplicating the work of any other ADXers. But I haven't heard any more for JILost.
Any updates so I can make another grab of tracks and get back to work?
edited 11:12 AM EST December 26, 2007
- by Mouser X at 5:47 PM EST on December 26, 2007
- JILost said in post # 7682 what he was working on. And in # 7679, Prime Blue said which ones were already available as AFC files. To the best of my knowledge, this is the most recent info on any ADX conversions. Going off of that, it looks like you're free to take your pick of files to work with. Hopefully this helps, and you're still willing to do so. Mouser X over.
- by Tiberious at 12:46 PM EST on December 31, 2007
- Well, since it's my absolute favorite track in the game, 5-32 is mine, all MINE!!!
Just lemme know where I can up it to when it's done.
Edit: Wow... nice and simple. Only took about 5 minutes, including testing.
Pointless note: I loved chasing all 20 cats down and then putting them all in with the chicken. Poor bird...
See, picking a cat up can act as an AI toggle on them. Setting the feline down normally changes them to 'lapcat' mode where they come up begging you for attention. If you have them drop, say from drawing your sword, they'll go into their 'skittish kitty' routine, and actively avoid you. Changing into wolf form acts as a temporary AI switcher, allowing you to gather them up easily. Of course, they're also programmed to pounce the lone chicken, much to the bird's chagrin...
edited 1:11 PM EST December 31, 2007
- by Rew at 3:46 PM EST on January 7, 2008
["Why are there just the intros for some battle tracks?" (Why did you delete duplicates?)]
Sorry, Prime. =(
I really should've gone ahead and learned to edit songs on my own and not troubled you. Thankfully, now that a friend has introduced me to Audacity, I do have some working knowledge of it now. =0)
For instance, I recently took your rip of Hyrule Castle Town in TP and made the East Road and West Road portions swap places (don't worry--I'm not going to give this version out to anyone or anything, it was just for my own personal amusement). The flow from West into Central Square was astonishingly smooth to me, even if the transition from East into West sounds the tiniest bit, well, noticeable shall we say. Still, I was a little proud of myself for this being my first ever edit. Oh, and I kept your trademark 0.1 seconds of silence at the beginning too and everything. =D
Anyway, I'm going to echo what Mouser X says and assure you that my request in that thread was not a complaint. I think the issues you brought up in terms of complaints from people really has to do with a difference in style or preferences. And because your rip was so top-notch and above and beyond any other previously done, you were the target of most of these differences in preference, hence why it looked like a lot of complaining.
In truth, it's all nothing more than a curious form of flattery when you get down to it. ;0)
That, and in that same post didn't I try to prop you 13 stars even though the max was 5 as well as give you a virtual standing ovation? So of course I wasn't complaining! =P
- by Tanookirby at 7:57 PM EST on January 7, 2008
- Will someone please post a new link for both the mp3 and the ADX/AFC versions of this soundtrack? The other links don't seem to work anymore.
- by SquareTex at 9:41 PM EST on January 7, 2008
- For MouserX and those who are waiting on more ADX goodness, rest assured I haven't forgotten about you. In between the holiday season and being KNOCKED FLAT by one of the many respiratory bugs out there - from which I'm STILL recovering *grumble* - I haven't yet regained the will to do anything useful just yet. <;)
But I DO intend to be back with more loopables some day. :)
- by hcs at 1:53 AM EST on January 8, 2008
- Prime Blue's Twilight Princess Rip (MP3)
Twilight Princess audio streams (AFC)
Twilight Princess video stream (THP, demo/advertise video)
edited 1:55 AM EST January 8, 2008
- DVD by Majin Vegeta at 1:08 PM EST on January 18, 2008
- @Prime Blue: I know it is a big waste of space, but I wanted to say that I would be interrested in a lossless release too.
TP has a really good soundtrack.
And may I ask, why so much ppl like 2-loop soundtracks? I think its just a waste of space, you could have almost the half of the filesize and no sound lost.
- by ugetab at 9:48 PM EST on January 19, 2008
- Wanted to mention to Prime Blue how great a job he did making that Twilight Princess rip. I only recently had the opportunity to grab it. It's not something I'd have had the equipment to do, so it's great that someone able was willing to go through the effort of making it sound good, and be so complete as well.
- by Omochao at 1:23 AM EST on January 20, 2008
- I also want to say thanks, and to ask if it would be possible for Pokemon Colosseum.
- by valiant at 2:30 PM EST on January 20, 2008
- Actually, I didn't care for most of the Twilight Princess tracks. There was like ten ones I really liked, the rest I just did for completeness's sake.
Two loops are necessary because it's annoying to have a good song end after a minute, as it's the case with a lot of OSTs.
Pokémon Colosseum was developed by Genius Sonority and uses a different sound format, so the method used here will not work.
Additional problems: Low demand, I have only played Pokémon Blue, Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Snap, and the music might not be worth ripping.
- by Majin Vegeta at 10:54 AM EST on January 21, 2008
- Just because they may end too fast? Seems senseless to me, all official OSTs are afaik only 1 loop, too.
I didnt read all the pages here, but you have modified ASTs, right? So, could you maybe upload these? Then I could rip myself and ASTs aren't that big as FLACs (and I already have some from the Stream folder on the Wiiso).
- by Peppyman at 12:22 PM EST on January 21, 2008
- Prime Blue thanks so much for ripping this it's fantastic! Would you consider doing the same for mario sunshine and Luigi's Mansion? I'm sure many people would welcome them. If they are the same format that is, keep up the good work.
- by Chupperson Weird at 1:24 PM EST on January 21, 2008
- Most professionally-made game soundtracks include two loops, not one. I would even argue for the psychological need for completeness of form facilitated by having the music loop twice instead of once. At any rate, two loops has pretty much always been the standard, unless you've got a piece that basically repeats itself with a small coda before re-looping, or unless the piece doesn't actually loop.
- by Mouser X at 1:30 PM EST on January 21, 2008
- Majin Vegeta: In my experience with OSTs, the ones that are most commonly only 1 loop are those that Motoi Sakuraba composed. In almost all other instances (that I can readily think of), the music hs been 2 loops. I whole-hearedly agree with Prime Blue on the 2 loops deal. When ever I encounter a song that's only been looped once, I find it very frustrating. Why would I only want to listen to it once? There are many people who want to listen to that song for hours on end. Sure, you could do something like "repeat 1," but then you run into the problem of the song fading out, ending, and then having the intro again. It really bugs me when there's that sort of interuption.
Obviously, we have completely different viewpoints from eachother. Nonetheless, whenever I encounter an OST that only loops once, I *very* strongly consider going through each track, and "fixing" it to loop twice. That is, find the section of the song that's looped, copy it, and paste it onto the end, so that it will loop twice.
There are many instances where I strongly perfer the emulated format of an OST, due to the emulated format being loopd twice, where the OST only looped once (again, most of Motoi Sakuraba's work). What I have a hard time understanding is why anyone would want it *less* than 2 loops. If space is an issue, get another hard drive, or burn stuff off to a DVD. Mouser X over and out.
- by Omochao at 1:51 PM EST on January 21, 2008
- Peppyman, I think Super Mario Sunshine has already been done.
- by Peppyman at 2:09 PM EST on January 21, 2008
- Is there a link to the sunshine one if it's been done?
- by Majin Vegeta at 5:37 PM EST on January 21, 2008
- Umm, never tested it but yeah: All the other Zelda OSTs are 2 loop too.
Never mind my question then :P
Mouser X: If I had 250 GB of OSTs at 1 loop, I would NEVER buy another 250 GB one just to get all the tracks to 2 loops.
I've seen that offivial OSTs are 2 loop, but I still like 1 loop better.
- by Omochao at 9:25 PM EST on January 21, 2008
- Super Mario Sunshine:
- by Peppyman at 9:53 AM EST on January 22, 2008
- okay, I tried downloading it went at 5kbs so I bought a weekly max pass for $6 and it stopped at 76% and the page won't load at all! Can you upload it somewhere else?
- by Gohdan at 10:04 PM EST on February 2, 2008
- Brawl has three songs taken from Twilight Princess: 'Hyrule Field Main Theme', 'Hidden Village' and 'Midna in Distress'. The songs didn't get a new arrangement, but they sound pretty remastered. I really like they way they sound, especially in 'Midna in Distress'.
I made rips of the songs:
Hyrule Field Main Theme (Brawl)
Hidden Village (Brawl)
Midna in Distress (Brawl)
- by valiant at 11:30 AM EST on February 4, 2008
- Came across the Japanese track list of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
The song formerly known as "Midna's Desperation/Midna in Despair/Midna in Distress" is officially known as "Kizudarake no Midona", which literally translates to "Midna Full of Wounds" (well, actually "Full of Wounds Midna", but that sounds strange as you fine English speaking men don't have a one-word-equivalent of "full of wounds").
- by EditorArtist at 6:00 AM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Prime Blue, thank you for all of your hard work on the soundtrack your created! I know you touched on the subject on volume in the readme, however the volume is lower than it's supposed to be as isolated music. The official Zelda OST songs max out at just below 0db, so whenever I have shuffle playback of the Zelda songs, it goes very low in volume for Twilight Princess, then back to 'normal' again for every other Zelda game. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem.
Here's the volumes of your MP3 rip compared to the official Twilight Princess OST (lossless):
The Legend of Zelda: Orchestra Piece #2 - 8.8db lower
Hyrule Field Main Theme - 3.4db lower
Ordon Village - 3.9db lower
Kakariko Village - 4.1db lower
Death Mountain - 4db lower
Midna's Theme - 6db lower
Illia's Theme - 8db lower
Sound differences of 3db are definitely noticeable to the average listener, and anything lower than 6db is a HUGE difference in volume. Your soundtrack could definitely be indistinguishable from being an official Zelda OST if only the volume didn't give it away. An update pretty please? Could be an excuse to incorporate the official titles from Brawl as well, and incorporate the 'remastered' versions.
edited 4:31 PM EDT March 18, 2008
- by Chupperson Weird at 12:30 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- I have to state my opinion that it isn't a problem for music to be less than 0dB.
P.S. Brawl naming doesn't mean much. They didn't get the title of Flower Garden correct from Yoshi's Island, and besides that, they credit almost everything as composed by "Nintendo".
- by Lunar at 12:46 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- EditorArtist: yeah this is something i brought up before, but it fell on deaf ears at the time and was "not a problem." instead, a highly esoteric "replay gain" was thought to be the solution. even though it isn't because.. well, it's esoteric :) and poses absolutely no advantage over normalising the signal. but whatever, i just have to turn my speakers up every time i listen to those mp3s instead, which is a great shame. all that time spent arduously making that set and it isn't normalised...
- by Mouser X at 1:25 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Prime Blue did say why he chose the volume he chose. He said that any higher, and it would start clipping. Perhaps there's a fix for this? I don't know about stuff like that (I only recently learned why clipping even happens...), but that's the reason that Prime Blue gave. If it's fixable, perhaps someone can try to fix it? Mouser X over and out.
- by EditorArtist at 3:39 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Hmm, so if he used replay gain, the tracks aren't the intended volumes no matter what way you look at it. Which did seem to be unusually low even for my trying to reason that maybe they were that low so they could be mixed directly with SFX with no volume adjustment. Replay gain sounds like a good idea in theory, but either because of wrong settings or because the official soundtracks don't use replay gain, it hurts more than it helps.
Yes, I read about the clipping issue in the readme, and either he doesn't realize how low most of the tracks are due to the plugin he used are or the mp3 release I downloaded via torrent isn't what he thinks it is.
You'll only get clipping if you try to raise the volume for the song's peak above 0db. I analyzed the waveforms, and at the fifteen I looked at, every one of them could safely be raised 3.4dB to about 10dB without clipping, and would have if they were released on a soundtrack.
edited 4:03 PM EDT March 18, 2008
- by valiant at 3:40 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Hey, I can see how people have problems with the low volume - because I do so myself.
I can't see however why Lunar still wants those files normalized.
Replay Gain >> Peak normalization least when it comes to game rips.
See the Wikipedia article for more information.
Bottom line: Replay Gain analyzes the whole file's (let's say "semi-average") volume while peak normalization doesn't give a shit about how loud a song actually is.
I don't understand why it bothers you to turn up the volume when listening to the rip, yet you don't care when you have to adjust it between two tracks of the same soundtrack that have a different average volume.
- by EditorArtist at 4:19 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Hey Prime Blue, I edited my last post after you posted yours, taking into account previous conversation on the board which I hadn't read yet. I understand replay gain's purpose, but it's not worth it unless the majority of music albums use it. Unfortunately perhaps, most audio engineers nowadays make their songs peak at 0db because everybody else peaks at 0db. People are used to the differences in average volumes from track to track, but are put off by old recordings for instance that have a much lower rms than what is possible when peaking at 0db (not to mention when using dynamic compression, but I'm not advocating that). Anyway, please reconsider your reasoning for the sake of the average/majority listener, and if you want your rip to feel as 'professional' as possible. ;)
- by EditorArtist at 4:55 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Also from that wikipedia article you linked to: "Finally, should the audio at its original levels be desired (i.e. for burning back to hard copy), the metadata can simply be ignored.
Replay Gain implementations usually involve adding metadata to the audio without altering the original audio data. While the Replay Gain standard specifies an 8-byte field in the header of any file, many popular audio formats use tags for Replay Gain information. FLAC and Ogg Vorbis use the REPLAYGAIN_* comment fields. MP3 files usually use ID3v2 or APEv2 tags."
It seems your usage of replay gain isn't the standard. Making replay gain optional so that listeners could either choose to hear the volume as it is on the disc or with normalized perceived loudness seems to be the best solution for the widest variety of listeners.
- by Chupperson Weird at 6:45 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Clipping is not good. Compression is not good either, whether it's considered "professional" or not. I like the rip as it is.
- by EditorArtist at 6:57 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- Nobody's recommending compression or increasing the volume to the point of clipping.
- by Lunar at 7:44 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- "He said that any higher, and it would start clipping"
No, it wouldn't. Normalisation won't cause clipping.
"Clipping is not good. Compression is not good either, whether it's considered "professional" or not. I like the rip as it is."
Normalisation isn't compression! And whether compression is good or not is a whole other debate. Fortunately not one anyone needs to get into here.
As for tracks designed to play a lot quieter, normalising them may boost them too much. In that scenario, manually increasing the signal by a few db instead would be fine. Leaving stuff peaking at -10db is stupid whatever way you look at it though, period. Not everything supports ReplayGain, forcing people to use players that do is silly. I'm damned if Winamp will work for me, even if there's a ReplayGain option (I hear no increase in volume.)
"I don't understand why it bothers you to turn up the volume when listening to the rip, yet you don't care when you have to adjust it between two tracks of the same soundtrack that have a different average volume"
Simple; I don't have to do it with most decently made rips/albums. The tracks are balanced appropriately and finished to an acceptable universal volume that doesn't rely on a proprietary gain technique.
EDIT: just realised EditorArtist pretty much said all this already, but it doesn't hurt to hammer the points home.
edited 7:48 PM EDT March 18, 2008
- by Chupperson Weird at 10:01 PM EDT on March 18, 2008
- For the record, I do realize the difference between normalization and compression.
Anyway, you stated your post more succinctly than EA.
- by valiant at 12:23 PM EDT on March 21, 2008
- Originally posted by Lunar:
Simple; I don't have to do it with most decently made rips/albums. The tracks are balanced appropriately and finished to an acceptable universal volume that doesn't rely on a proprietary gain technique.
Well, surprise Lunar: That isn't the case here (lulz).
Anyways, I've got a solution up that will stop people's bitching. And will introduce new complaints. But whatever. Then it's not my problem anymore.
BTW: hcs? Implement me some quote tags, pletty prease!
- by Lunar at 10:50 AM EDT on March 23, 2008
- yes but i have to turn up the volume to listen to all of it (and not just a little bit), so it is problematic :)
- by bcass at 8:22 PM EDT on March 30, 2008
- If the FLACs were made available, then people wouldn't have any reason to complain as they could just normalise/replaygain the files to their hearts content.
- by valiant at 12:09 PM EDT on April 6, 2008
- Well, that was the solution I was talking about, so...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Last part is being uploaded right now and will be posted later. Yes, I know: MEGAUPLOAD, because I hate you all.
edited 1:15 AM EDT April 7, 2008
- by bcass at 10:38 PM EDT on April 15, 2008
- Finally!
Many thanks.
- by bcass at 7:04 PM EDT on April 21, 2008
- By the way, what's the password?
- by bcass at 5:29 PM EDT on April 30, 2008
- Sorry to bump this but does anyone know the password?
- by Mouser X at 6:42 PM EDT on April 30, 2008
- Well, since primeblue didn't post the password, maybe he doesn't want it revealed? After all, primeblue has posted archives with passwords before, and didn't tell people the password. HCS guessed, and it was correct. My guess is that if primeblue changed the password, then any help/hints I give you might not work. If you *really* want to know, I'll try to give you the password I've used in the past in some form of a subtle forum post... Yah... Good luck guessing primeblue's password. Mouser X over and out.
- by bcass at 6:59 PM EDT on April 30, 2008
- Bah, I tried it but with a space and it obviously didn't work... Got it now.
- by valiant at 3:35 PM EDT on May 1, 2008
- Bah...I wasn't aware I didn't clearly point out the password on here.
Well, for all the people who didn't get Mouser's subtle hints, the password is primeblue - I use it in conjunction with filename encryption in order to avoid my archives from being deleted from free file host services. They totally love to get rid of MP3s.
For reference: Here's my game rip thread over at Gamingforce, though you'll need an account to read the trade section of the board.
edited 3:36 PM EDT May 1, 2008
- by Omochao at 10:20 PM EDT on July 20, 2008
- A bit of a bump, but it has come to my attention that there is at least one unused track in Twilight Princess:
- by valiant at 4:21 AM EDT on July 21, 2008
- He's just "kidding". All it takes is the AR code to mute the sequenced music, then one has to add the new music afterwards.
He did the same thing with Hyrule Field, where he replaced the music with the "Zelda Gallery" tune. He has deleted this video since.
Personally, I don't like people who create rumors.
- by Lunar at 6:07 AM EDT on July 21, 2008
I heard about this, and I was going to say something here, but predicted it was probably a joke. It sounds pretty awful. And the comments...
"Is Koji Kondo still with Nintendo? If he is, he made this song. Koji is the best DAMN composer in videogaming!"
this makes me incredibly sad. ASPIE-RAGE INITIATED.
- by marioman at 4:39 PM EDT on July 22, 2008
- I am just getting around to listening to this rip. You did a great job on it Prime Blue!
On the subject of the Zelda Gallery track, where did it come from? I assume that it did not come from the game since the quality is so low. Is there a higher quality version of it anywhere?
- by valiant at 7:31 PM EDT on July 22, 2008
- It is from the E3 Zelda Gallery NDS ROM.
The FLAC version has the highest possible quality as the track was never released anywhere else - though you won't notice the difference from the MP3 version. The latter is just not completely lossless.
edited 7:31 PM EDT July 22, 2008
- by marioman at 7:18 AM EDT on July 23, 2008
- Thanks for clearing that up. It is a nice theme - I am surprised that it was only used in this demo. By the way, is the music in the demo sequenced or streamed?
edited 7:21 AM EDT July 23, 2008
- by Omochao at 5:17 PM EDT on July 23, 2008
- It is part of the movie.
- by furrybob at 11:19 PM EST on December 30, 2010
- Well, since nobody seemed to want to do it, here it is:
I split some tracks that primeblue put together in his rip, usually because they contained more one part that looped, and one that didn't. I also threw in some of the boss themes without their intro because somebody requested it. There's one track where I looped a part of a cutscene's music even though it doesn't actually loop in the game.
I'm not the best at naming tracks, so if anybody has any suggestions for the split tracks' names, feel free to give them.
And if there are any problems with any of the track, tell me, and I'll see if I can fix them.
Oh, I almost forgot, if primeblue's reading this, do you happen to have the raw files that you recorded?
There's at least one track that I need some audio that wasn't in the rip that I need to make a good loop. Snowpeak Ruins is the main one. I don't have a Wii ATM, and the LLE DSP plugin in Dolphin is a slight bit crackly, so it would be good if you still had them.
- by headerless at 5:04 PM EST on December 31, 2010
- assuming that you did not need to edit the tracks to loop, could you generate an adxencd batch file from those files by running:
for %a in (*.brstm) do test -o "%~na.wav" -x "%a" >> encodeadx.bat
that way those of us with the rip can save hammering your server, and just encode them ourselves
- by furrybob at 5:35 PM EST on December 31, 2010
- Most of the tracks were edited, so that wouldn't really do any good.
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