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- by snakemeat at 10:06 AM EST on January 9, 2009
- Thanks for all the cool stuffs UF.
- by Knurek at 12:23 PM EST on January 9, 2009
- So, since I can't upload stuff to the hoot archive ATM (account has been disabled temporarily due to the virus infection), here's the GBS Penultimate Archive update:
First file is the complete collection, I've upped the single files as well in case someone wants do do a manual update.
Lotsa minor credit fixes here and there, also all new ugetab/2CH rips have been included.
Stuff to do in the next update - add GBC mark for Color games, add basic playlists for all files (preferably timed, but since there's no autotimer in sight, prolly with some default duration).
Prolly sometime in 2010. :D
- by unknownfile at 5:02 PM EST on January 9, 2009
- All of the Donkey Kong Country games are in gsfopt.
And they're up. Go get 'em.
edited 5:42 PM EST January 9, 2009
- by nensondubois at 7:58 PM EST on January 10, 2009
- The Classic NES/Mini Famicom series sucks on the GBA so there's no need to ever rip them.
- by Knurek at 4:47 AM EST on January 11, 2009
- Donkey Kong Country GBA timed and tagged by Tanookirby:,%20Nintendo).zip
- Nintendo MIDI Format Converter by MarkGrass at 12:20 AM EST on January 12, 2009
- I stumbled across a [seemingly] useful app while browsing through the contents of a certain, unnamed SDK (please don't ask what it is or where I obtained it) ;P
It's called 'gm2song'. It will convert Standard MIDI files to any of the following Nintendo MIDI formats:
GameBoy Advance
Nintendo 64
I don't know if it can help anyone out (perhaps messiaen and his interest in M64, or anyone else out there looking to develop/improve an application/study the console-generic formats), but here it is.
- by SmartOne at 1:56 PM EST on January 12, 2009
- Thanks for all the work, especially the Donkey Kong Country 3 GSF! It was a pain using VBA-M through the sound test to listen to the music.
Should you include the different Earphone versions of Pokemon Yellow in the GBS archive?
Is Highly Advanced .11 still the most recent and best GSF player? It's kinda bad overall. The closest I've been able to get it to sound like a real GBA is with the Lowpass filter enabled and no interpolation. Wouldn't it be cool if a GSF player had a magical option to remove GBA's signature hiss? That would be magical!
- by Omochao at 5:17 AM EST on January 13, 2009
- Provided filenames for DKC2-3 and King of Swing.
King of Swing:
- by Lunar at 6:33 AM EST on January 13, 2009
- don't stop at filenames
- by unknownfile at 8:30 AM EST on January 13, 2009
- I agree with this man.
- by Knurek at 9:08 AM EST on January 13, 2009
- So, since when 'psfpoint -tf *.minigsf' stopped working for the lot of you?
Omochao, thanks, will update the sets laterish.
- by unknownfile at 9:14 AM EST on January 13, 2009
edited 9:45 AM EST January 13, 2009
- VGMToolbox r197 by snakemeat at 2:27 PM EST on January 20, 2009
- Updated my general purpose VGM related tool. Of relevance to this thread are some improvements made to the "mkpsf2.exe Front End" and the "PSF2 to PSF2LIB" tools.
The "mkpsf2.exe Front End" has been updated to automatically search for multiple sequences in each .SQ file. It does this by checking the value at 0x3C (sequence count), as well as examining sequence pointers (32-bit pointers beginning at 0x40). So what does this mean to you, the ripper? It means that it will now create a PSF2 for all sequences in an .SQ file saving you the time to hunt for their existence and edit your psf2.ini file over and over. "Thanks" go to manakoAT who figured out most of this as well as the original author of mkpsf2.exe, Neill Corlett.
"PSF2 to PSF2LIB" is a new tool that arose due to the improvements in the mkpsf2FE. After finding a ton of sequences all with the same HD/BD/SQ files (just different values for the SQ.IRX "n" parameter), it became obvious that an automated psf2lib maker was needed since it would suck to do it by hand. The "PSF2 to PSF2LIB" tool will take a set of files that share the common CSL IRXs (LIBSD.IRX, MODHSYN.IRX, MODMIDI.IRX) and create a nice fat lib for them all using the "unpksf2.exe" and "mkpsf2.exe" apps. It will retain existing tags and performs CRC32 calculation on HD/BD/SQ files to eliminate any duplicates within the psf2lib. Thanks again to Neill Corlett (mkpsf2.exe) and CaitSith2 (unpkpsf2.exe).
You can grab the latest binary or source version on Sourceforge.
edited 2:33 PM EST January 20, 2009
- by Knurek at 5:20 PM EST on January 20, 2009
- Some new SSF rips:
- by Lunar at 9:04 AM EST on January 22, 2009
- Tagged/timed a couple of NSF sets (NSFE format)
3D Hot Rally
New Ghostbusters 2
edit: hyperlinking up in this biatch
edited 9:09 AM EST January 22, 2009
- by unknownfile at 10:52 AM EST on January 22, 2009
- yum
- by iloveyou at 8:44 AM EST on January 24, 2009
- Hello ^^
Someone could share the GSF format..
Super Robot Taisen R
Super Robot Taisen D
Super Robot Taisen J
Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 2
- by Lunar at 2:38 AM EST on January 30, 2009
- unknownfile: can you e-mail disch and clear up the fact that he has credited YOU for tagging those sets? like holy shit, I e-mailed disch, i got no response, and he's credited you for tagging them. taking the liberty of sending them over to him is one thing, but this is quite another. you could have at least mentioned who tagged them in your e-mail. please e-mail him and set the record straight.
edit: okay i've e-mailed all three staff. disch's email is right? that's what it says on the site (beyond all the spam filtering shit), however i didn't get any response, so it may be without the underscore. didn't get any delivery failure notifications either. bullshit.
why do the most trivial things like tagging sets have to turn into a nightmare? the communication in ripping communities is fucking abysmal.
edited 2:56 AM EST January 30, 2009
- by unknownfile at 9:30 AM EST on January 30, 2009
- here's something to keep in mind: email lenophis to submit your sets because disch is no longer maintaining the site
and i did say in the email that you tagged them so there's been a mistake, so that probably went whizzing right over the maintainer's head
and i know what you mean about communication *cough* 2SF *cough*
sorry dude
an email has been sent to him to clarify this crap
- by MarkGrass at 12:31 PM EST on January 30, 2009
- why do the most trivial things like tagging sets have to turn into a nightmare? the communication in ripping communities is fucking abysmal.
Quoted for truth... though, I never understood the controversy behind "credit props" when it comes to tagging any xSF format. It's pretty ugly when two people fight over who tagged the set...
Other than the "xSF was ripped/tagged by" tag, everything else has absolutely nothing to do with who tagged the set (eg, Game Company, etc), so why all the fuss? ;P
Gotta love the interweb. :)
- by Lunar at 1:13 PM EST on January 30, 2009
- well there's no argument about who tagged the set because uh I tagged the set :) and i personally think that people do deserve credit for tagging sets. it's time consuming, and in some cases difficult.
unknownfile, cool thanks. my apologies if you did make it clear that i tagged them.
- by Dais! at 1:18 PM EST on January 30, 2009
- I'm still up there (gsf central) as Dias on some sets. I don't really care, since I'm not exactly receiving adulation for tagging (aside from the occasional thanks), and most of the games I generally played to enhance my knowledge anyways. I also still feel guilty over all the times I'd grab SPCs from a game and then fob them off on Datschge and the rest without doing times or research or any of the other useful things (as well as leaving dozens of sets to rot).
Anyway, forgot to say, thanks for the rips of Krazy Racers/DKC/Spyro: Eternal Night (and Knurek, for pointing out the Digimon rip).
Krazy Racers has more tracks than I expected...but a lot seem to be speed variants. Looks like I'll have to solicit the knowledge of some Konami fans. Maybe during FKW...
I don't agree that DKC3 GBA is crap, although a lot of the tracks are quite bad and in general it's not up to the quality of Wise's work in DKC.
Oh, and in case any more GAX work is done....I've been looking for an excuse to replay Sigma Star Saga (pretty sure that should be GAX), and Comix Zone might be good for a laugh/sigh.
- uf goes gravedigging for projects by unknownfile at 3:32 PM EST on January 30, 2009
- Taking a small break from 2sf to focus on some ancient PSF2 crap. IOP module work is hell, and I end up having to use kung-fu assembly due to how they get linked. Anything I write in the SDK gets rejected by psf2.irx.
I sorta wish there was an easier way to do this.
- by Lunar at 4:19 PM EST on February 1, 2009
- There's mention of a Magic Knight Rayearth SSF rip over on this thread, however I can't find it for download anywhere (not on kingshriek's site or modland.) Anyone know where it is? O_o
- by SmartOne at 8:03 PM EST on February 1, 2009
- Tomb Raider Anniversary (PS2) is sequenced, no? It's pretty dynamic.
- by hcs at 10:41 PM EST on February 1, 2009
- Nope, just 1.1 GB of streams.
- your help is needed by unknownfile at 4:35 PM EST on February 2, 2009
- To everyone who has ATV Offroad Fury 4 or similar, check your PS2 game disks for 989snd.irx. I am currently dissecting the library but don't have enough knowledge of it right now, and would like more (possibly symbol exports).
2sf stuff is on hold right now, should have something coming up "soon".
- by Knurek at 4:49 PM EST on February 2, 2009
- There's mention of a Magic Knight Rayearth SSF rip over on this thread, however I can't find it for download anywhere (not on kingshriek's site or modland.) Anyone know where it is? O_o
Squaresoft74 doesn't release his rips untagged. So it's only on his HDD, if he hasn't deleted it since.
- by Lunar at 6:32 PM EST on February 2, 2009
- pants :(
- by guest at 11:13 AM EST on February 3, 2009
1) use,, on *.SND files
2) use on all output from above
3) profit
Thanks kingshriek. The python makes it very easy.
- by Knurek at 12:49 PM EST on February 3, 2009
- Oh, thanks, was just getting the iso to look at it. Some streamed songs missing (in Cinepak movies), lotsa sfx (mostly SE*.ssf, so easy to spot), but none the less appreciated.
Music by Yayoi Wachi according to GMCL.
- by Lunar at 4:40 AM EST on February 4, 2009
- Sumio Okamoto also worked on the score, according to mobygames and VGMdb, and some of matsuo's tracks from the anime are also used. dunno if there's individual track credits, since there's no album scans available.
DUNGEON6_000.SSF - amazing tune, reminds me of soyo oka :D
EDIT: also thanks :>
edited 4:48 AM EST February 4, 2009
- by Knurek at 7:56 PM EST on February 6, 2009
- I recall someone nagging for Sonic Shuffle DSF rip a while ago.
Well, here it is, the game uses a rather weird scheme (most sample banks on slot 2, some on slot 3 and some on slot 4), so if anything sounds wrong, do tell.
- by marioman at 10:22 AM EST on February 7, 2009
- Thanks Knurek.
I do apologize for the "nagging". The DSF discussion got spread throughout two threads, and I guess I lost track of when was the last time I asked about the status of the set.
Anyways, I will give the set a listen and let you know if anything sounds wrong.
- by Elven Spellmaker at 3:17 PM EST on February 7, 2009
- On the topic of SSFs. I know you know there is a problem with the Shining The Holy Ark Set, but I explored with renaming and came up with this. Although not amazing, it shows that the minissfs are correct.
I copied the files concerned and renamed sha_t01.ssflib to sha_t00.ssflib. I then played the Battle Theme and East Shrine music. The file sha_t01.ssflib (now renamed sha_t00.ssflib) has only piano sounds in it. It played the whole song and it sounds like a piano, thats obvious. But it played the WHOLE song, nothing missing, no missing parts - the whole song is in piano but thats not the point. This either shows a problem with the actual plugin, or a problem in the original ssflib file.
The two tracks in piano are below:
Battle Music (Piano Only)
East Shrine (Piano Only)
edited 3:24 PM EST February 7, 2009
- by unknownfile at 4:17 PM EST on February 7, 2009
- smells like shitty rip
- by Knurek at 9:20 AM EST on February 14, 2009
- Some new SSF rips, more to come:
Angelique Special (1996)(Koei)
Minnesota Fats - Pool Legend [Side Pocket 2 - Densetsu no Hustler] (1995)(Data East)
Nobunaga's Ambition - Tenshouki with Power Up Kit (1997)(Koei)
Tenshouki was scored by Yoko Kanno, Side Pocket 2 continues the good jazzy tradition set by the first game.
- by Elven Spellmaker at 2:44 PM EST on February 14, 2009
- If I may request an SSF rip: Baku Baku Animal
I love this game and still play it now.
- by Dais! at 4:28 PM EST on February 14, 2009
- Doesn't Baku Baku Animal have redbook audio? I'm fairly sure that most Saturn games that got PC releases were ones that used redbook....not to mention that this site I'm browsing right now has the Saturn version available for download and it says it's 600mb. That generally indicates either really lazy compression or redbook.
- by Mouser X at 4:33 PM EST on February 14, 2009
- From the logs, it appears so:
[14:15] <Knurek> mana, we have that ripped already
[14:15] <Knurek> cdda
I don't have a copy of it, but if it's CDDA, then it should be very easy/simple to rip. Good luck with that MagicMaker for Elves. Mouser X over and out.
- by Knurek at 4:29 AM EST on February 15, 2009
- Some more SSF rips:
Sangokushi Eiketsuden (1996)(Koei)
Sangokushi Koumeiden (1997)(Koei)
And three more done by Arbee:
Steep Slope Sliders (STV)(1998)(Cave)(Capcom)
Name Club Ver.3 (STV)(1997)(-)(Sega)
Pebble Beach - The Great Shot (STV)(1995)(T&E)
- by Knurek at 6:25 PM EST on February 15, 2009
- Okay, since I'm an idiot, the folowing rips weren't using DSP at all (stupid Koei using more than one mixer)
Angelique Special (1996)(Koei)
Nobunaga's Ambition - Tenshouki with Power Up Kit (1997)(Koei)
Sangokushi Koumeiden (1997)(Koei)
Please redownload for 100% more reverb/echo.
Also, one new rip:
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 5 [Sangokushi V] (1996)(Koei)
- by Knurek at 5:26 PM EST on February 16, 2009
- New SSF rips by me:
Angelique Special 2 (1997)(Koei)
Masters Harukanaru Augusta 3 (1995)(T&E)
Nobunaga's Ambition - Sengoku Gunyuuden (1998)(Koei)
and one by ANUSFEST:
Album Club (Mune Kyun) ~Saint Paulia Jogakouin~ (1997)(Societa Daikanyama)
- by Knurek at 4:46 PM EST on February 17, 2009
- I know some people might've been waiting for this one:
Dragon Force (1996)(Sega AM7)(Sega):
One of the instruments used in the game sounds kinda weird (try 21_00_00.ssf for instance). Don't have htcore.exe anymore to compare, but doesn't sound like it's inteded.
Also, many tracks are sequence dupes with tone bank switched (subsongs #1 and up, it seems). As they sound different for each ssflib, I didn't remove them. Not having played the game I can't tell if they are supposed to sound this way or if it's just a quirky way the sequences were made.
- by Knurek at 2:44 PM EST on February 18, 2009
- New SSF rips:
Dragon Force II - Kamisarishi Daichi ni (1998)(Chime)(Sega)
Riglordsaga 2 (1996)(Microcabin)(Sega)
Vandal Hearts [Vandal Hearts - Ushinawareta Kodai Bunmei] (1997)(KCE Tokyo)(KCE Nagoya)(Konami)
With You - Mitsumete Itai (1999)(Cocktail, Stack)(NEC Interchannel)
All pretty much great (Dragon Force 2 scored by Hayato Matsuo, and Vandal Hearts is the usual Konami greatness.
- by Lunar at 4:33 PM EST on February 18, 2009
- *deletes dragon force II mp3s*
i don't care for that soundtrack much for what it's worth, but kudos nonetheless!
- by Knurek at 7:34 PM EST on February 19, 2009
- New stuff:
Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai II (1996)(Jaleco)
Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku Ensemble (1998)(Starlight Marry)(Media Works)
Suchie-Pai rip isn't perfect, some songs just refuse to play. Not sure why, output looks perfectly okay for those.
Oh, and a nice new hub for all the new/uploading rips:
- by Lunar at 4:29 AM EST on February 20, 2009
- Knurek, I noticed there's some updates on Lawrence Lin's page -- are you ripping any PSF sets as well, or is it just SSF sets at the moment?
vgm.hcs64 is nice~
- by Knurek at 11:02 AM EST on February 20, 2009
- Nah, though I could use davironica or Mark Grass drivers and all.
manakoAT's doing the ripping, I'm timing his stuff and some older stuff from Lawrence WIP page.
- by Knurek at 3:42 AM EST on February 21, 2009
- New SSF rips:
Mahjong Taikai II Special (1996)(Koei)(ASCII)
Pebble Beach Golf Links [Pebble Beach Golf Links - Stadler ni Chousen] (1995)(T&E)(Sega)
Yuushun Classic Road (1997)(Progress)(Victor)
Valora Valley Golf [Hyper Golf, The - Devil's Course] (1995)(T&E)(VIC Tokai)
- by Knurek at 1:04 PM EST on February 21, 2009
- New SSF rips (STV this time :D)
Dark Legend [Suiko Enbu - Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty] (STV)(1995)(Data East)
Othello Shiyouyo (STV)(1998)(-)(Success)
Winter Heat (STV)(1997)(-)(Sega)
Dark Legend has that oldschool vs fighter vibe going on, very nice.
More STV to come.
- by Knurek at 7:19 PM EST on February 21, 2009
- is GO!
Standard filename reorganization done and about 200 m3u files converted from NSFEs for people who don't use NotSoFatso.
Before anyone asks why some NSFEs aren't done (including some notable games like Zelda, TMNT 1 & 2 and SMB 3), quite a lot of NSFE files are either untimed or made from severly outdated NSF files.
- by marioman at 11:06 PM EST on February 21, 2009
- Absolutely awesome. Your organizing skills never cease to amaze me Knurek. Thanks.
- by kingshriek at 11:11 PM EST on February 21, 2009
- Knurek, can you perhaps update dsfs for Sakura Taisen 1, 3, 4 at
The original rips were done before I had figured out all the patches that needed to be made to MANATEE.DRV so the mixer being used in the original rips is the default one embedded in the driver itself.
While 3 and 4 sound almost identical with this change, for 1 there is noticeably more reverb (effectively 2x as much as the original).
Updated rips:
- by Knurek at 1:47 AM EST on February 22, 2009
- Gladly, anything else that needs updating (other than Shining Wisdom SSF rip, which I'm gonna get around to fixing eventually)?
10 new SPC packs, courtesy of ugetab and loveemu
A.S.P. - Air Strike Patrol [Desert Fighter - Suna no Arashi Sakusen] (1994)(Opus)(Seta)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (1994)(SSI)(Capcom)(Capcom)
Mahoujin GuruGuru (1995)(TamTam)(Enix)
Mahoujin GuruGuru 2 (1996)(TamTam)(Enix)
Mini Yonku Shining Scorpion - Let's & Go!! (1996)(KID)(ASCII)
SD Gundam GX (1994)(BEC)(Bandai)
Tamagocchi Town (1999)(-)(Bandai)
Tsukikomori (1996)(Pandora Box)(Banpresto)
YamYam (1995)(Pandora Box)(Bandai)
Yume Meikyuu - Kigurumi Daibouken (1994)(Axes Art Amuse)(Hect)
edited 4:20 AM EST February 22, 2009
- by Knurek at 5:42 AM EST on February 22, 2009
- New SSF rips:
Side Pocket 3 (1997)(Data East) - in two flavours, since most of the music is Redbook Audio
Zen Nihon Pro Wres featuring Virtua (STV)(1997)(Scarab)(Sega)
- by mogikihei at 6:44 AM EST on February 22, 2009
- Knurek,
Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu-hen (1988)(Tose)(Shinsei).nsf that exists in the archive of NES Music Archive - Games (2009-02-22) is not Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu-hen (1988)(Tose)(Shinsei).nsf.
It is Les Chevaliers Du Zodiaque(Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu of localize French Version).
Here becomes the movie of Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen.
- by Knurek at 7:29 AM EST on February 22, 2009
- Just making sure, you're saying the european version has different music?
Thanks either way, renamed the file to have the euro name first.
Also, is GO!
There are untimed playlists for all the files available, but the plugin (available here: supports timing just fine.
So, if someone wants to change
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$98,98
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$98,Baron,1:17,,10
just post the playlists here, I'll update them online.
- by Warpstar at 8:59 PM EST on February 22, 2009
- The m3u for "Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers 2" got packed with the "Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers" NSF.
Anyway, I do have a few new/updated NSF playlists that you could use. I'll have to go through them to see if any were based on outdated NSFs, though.
- by SmartOne at 9:41 PM EST on February 22, 2009
- Knurek, you archiving, organizing fiend, you. You make your mother proud. :P
- by Warpstar at 12:27 AM EST on February 23, 2009
- So, yeah, here are the playlists:
There's a playlist in there for "Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School" for the FDS, which I didn't see in the archive.
And a request for the WSR site: Could you re-do the complete Archive package so that there aren't separate folders for each WSR+M3U set? A couple of them end up exceeding Windows' 256-character pathname limit.
- by Dais! at 12:29 AM EST on February 23, 2009
- [quote]A.S.P. - Air Strike Patrol [Desert Fighter - Suna no Arashi Sakusen] (1994)(Opus)(Seta)[/quote]
urgh, do you know if this was made via a sound test or something? I just realized I have a set of this sitting around, and I thought it was finished with 20 tracks....I wonder why I never remembered to submit it.
That's from the credits. I really can't make out what that name is.
also yay, wonderswan music! that just leaves the NGPC and Virtual Boy...
- by Lunar at 8:01 AM EST on February 23, 2009
- Jun Enoki.
- by marioman at 8:29 AM EST on February 23, 2009
- @Dais: Are there music formats for those systems? If so, it's news to me.
edited 9:31 AM EST February 23, 2009
- by Knurek at 10:57 AM EST on February 23, 2009
- @Warpstar
There's a playlist in there for "Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School" for the FDS, which I didn't see in the archive.
Idol Hotline - Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School (FDS)(1987)(Nintendo R&D1)(Nintendo)
Though you gave me a scare for a while. :)
And a request for the WSR site: Could you re-do the complete Archive package so that there aren't separate folders for each WSR+M3U set? A couple of them end up exceeding Windows' 256-character pathname limit.
No problem here, though one was close, 237 IIRC, so I can see how this can be a problem for people who have that somewhere deeper on the drive.
should do the trick though, just remove the empty directories afterwards.
urgh, do you know if this was made via a sound test or something? I just realized I have a set of this sitting around, and I thought it was finished with 20 tracks....I wonder why I never remembered to submit it.
No soundtest to my knowledge, ugetab kindly found a song select for the game (
Are there music formats for those systems? If so, it's news to me.
No they aren't, and Dais just said that he'd want them as well. :)
edited 10:59 AM EST February 23, 2009
- by unknownfile at 11:52 AM EST on February 23, 2009
- wow i must say
you certainly have a talent in archiving
that honestly makes up for your ripping habits and my complaints thereof
well done you
- by Lunar at 1:00 PM EST on February 23, 2009
- VirtualBoy (VSF) must be done!
- by Knurek at 1:40 PM EST on February 23, 2009
- @Lunar
You thinking what I'm thinking (Red Alarm)?
- by Lunar at 2:17 PM EST on February 23, 2009
- I've never heard any virtual boy music at all actually! But I'd like to hear VB Wario Land's music, on account that it's composed by Kazumi Totaka (at least partially.) But heck, with only a dozen or so games, sure I'd check out all the soundtracks.
- by Knurek at 5:05 PM EST on February 23, 2009
- is GO!
Let's see how this holds up, there's about 27 GB of stuff there.
- by AENIGMA at 5:46 PM EST on February 23, 2009
- Thanks for all of the DC rips Knurek. Do you happen to have a rip for San Francisco Rush 2049?
- by marioman at 7:59 PM EST on February 23, 2009
- @Lunar: A MP3 rip of VB Wario Land does exist. (Ripped by Basil/Blue_Kirby2.)
edited 11:08 PM EST February 23, 2009
- by marcusss at 1:05 AM EST on February 24, 2009
- I was downloading the dreamcast and naomi music files (MANY OF THEM :P :P )and when extracting only soul calibur one file did not extract as it winrar reporting 1 file, SBGM01_R.GENH had a CRC error.. Maybe its just me so maybe try again but just reporting :-) Great music by the way .. Really appreciate it ! Thanks heaps :P
if its me then I'll just d/l again but at 400mb wanted to make sure ;-)
edited 1:08 AM EST February 24, 2009
- by Lunar at 11:39 AM EST on February 24, 2009
- marioman cool, i didn't know of a rip. i'll seek it out.
- by Knurek at 1:13 PM EST on February 24, 2009
- Do you happen to have a rip for San Francisco Rush 2049?
Will be up with the next update. All 900 MB of it (Stupid Atari using uncompressed PCM in a custom container).
extracting only soul calibur one file did not extract as it winrar reporting 1 file, SBGM01_R.GENH had a CRC error..
if its me then I'll just d/l again but at 400mb wanted to make sure ;-)
Don't redownload, I'll put a tagged pack in the next update.
edited 1:22 PM EST February 24, 2009
- by Dais! at 2:57 PM EST on February 24, 2009
- ah, music select codes for SNES games. One of those things I always meant to ask about but never got around to doing. More accurately, one of those things I meant to some day figure out how to make myself...
I asked over at Gamingforce for Basil to repost the Wario Land and Red Alarm rips. I previously heard the Wario Land music and wasn't that impressed, but I never like Wario music as much as I want to.
mainly I'm interested in seeing if there's anything else as great as the music from Galactic Pinball, which was partially composed by Kenji Yamamoto:
Try "Colony" (my favorite), "Gunpei's Voyage" and "Cosmic".
Maybe it's just the sound mixing, but the tracks have a kind of....resonance?...that I seem to rarely hear in 8-bit music (although it reminds me strongly of Harmony of Dissonance). I doubt any other game will sound as nice as those, but until a VSF or whatever comes out, we'll never know.
- by Lunar at 5:12 PM EST on February 24, 2009
- i'm not even sure what the specifics of the virtualboy sound capabilities are. i loosely understand it as being "gameboy-like" but beyond that as regards number of sound channels (and what types), i haven't a clue.
- by CaitSith2 at 2:37 AM EST on February 25, 2009
- FF4 Wonderswan color (No times, other than a deliberate overtiming of one track that exceeds default 5:05 playtime.)
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$9c,The Prelude
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$9b,Red Wings
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$98,Kingdom Baron
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$99,Theme of Love
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$97,Prologue
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$9a,Welcome to our Town!
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$9d,Main Theme
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$9e,Fight 1
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$9f,Fanfare
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a0,Hello! Big Chocobo!
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a1,Chocobo ~ Chocobo
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a2,Into the Darkness
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a3,Fight 2
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a4,Ring of Bomb
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a5,Rydia
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a6,Castle Damcyan
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$cc,Cry in Sorrow (part 1)
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a7,Cry in Sorrow (part 2)
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a8,Melody of Lute
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$a9,Mt. Ordeals
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$aa,Fabul
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$ab,Run!!!
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$ac,Suspicion
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$ad,Golbeza Clad in Dark
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$ae,Hey, Cid!
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$af,Mystic Mysidia
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b0,Long Way to Go
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b2,Parom & Polom
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b3,The Dreadful Fight
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b4,The Airship
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b5,Troian Beauty
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b6,Samba de Chocobo!
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b7,The Tower of Bab-Il
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b8,Somewhere in the World
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b9,Land of Dwarves
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$bb,Giott, the Great King
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$bc,Dancing Calobrena
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$bd,Tower of Zot
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$be,Illusionary World
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$bf,The Big Whale
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c0,Another Moon
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c1,The Lunarians
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c2,Within the Giant
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c4,The Final Battle
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c5,Epilogue (part 1),8:20
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c6,Epilogue (part 2)
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c7,Epilogue (part 3)
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$ba,Chocobo Forest
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$b1,The Paladin
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c9,Dancing Girls' Theme
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$cb,Surprise
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$ca,Join the Party!
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$cd,Good Night
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c3,Porn Book Fanfare
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$c8,c8
Final Fantasy IV (WSC)(2002)(Square)(Sting)(Square).wsr::WSR,$ce,ce
- by Dais! at 3:09 PM EST on February 25, 2009
- Lunar, here are the Wario Land VB and Red Alarm rips, courtesy of Basil:
I checked Ken Kojima (Red Alarm composer) at Mobygames, and it says a Ken Kojima did music and sound for Blaze & Blade Eternal Quest. That's....a little unexpected.
- by Lunar at 4:16 PM EST on February 25, 2009
- Nice! Thanks a lot (both of you.)
- by Elven Spellmaker at 6:11 PM EST on February 25, 2009
- @CaitSith2:
What plugin is required for WSR files?
I would like to comapre it to the GBA and SNES versions of the music lol.
- by Knurek at 6:12 PM EST on February 25, 2009
- Dreamcast music archive updated:
Also, two new SSF rips:
Digital Angel - Dennou Tenshi Spiral Story (1997)(Koga Game Factory)(Tokuma Shoten)
Terra Phantastica (1996)(Chime)(Sega)
edited 6:15 PM EST February 25, 2009
- by AENIGMA at 7:54 PM EST on February 25, 2009
- Knurek thank you for the SF Rush 2049 rip. I tried a line-in rip from Midway Arcade Treasures 3 but the sound was too overdriven/bassy.
- by Warpstar at 12:13 AM EST on February 26, 2009
- Fully titled and timed playlist for Romancing SaGa WSC:
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$22,Opening Overture - Dawn of the Romance (Overture - Opening Theme) (part 1),1:22,,0
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$18,Opening Overture - Dawn of the Romance (Overture - Opening Theme) (part 2),1:43,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$1f,Theme of Albert - The Young Nobleman (Albert),1:14,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$14,Theme of Sif - Warrior of the Iced Land (Sif),1:32,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$07,Theme of Claudia - Song of the Nature (Claudia),1:27,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$10,Theme of Gray - Adventurous Spirit (Gray),1:14,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$17,Theme of Jamil - Hello My Friends! (Jamil),1:56,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$01,Theme of Aisha - Out in the Steppe (Aisha),1:50,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$0b,Theme of Barbara - Dance Through The Road (Barbara),1:05,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$09,Theme of Captain Hawk - Ladyluck (Captain Hawk),1:02,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$0e,Step into the Unknown (Dungeon 1),2:04,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$02,The Conflict (Battle 1),1:37,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$1d,Victory!,0:31,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$03,Glory of the Knight,2:43,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$19,The Salute (Title Acquisition),0:15,,0
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$1c,Sailing the Ocean (Voyage),1:32,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$0c,Palace of the Dream (Palace Theme),1:43,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$11,Crystal City,1:26,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$06,Lost in the Forest (Forest of Illusion),1:31,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$0f,The Conspiracy (Dungeon 2),0:41,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$13,Hurry Out! (Escape!),0:39,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$1a,Shop Around the Town! (South Estermil),1:07,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$05,Horrible Shadow (Sewers),1:25,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$1b,Dim Gleam of Emerald (Island of Magic),1:20,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$16,The Four Wills (Four Kings' Dungeon),1:37,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$15,Beat Them Up! (Battle 2),2:52,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$12,A Requiem,1:04,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$04,Deserted Village (Brokenhearted Aisha),2:14,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$08,Theme of Solitude,1:52,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$00,Destined Fate (Ordeal),2:43,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$23,Heartful Tears (Wipe Your Tears Away),2:16,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$1e,The Forbidden Realm (Last Dungeon),1:15,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$29,Beat of the Evil (Devil Revival),1:14,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$25,Coup de Grace (Decisive Battle! Saruuin),2:24,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$2a,Ending Theme - The SaGa (Ending Theme) (part 1),4:16,,10
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$20,Ending Theme - The SaGa (Ending Theme) (part 2),1:58,,0
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$21,Ending Theme - The SaGa (Ending Theme) (part 3),3:36,,0
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$26,Barbara's Tango (Tango Frontier),0:18,,0
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$0d,Good Night!,0:06,,0
Romancing SaGa (WSC)(2001)(Square).wsr::WSR,$30,Battle with Sherah,2:06,,10
- by Knurek at 5:40 PM EST on February 26, 2009
- New Saturn rips:
Fire Pro Gaiden - Blazing Tornado (1995)(Human)
Idol Mahjong Final Romance 4 (1998)(Video System)
Mahjong Ganryuujima (1995)(Cosmos Computer)(ASCII)
SD Gundam G-Century S (1998)(Japan Art Media)(Bandai)
SD Gundam is purely streamed, rest of them uses at least some sequences.
Not sure what's the deal with Mahjong Ganryuujima, both tone banks have all EFSDL values set to zero. And there's a third tone bank in the map file, but only two found on disc (well, there's a third one in SDDRVS.TSK, don't think that one counts). Maybe the game uses DSP only for the SFX? Pretty crappy music either way. :D
Also, thanks for the WSR playlists, guys, gonna update the archive in a bit (want to do Front Mission meself first).
- by Mouser X at 9:52 PM EST on February 27, 2009
- Elven Spellmaker: You don't need to go asking CaitSith2 where a WSR plugin is.... You could just as easily ask Knurek, me, Warpstar, or any number of people. However, the best person to ask would be snakemeat, because he's hosting the plugin on his webpage. Though, you could also ask Google.
Hopefully that helps out. It hasn't been updated in awhile, but the source code is available, if you want to give it a look over. Maybe it can be ported to Rockbox.... Mouser X over and out.
- by Elven Spellmaker at 10:47 AM EST on February 28, 2009
- Thanks Mouser! ^-^
I did look on google (always do first) but to no avail.
I wanted to compare the music from each version lol, and I had a big explanation here as to how, why etc, but my browser crashed and so you get this one...
Thanks again! ^-^
- by Knurek at 12:57 PM EST on February 28, 2009
- Dreamcast music archive updated:
Max Steel - Covert Missions (2000)(Treyarch)(Mattel)
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness (2000)(Namco)(Mass Media)(Namco)
MTV Sports - Skateboarding (2000)(Darkblack)(THQ)
Rainbow Six (2000)(Pipe Dream)
Razor Freestyle Scooter (2001)(Shaba)(Titanium)(Crave)
Ring, The - Terror's Realm (2000)(Tycoon)(Kadokawa Shoten)
Speed Devils (1999)(Ubisoft Montreal)(Ubisoft)
Spirit of Speed 1937 (2000)(Broadsword)(LJN)
Star Wars - Demolition (2000)(Luxoflux)(Activision)
Sydney 2000 (2000)(Attention to Detail)(Eidos)
Ultimate Fighting Championship (2000)(Anchor)(Crave)
Wacky Races (2000)(Infogrames Sheffield)(Infogrames)
World Series Baseball 2K1 (2000)(WOW)(Sega)
Worms - Armageddon (1999)(Team 17)(Microprose)
WWF Attitude - Get it! (1999)(Acclaim Salt Lake City)(Acclaim)
- by Knurek at 5:55 PM EST on February 28, 2009
- New Saturn rips:
Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Special (1995)(Jaleco)
Kurubushi Kyoudai Gekijo Daiikkan - Mahjong-hen (1996)(Yumedia)
Simulation RPG Tsukuru (1998)(Pegasus Japan)(ASCII)
Slayers Royal 2 (1998)(Onion Egg)(Kadokawa Shoten)
Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (1996)(Infocom)(Activision)(Shoeisha)
- by Knurek at 2:39 AM EST on March 1, 2009
- is GO!
Separated by systems (S98 can handle a few ones, NEC's PC-88, PC-88VA and PC-98, Sharp's X1 and Fujitsu's FM-Towns).
- by Knurek at 1:26 AM EST on March 2, 2009
- New Saturn rips:
Honkaku Pro Mahjong Tetsuman Special (1996)(Naxat)
RMJ The Mystery Hospital (1997)(System Sacom)(Bandai)
Shining Wisdom (1995)(Sonic! Software Planning)(Sega) - minissf rerip, from 4 MB to 300 kB. Still clicks at beginning of tracks, not sure why...
Tactics Ogre - Let Us Cling Together (1996)(Quest)(Riverhillsoft)
Virtua Call S (1998)(Fairytale)(KID)(KID)
Lupin the 3rd - Pyramid no Kenja (1998)(Tohoku Shinsha)(Asmik Ace)
Lupin the 3rd Chronicles (1997)(Spike)
Shinseiki Evangelion - Digital Card Library (1997)(Sega)
Tenchi Muyou! Toukou Muyou (1997)(Xing)
- by Knurek at 5:50 PM EST on March 2, 2009
- Today's Saturn haul:
Real Mahjong Adventure - Umi he Summer Waltz (1998)(Seta)
Rox (1998)(Altron)
Tenant Wars (1998)(KID)
Tokimeki Mahjong Graffiti - Toshishita no Tenshi-tachi (1996)(Sonnet)
Virtual Mahjong (1998)(Micronet)
Yoshimura Shougi (1998)(Konami)
- by Dais! at 5:11 PM EST on March 3, 2009
- hooray, an s98 archive! These will be nice to listen to while my system is...let's see what the malware at the top of every other page says..."Warning! Your system is in danger. YOUR COMPUTER IS IN need OF full scanning."
sounds about right!
- by Knurek at 5:19 PM EST on March 3, 2009
- Just browsed the site code for some folders, not seeing any malware links...
Unless you're just talking about your system. If so, don't ever scare me like that. :P
- by Dais! at 5:53 PM EST on March 3, 2009
- hah, I thought I had worded it to make such (incorrect) implications of the site, but that revision seemed better than the wording "at the top of the s98 directory", which was where the malware chose to make it's reappearance.
no worries on your part, just stewing in my own filth as usual.
I assume in_s98_070604 is what I'm looking for if I want to hear these in snesamp?
- by Knurek at 6:50 PM EST on March 3, 2009
- Think so, my version of the plugin shows only S98amp 1.3.1+7 though.
- by Knurek at 12:03 PM EST on March 4, 2009
- new Saturn rips:
Mezase Idol Star!! Natsuiro Memories - Mahjong-hen (1996)(Shar Rock)
Virtual Mahjong II - My Fair Lady (1998)(Micronet)
Shining Wisdom (1995)(Sonic! Software Planning)(Sega) - driver patched by kingshriek, finally no pops at track start
- by Warpstar at 9:27 PM EST on March 4, 2009
- I think that "Farland Story 4" S98 is mislabeled; the music is actually from Farland Story 6. (It also used up a lot of CPU during play back, but that's beside the point)
- by Knurek at 1:30 AM EST on March 5, 2009
- updated:
102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue (2000)(Prolific, Toys for Bob)(Eidos)
4 Wheel Thunder (2000)(Kalisto)(Midway)[MP3]
90 Minutes - Sega Championship Football (2001)(Smilebit)(Sega)
Alien Front Online (2001)(WOW)(Sega)
BANG! Gunship Elite (2000)(Rayland)(Red Storm)[MP3]
Bomberman Online (2001)(Hudson)(Sega)
Bust-A-Move 4 [Puzzle Bobble 4] (2000)(Taito)(Cyberfront)[MP3]
Centipede (1999)(Leaping Lizard)(Atari)[MP3]
Dabitsuku - Derby Uma wo Tsukurou (2000)(Land Ho!)(Sega)
Dino Crisis (2000)(Capcom Production Studio 4)(Capcom)
Fur Fighters (2000)(Bizarre Creations)(Acclaim)
Grandia II (2000)(Game Arts)
Grinch, The (2000)(A2M)(Konami)
Hydro Thunder (1999)(Atari Games)(Eurocom)(Midway)[MP3]
Jinsei Game (2000)(-)(Takara)
Kita he - White Illumination (1999)(Hudson)[MP3]
MagForce Racing (2000)(VCC)(Crave)[MP3]
Maximum Pool (2000)(Dynamix)(Sierra)
Net de Para (2000)(Takuyo)[MP3]
Nettou Golf (2000)(Sega)
Next Tetris, The - On-line Edition (2000)(Blue Planet)(Crave)[MP3]
Nightmare Creatures II (2000)(Kalisto)(Konami)
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis [Biohazard 3 - Last Escape] (2000)(Capcom Production Studio 4)(Capcom Production Studio 3)(Capcom)
Simple 2000 Series DC Vol. 02 - Natsu Iro Celebration - The Renai Simulation (2002)(HuneX)(D3 Publisher)
Soul Fighter (1999)(Toka)(Red Orb)[MP3]
Spawn - In the Demon's Hand (2000)(Capcom Production Studio 1)(Capcom)
Super Runabout (2000)(Climax)[MP3]
Zombie Revenge (1999)(Sega AM1)(Sega)
Sakura Taisen (2000)(Overworks)(M2)(Sega) - added streams
Sakura Taisen 2 - Kimi, Shini Tamou Kotonakare (2000)(Overworks)(Sega) - added streams
Sakura Taisen 3 - Paris wa Moeteiru ka (2001)(Overworks)(Sega) - added streams
Sakura Taisen 4 - Koi Seyo Otome (2002)(Overworks)(Sega) - added streams
Tetris 4D (1998)(Bullet Proof Software)[MP3] - added streams
Be gentle on the server.
- by Knurek at 9:05 PM EST on March 6, 2009
- New Saturn rips:
Baroque (1998)(Sting)
Jissen Mahjong (1995)(-)(Imagineer)
Kaitou Saint Tail (1997)(Access)(Tomy)
Mahjong Gakuensai (1997)(Make)
Mahjong Gakuensai DX Zenjitsu ni Matsuwaru Funsenki (1998)(Make)
Mahjong Hyper Reaction R (1996)(-)(Sammy)
Mahjong Kaigan Monogatari - Mahjong-kyou Jidai Sexy Idol-hen (1995)(Micronet)
Mahjong Tenshi Angel Lips (1996)(-)(Syscom)
Also, some very minor fixes to S98 (thanks Warpstar!) and GSF (thanks, past me!)
edited 2:23 PM EST March 7, 2009
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