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The mother-thread by hcs at 3:00 AM EST on March 15, 2005
Just here to root the system. I want every post to be in reply to something, and threads are posts, so they have to be in reply to something too... A better solution might have been to make replyto nullable. Hopefully this won't come back to bite me.
Hi all by hcs at 8:47 PM EDT on May 23, 2005
Welcome to the new HCS Forums.
Like the rest of my site, it's minimalist and written by me, and also probably full of bugs. Let's start populating it and see if we can't flush some of 'em out.
Can you say blah? by comics10 at 4:55 AM EDT on May 24, 2005
Adam, try to get the html to work. Seems like no luck so far. (Sorry for the sink thing this morning.)
So, what happens when I... by Mouser X at 9:40 AM EDT on May 24, 2005
I posted this to see what would happen if I tried to use my "user name" without using my password, after I created a login, of course.

[EDIT] Well, that's cool, it says "Authentication Failed" (or something like that). Nice Job HCS.
Bug Reports by hcs at 9:48 AM EDT on May 24, 2005
Please be so kind as to reply to this thread with any bug reports.
One I can think of that I'm going to fix right now is the creation of a thread with a blank subject... there'd be no link to click on.
Also I don't perform any checking to see if you're actually trying to reply to a thread that exists.

Minior issues...
FAQ update by Mouser X at 9:48 AM EDT on May 24, 2005
I'm not sure if there's any new info to add to it or not, but perhaps one of the questions included should address the question of "Why isn't [insert pre-lim rip here] on the web yet?" Or the question of "Why haven't you ripped [insert game name here]? It's got great music!" (Yes, I realize that some requests have recently been answered, but I was refering to more of a generalized answer such as "Well, I've been to busy and I lost interest in USF for awhile.")

Hopefully, this would help cut down on similar questions being asked numerous times. Also, as I said, I'm not sure if there is more info to add to the current questions or not, but if there is, an update would be nice.

Okay, that was my 2 cents worth. I'll leave now. Mouser X over and out.
Feature Requests by hcs at 9:52 AM EDT on May 24, 2005
Please be so kind as to reply to this thread with feature requests.

I'd like some persistant authentication via sessions or cookies, if only for notification of which threads are new. I'll be working a bit on that.
USF Rip Requests by hcs at 9:59 AM EDT on May 24, 2005
Ok, let's get all the requests in one place, even if you'd mentioned it before feel free to do so again.
Also feel free to second other people's suggestions.

I really don't know all that many of the hundreds of N64 games and so most of my ideas of what to rip come from requests.
Wave Race 64 Shindoo by Koji at 12:03 PM EDT on May 24, 2005
hcs, so a friend of mine suggested that the speed problems may be because you somehow ripped the songs from the last lap, which would also explain the lack of intros. Sorry if that sounds n00bish, I know absolutely nothing about the ripping process, so... Just suggesting.
Checking for bugs by unknownfile at 1:16 PM EDT on May 24, 2005
I am checking teh forum for possible buegs.
Have a nice day. :D
What's going on in other xsf formats by unknownfile at 1:56 PM EDT on May 24, 2005
To rippers of other formats, and people who like talking about XSF in general, chat here.

(Advertisement: SaptapperOnthefly v1.6 is out)

edited 4:23 PM EDT September 1, 2007
Goemon's Great Adventure by hcs at 2:57 PM EDT on May 24, 2005
I spent a while trying to re-rip this with a higher alist timout value in the USF batch ripper, but it kept failing. It turns out that when I used WaitForSingleObject I gave it a 6 minute timeout (or was it ten, I've replaced it with INFINITE now so it doesn't matter) independent of the "no new data read" clock. Track 0xb2 (the credits) is 3:30 long and the ripping was going at about half speed, so of course it didn't make it no matter what I set the Alist count to.

I'm surprised this wasn't an issue for Blast Corps, or several other games which have really freakin' long tracks.

So I'm finishing up the ripping on that track now, I also ripped 0x70 which was missing from the original rip.
64th Note v0.10 by hcs at 4:09 PM EDT on May 24, 2005
What's in the works:
(also, I'll post beta versions here as it becomes practical)

* fix "fade up" effect after fade to silence with some output plugins
* fix problem with editing the wrong file's tags after another track starts playing
* make the defaulting to file name on incomplete title optional
How I Spend My Time by hcs at 8:01 PM EDT on May 24, 2005
I'm running through my video game music collection, checking it for integrity as follows:

1. if it has an sfv/md5/par use that
2. run through wimpck to check for sync errors, etc.
3. lookup on freedb w/ mediatagger, otherwise check track number and lengths

I have over 2,000 official albums at this point, I might be here a while...


edited 4:56 PM EDT April 14, 2013
Emulated Audio updates by Mouser X at 12:01 AM EDT on May 25, 2005
I used Zophar's update thingy awhile ago, but I never saw an update come of it. As such, I'm asking here, as I know HCS helps on Why has there been little to no update for emulated audio in a long time? There's new USF sets, and new GSF sets. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's one or two PSF sets that are complete, but are not in Zophar's archives. I'm just curious why there's been so little news overall, but specifically xSF news at Zophar. I've always figured they were on top of the game.

Sorry, I do need to take into acount that people have lives, and some of those that help out at might be very busy for some reason (though I haven't seen anything from n4rvick in quite some time).

Anyway, I was just curious about that. After all, there's certainly plenty of people that never go to USF central to get their USFs. Mouser X over and out.
New tagses by hcs at 8:24 AM EDT on May 25, 2005
emphasis (I love this guy, just renders as italics but it means something)
underline (for what it's worth)

Parse errors, parse errors, everywhere, and not a drop to drink (?)
Breaking news! by unknownfile at 2:57 PM EDT on May 26, 2005
USF Central has hit 10.9 GB in transfers!

Also, all of the sets are now FIXED.
Yeay for me and hcs ^u^
Cleaning out by hcs at 8:20 PM EDT on May 26, 2005
Should I clean out the old preliminary sets from emuhost?
Working on USF Sets by PdZ at 8:50 AM EDT on May 27, 2005

Iam working on the Hcs Blast Corps Rip.The Tagging is nearly at the end stadium.

If someone also work on other sets or ripping usf, pls post it here.If there is a Thread like this, delete it hcs. ;)
Generic Driver Test by hcs at 10:25 PM EDT on May 27, 2005
I've built a generic audio lib driver from the PlaySeq demo, and I'll be trying it with games more likely to work soon, but the first game I tested was Jet Force Gemini. It sounds like they've modified things a bit on their end... but could someone more familiar with the music give their opinion on this?

JFG sample
Incredibly useless cheats :P by unknownfile at 4:28 PM EDT on May 29, 2005
Recently I have been going through the (sad) Pj64 cheatfile, and have added in some new stuff. As of now, all modifications have been to dk64(u) ;P

Press F9 to Clear Minigame
894B97A1 0000
894B97A3 0000

or whatever value, to make it harder :P

Thx to hcs for t3h l33t link to cheater64.
[img] test by hcs at 9:45 PM EDT on May 29, 2005

My N64 collection of funness. Super Mario 64 is still in the N64...

and here's me, holding open the door to the outside world.
Volume Setting Batch Scripts by wrldwzrd89 at 3:24 PM EDT on May 30, 2005
I have set up an area in my web site for USF-related things. I've put up my set of volume-setting batch scripts for use with miniusf files and PSFPoint there. Here's the address:
Getting started with N64 development? by breadcrust at 7:26 PM EDT on June 5, 2005
hello all, i stumbled onto this site while checking websites of users online at ZMD. :-)

Anyway, Ive been interested in developing some stuff for N64 for a while now, and found Neon64 here, decided that seems pretty cool, so you guys must [hopefully] know what your doing(? ^^)

So, where should I get started with this? What software is available (prefably that works on Linux). What hardware should I try and get? I've had a quick look at Dextrose and some other sites, but I'd like to hear it from you guys.

My programming skills: lots of experience with Tcl (and *shivers*, BASIC), a little bit with C and PHP. (Also XHTML/CSS/Javascript, but that doesnt count).
My hardware: A PAL N64, which I may or may not overclock soon. A couple of computers ;-) (Hopefully a Passport III soon too).

Thanks for any help.
Ack? by unknownfile at 4:37 PM EDT on June 8, 2005
It appears that whenever I try to compile 64th Note in Microsoft Visual C++, the thing halts saying that the H: drive doesn't exist. Could you help me with this?
Tetrisphere USF set question by Lunar at 9:43 AM EDT on June 9, 2005
Something me and a friend noticed while discussing USFs in general.

I was led to believe that the *.miniusf files were simple files that contained tag information, and the command to send to the *.usflib. With that in mind, they should be of a very small filesize, and for the most part they have been.

I just noticed yesterday that the Tetrisphere *.miniusfs actually go up to as large as 448kb! Why is this? I'm wondering how this particular set functions internally, since the *.usflib for it is only 620kb. I'm getting the impression this set does indeed contain its own samples or song instruction data within each *.miniusf. But if that was the case, would that not make them *.usf?

Sorry if I'm being hopelessly naive or this has been explained previously. Seems pretty interesting though.
Please stop lagging me by unknownfile at 8:34 PM EDT on June 10, 2005
As you may or may not know, I am currently 14 years of age, and cannot afford a domain name and hosting, so I must do it off my computer. However, recently some [Censored] have been lagging it down with downloads or rapid page hits (more than 20 in less than a minute). I might need to remove some downloads and tell them to fetch them somewhere else.

That is all.
64th Note CPU Usage by DeadAwake at 2:31 AM EDT on June 11, 2005
Hi. Check it out. It's interesting, I think.
All in one XSF Player by AI-M at 8:09 PM EDT on June 11, 2005
Is it possible to have something like a all-in-one XSF player where 1 player can play any XSF format? I don't like how I have to install a plugin just to play exactly 1 rip.
Banjo Kazooie by fishonthecarpet at 9:57 PM EDT on June 11, 2005
As we all know, the preliminary rip is done, but there's issues with all the music from one level being moulded together.
Is anyone working on fixing this problem, or are we all stumped? I don't know shit about this USF stuff, but my friend suggested that it might be just that the level actually does have all of it playing at once but when you go to certain areas, certain instruments are removed, which makes sense.
Thanks ; )
DKR's problems - Anyone else getting this? by Will at 5:19 AM EDT on June 12, 2005
Seems sometimes when I'm playing huge playlists with a slew of different formats, the tempo and pitch on my dkr usfs is like all fast/high and stays that way until I clear the playlist.

I'm assuming this has something to do with how they're also missing certain effects and stuff...?
64th Note in the registry by FSociety at 2:56 AM EDT on June 13, 2005
Each new version of 64th Note adds a new entry to the registry. I currently have eight instances of it on my system (all of the releases, apart from V0.04). Would there be a way of changing how new releases of 64th Note acts with the registry. For example, overwriting the previous version, rather than creating a new entry?

Also, would it be safe to remove all previous versions of 64th Note from the registry, only keeping the most recent one?

Thanks for your time.

Too long to put in the title by hcs at 9:26 PM EDT on June 15, 2005
A man came up to me on the street and told me he hadn't had a forum in three days.
Well, I knew what he meant, but just to be funny, I wrote this monstrosity.

I was also thinking of putting lines from that Xenogears song "Small Two of Pieces" in, as they sound really cool in isolation (though they're pretty lame lyrics altogether (not that the song isn't awesome, it's just better to listen to it in Japanese so I can't understand it)). "Broken mirror, a million shades of light" is cool, ya dig?
help please by billybob884 at 8:34 AM EDT on June 19, 2005
Hi, i was wondering of there was an instruction file or something out there on how to use the plug in, because I simply can't get it to work. I installed the latest version of winamp, then downloaded the 64th note plugin and installed it, but when i open any miniusf files in winamp nothing happens. winamp opens and it displays the song and the correct length in the playlist, but nothing happens when i press play.
Blast Corps hidden tune by Vincent at 5:18 PM EDT on June 22, 2005
Hi there ! Does anybody have an idea about what the "unknown" Blast Corps track was originally designed for ? I really wonder.

Besides, the short version of "Magma Peak (complete)" is pointless, since all the levels featuring the Magma Peak music are Bonus levels, and the short "complete" tunes are only heard when you leave an already complete main level by entering the BC truck.

Those two tracks were never put in the game. That's a bit strange !
Hall of Lost Files Update by hcs at 11:19 PM EDT on June 23, 2005
Someone just sent me the latest version of the foobar winamp input plugin that I know of, 0.0.5, with all the documentation.

The Hall of Lost Files concept works!

If you have anything that you think might qualify by all means let me know.
Quick 64th Note question by AndrewB at 12:23 AM EDT on June 27, 2005
Is there any reason why it can't do upsampling? For example, ZSNES (SNES emulator) can "upsample" its sound quality to 44100hz or even 48000hz with noticible improvements. Basically, this makes a difference because any time a high note is hit, the frequency goes up so the change is noticible. But 64th note caps the frequency at whatever the native sound mode of the game is (for example, 16000hz for Banjo Kazooie, 24000hz for Mario Golf 64, 32000hz for Zelda 64).

If somehow 64th Note could upsample the N64 music the way ZSNES does for Super NES games, that would be sweet.
Rubenking's Rule by hcs at 5:27 AM EDT on July 1, 2005
Writing the first 90 percent of a computer program takes 90 percent of the time. The remaining 10 percent also takes 90 percent of the time, and the final touches also take 90 percent of the time.
- Neil J. Rubenking
PJ64 USF by Gent at 7:01 AM EDT on July 6, 2005
On enabling Create Sparse ROM, running the Rom and Ending emulation PJ64 USF crashes with of course no sparse.bin being created.

I have found however by putting the Project64.exe on Windows98 / Windows Me Compatibility it will then create the sparse.bin correctly but with a loss hit of 60 fps down to around 24 - 30 fps when the rom is active. Just thought you would like to know.

I am on Windows Xp SP2
please tell me the name of that sound by deadhead272003 at 5:44 PM EDT on July 7, 2005
I am currently playing "Zelda Ocarina of Time" and I am trying to find out the name of this particular sound - the "timer" sound. It in most of the temples and it happens when you step or hit a switch and you have to get across something or thru a door to the other side or something situation like that - It has a "farty" sound to it and its get faster and faster until the time runs out.

If anybody knows the name of that sound and/or where I can get it I would be very grateful - thanks
.usflib question by CrazyMrFox at 5:16 PM EDT on July 16, 2005
Do the usflib files contain the samples for the song files, like soundbanks and midi files?

And if so, is there a way to rip out the samples from the usflib? Is that too hard or not even possible?

I just found this site about a month ago. I never even knew there was anything going on with this. I've known about spc's for years and I can't believe I didn't know anything about USF for so long. Half the time I spend online is dedicated to music related things, especially video game music.

Thanks to anyone who reads/responds to this.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: USF by hcs at 11:27 AM EDT on July 18, 2005
Neon Genesis Evangelion fully tagged preliminary set is up, another game that I started work on a while ago but never finished, sometimes all it takes is a fresh look at the problem.
I know no one requested it, but it's something that had to be done. I've known about this game since before I knew anything about the anime itself, and I've come to love the music.

So we've got about an hour of N64-average renditions of the tunes, though several are outstandingly listenable (due more to the strength of the composition than the arrangement). I'm disappointed that all of the character themes are absent, and that THANATOS is missing the interesting second half. Generally it sounds alright, just don't listen to it next to the originals. Also, it's quite large for its sample quality, 4.4 MB or 3.7 MB zipped. This must be due to the somewhat large variety of instruments. I kind of wish they'd have used up another few megabytes and kept the vocals, though I guess the flute they use instead is a tolerable substitute.

Crystalline Night Sky is now even more reminiscent of Final Fantasy 7.

The sound engine is mostly custom. I found the song selection function by scrolling through the code looking for something that looked right rather than doing actual analysis, and it worked the first time.

I don't know who was responsible for the music, so I've just credited Shiro Sagisu and the classical composers (Bach and Handel make appearances). The set is in preliminary status primarily because of that (and since I haven't renamed the files). My morning's worth of research while the ripping was proceeding turned up absolutely nothing.

sparse00 is somehow corrupted, it sounds like it was written for a different set of instruments and effects. I may leave it out of the final set, or at least put it last in order. It is identifiable, though.

REQUESTS by dr worm at 11:56 PM EDT on July 21, 2005
What are all of the title format possibilities in the config menu? The default is "%game% - %title%", but I want something that will cause the title to show track number.
USF lecture series by hcs at 10:43 AM EDT on July 23, 2005
Coming to a browser near you... now!

I've reripped Killer Instinct Gold properly (1b and 20 now work, and probably some others I don't recall, not to mention it's now a little smaller (though it doesn't compress as well)) and I wrote a walkthrough of the procedure.

USF Walkthrough 1

Hopefully it'll be of use to someone.
Conkers Bad fur day OST by Emil007 at 8:46 AM EDT on July 24, 2005
For all who are requesting the OST of Conker, you can download it legally on
(just look Extras/Downloads/Classic MP3-Files)
i know there are a a few tracks missing, but the best are aviable ;)
Compare Taggs by PdZ at 2:59 PM EDT on July 27, 2005
I start this thread for help.
Iam working on Get Force Gemini with the help of Project 64 1.6, psf point and the Roms.

Iam working hard to tagg some sets.Iam working at Mario Party and Jet Force Gemini.

Mario Party:

RENAME "sparse106.ram.miniram.miniusf" "001. Mario Party - The Story Begins.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse101.ram.miniram.miniusf" "002. Mario Party - Title.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse02.ram.miniram.miniusf" "003. Mario Party - Menu Map.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse05.ram.miniram.miniusf" "004. Mario Party - Options.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse04.ram.miniram.miniusf" "005. Mario Party - Bank.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse06.ram.miniram.miniusf" "006. Mario Party - Shop.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse07.ram.miniram.miniusf" "007. Mario Party - Mini Game Shop.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse2a.ram.miniram.miniusf" "008. Mario Party - Toads Game Explanation.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse03.ram.miniram.miniusf" "009. Mario Party - The Adventure Begins.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse39.ram.miniram.miniusf" "010. Mario Party - Board Map Fanfare.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse3a.ram.miniram.miniusf" "011. Mario Party - Board Map Overview.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse11.ram.miniram.miniusf" "012. Mario Party - Koopas Introduction.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse2b.ram.miniram.miniusf" "013. Mario Party - Toads General Introduction.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse08.ram.miniram.miniusf" "014. Mario Party - Board Map- DK's Jungle Adventure Board Map.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse09.ram.miniram.miniusf" "015. Mario Party - Board Map- Peach's Birthday Cake.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse0a.ram.miniram.miniusf" "016. Mario Party - Board Map- Yoshi's Tropical Island.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse0b.ram.miniram.miniusf" "017. Mario Party - Board Map- Wario's Battle Canyion.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse0c.ram.miniram.miniusf" "018. Mario Party - Board Map- Luigi's Engine Room.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse0d.ram.miniram.miniusf" "019. Mario Party - Board Map- Mario's Rainbow Castle"
RENAME "sparse15.ram.miniram.miniusf" "020. Mario Party - Minigame Description.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse12.ram.miniram.miniusf" "73. Mario Party - Bowser.miniusf"

Get Force Gemini:

RENAME "sparse55.ram.miniram.miniusf" "001. Get Force Gemini - Rareware Logo.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse0b.ram.miniram.miniusf" "002. Get Force Gemini - Title.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse02.ram.miniram.miniusf" "003. Get Force Gemini - Game Selection.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse0e.ram.miniram.miniusf" "004. Get Force Gemini - Character Selection.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse39.ram.miniram.miniusf" "005. Get Force Gemini - Story (Intro).miniusf"
RENAME "sparse3a.ram.miniram.miniusf" "006. Get Force Gemini - Juno's Mission Start.miniusf"
RENAME "sparse07.ram.miniram.miniusf" "007. Get Force Gemini - Juno's Mission Start v2.miniusf"

Iam so far at the moment.If someone have something to add/change, I could have some help.Its not as easy as it seems.I hope this is not spam ^^
Last call for Chopper Attack tags by hcs at 10:06 PM EDT on July 27, 2005
I tagged and timed Chopper Attack a week ago, missing only track titles. If anyone's had any interest in adding the titles or had any problems with the times I haven't heard about it, so I think I'm just going to release the set as is.
Super Mario 64 by unknownfile at 2:16 PM EDT on August 2, 2005
I noticed that while playing through Super Mario 64, there are the following dynamic music spots:

-Dire Dire Docks
-Big Boo's Haunt

Apon examining the USF rip, it appears that ugetab or whatever fixed up the Dungeon and Dire dire docks tracks, but missed the Big Boo's Haunt songs.

When you go inside the house, some extra notes start playing. Whilst outside, those notes are muted.

I am not sure if anyone has sent anything about this in. I tried modifying a miniusf, but it just crashed on me. A cheat search also failed.

ugetab, if you are reading this, that means get back to work. ;p
Favorite Songs by PdZ at 7:42 PM EDT on August 2, 2005
What are your favorite Songs?

I love these:

Get Force Gemini
- Jet Force Gemini (prel.) - sparse41.ram.miniram (sounds very very weird, but cool)

Blast Corps
- Blast Corps - Mission Description (General),Magma Peak,Moon,Mercury,Mars
- Blast Corps - Simian Acres,Beeton Tracks,Crystal Rift,Diamond Sands
- Blast Corps - Thunderfist,Cromlech Court,Venus,Neptune
- Blast Corps - Carrick Point,Ebony Coast,Oyster Harbor
- Blast Corps - Kipling Plant,Geode Square,Shuttle Clear
- Blast Corps - Tempest City,Beeton Tracks,Shuttle Clear (Intro)
- Blast Corps - Skerries
- Blast Corps - Easy Level Complete,Moon (Complete)

Diddy Kong Racing
- Diddy Kong Racing - Ancient Lake
- Diddy Kong Racing - Hot Top Volcano
- Diddy Kong Racing - Spacedust Alley,Star City
- Diddy Kong Racing - WizPig Race

F-Zero X
- F-Zero X Drivin' Through on Max

Golden Eye
- Facility (really sounds like a secret Bond Mission)
- Runway
- Surface 1 (very cool Echoeffect)
- Frigate (my absolute favorite of the game)
- Cradle (also veryyy cool)

Mario Kart 64
- Mario Kart 64 - 02 - Setup and Kart Select (I dont know why, but i like it)
- Mario Kart 64 - 03 - 3 Raceways, Wario Stadium
- Mario Kart 64 - 21 - Toad's Turnpike

Mario Party
- Mario Party - Dodging Danger
- Mario Party - The Room Underground
- Let's Go Lightly

Perfect Dark

Its my Favourite Game EVER!NO BETTER GAME THERE!
But my absolute favourote songs are:
- Training Room
- Simulator Menu
- Alien Conflict (yeaaaah)
- Defection
- Extraction X
- Villa Hostage One
- Deep Sea (one of the ultimate best songs ever heard, I love u Grant Kirkhope)
- Credits

Rayman 2 - The Great Escape
- Rayman 2 - Level 17 - The End - (P3) Credits
- Rayman 2 - Level 17 - (P8) Big Boss Fight Part 1
- Rayman 2 - Level 17 - (P7) Rocket Fly Part 3
- Rayman 2 - Level 12 - (P2) Riding A Chair
- Rayman 2 - Level 12 - (P3) Next Part Of Riding
- Rayman 2 - Level 11 - (P2) Second War Ship Attack
- Rayman 2 - Level 11 - (P3) After Rayman Reached The Circle Stairs
- Rayman 2 - Level 6 - (P2) Second Ride On The Shell
- Rayman 2 - Level 5 - (P5) At The Slide
- Rayman 2 - Level 5 - (P6) Later On The Slide
- Rayman 2 - Level 5 - (P1) Robotfight
- Rayman 2 - Level 3 - (P1) Beginning
- Rayman 2 - Level 3 - (P2) The Respawn After The Death

Space Station Silicon Valley
- Space Station Silicon Valley - 23 - Punch-Up Pyramid

Starfox 64 or Starwing in Germany
- Map
- Warp (love it)
- Versus

Super Mario 64
- Super Mario 64 - Dire, Dire Docks (underwater cave)
- Super Mario 64 - Cave Dungeon (both variations)
- Super Mario 64 - Powerful Mario
- Super Mario 64 - Koopa's Road

Super Smash Brothers
- Super Smash Bros - Bonus Game
- Super Smash Bros - Fighting Polygons Fight
- Super Smash Bros - Planet Zebes
- Super Smash Bros - Hyrule Castle

Someone played this game?Its very nice.
- Tetrisphere - Compliant Confuse (also one of my ultimate favourites)
- Tetrisphere - Prophetic - Title

The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask
- Majora's Mask - Clock Town - Day 1
- Majora's Mask - Song of Storms
- Majora's Mask - Final Hours
- Majora's Mask - Astral Observatory
- Majora's Mask - Song of Healing Demo
- Majora's Mask - Termina Field
- Majora's Mask - The Monsters Raid (crazy lol)
- Majora's Mask - The Giants' Exit

The New Tetris
- New Tetris - 01 - Title

waaah, that was a lot.
What do I do? by Yoshinkeru at 6:08 AM EDT on August 9, 2005
Hey, it's me again. Since I joined, I thought I'd get help from the creator himself.

Anyway, my problem is merely whenever I try to play USFs with foobar (using the Winamp wrapper plugin), I receive an error message: "Bad sparse ROM". Any suggestions?

I'm wondering if the new version of 64th Note might fix this, but if there is a solution now, let me know.

I'm out.
Hi! Congrats! and C++ Help by PokeParadox at 6:59 PM EDT on August 12, 2005
Hello... you may remember me from the forums... but perhaps not :/ In anycase, for whatever reason, my account there stopped working,and I never could be bothered to either sort it out or get a new account created.. well I'm back now(I think).

I want to say thanks and congratulations to HCS for bringing N64 music in a nice small format... some of those soundtracks I just can't get enough of!

Well I was originally planning on creating a foobar2000 component using the 64th Note source... but I quickly realised I currently don't know enough to even start doing this... I would appreciate any tips, advice, etc. if you think I should persue this.
I finally would like to ask for some C++ help. I'm writing a w32 console program and I want to load a GBA ROM into memory so I can patch it... I want to know (if someone would be so kind) what libs I need to include to do a binary load and also what the commands are to do the loading.
Diddy Kong Racing by unknownfile at 10:42 AM EDT on August 13, 2005
I've started my analysis on DKR, and would like to request a *working* version of the project64 source code, with the program_counter trap located in the right spot.

Anyways, I'll take a break on this for now and do something else that will probably do nothing else but waste my time.

Mario Party by Yoshinkeru at 9:44 PM EDT on August 14, 2005
Time for another report from Yoshinkeru!

I don't know about anyone else, but when I decided to try the beta rip of Mario Party, it doesn't seem to work. I tried turning off Recompiler, but all I get is silence.

I realize there's still work to be done, but I just wanted the people who were working on this to know about this little problem. Take it as you will.

End of line.
Josh W's USF rips by Josh W at 3:17 PM EDT on August 15, 2005
I have just started preliminary rip of Bomberman Hero just now.

I have just finished removing the bulk of the graphics stuff (although i fear there is still some lurking around) and got it working with 64th Note.

However due to me not writing down the music select variable offset, i cant rip it right now.

however i have made a sample usf which works fine with winamp (for me anyway).

Bomberman Hero Sample:

I might have a preliminary set ready tommorow or so the if nothing goes wrong with it :)
Super Mario 64 level data at Acmlm's by MIO0 at 11:52 PM EDT on August 16, 2005
I thought that some of you may be interested in, and possibly have comments about, this thread at Acmlm's Board. The thread is about recent finds about Super Mario 64 data. The thread is nearly 500 posts long and discussion covers the contents of MIO0 files, information about the format of the level data, an editor for certian objects in a level, and some noobish questions. The information is incomplete, but intersting.

Disclamer: I'm registered at Acmlm's (Cellar Dweller) and have posted in that thread.
Say... by Will at 8:21 PM EDT on August 19, 2005
...Is there any way to change one's password? Or do I have to create a new account...
OS X and .usf by aspiringdictator at 11:31 AM EDT on August 20, 2005
hello. I am new to this forum, as well as pretty new to vgmusic ripping and collecting in general.

i have a Macintosh on OS X. As winamp is a windows program (although i think a mac port exists somewhere) and 64th note only works with that, I was wondering if there was any way at all to play .usf files on my computer.

if anyone knows a way, it would be greatly appreciated.
Ocarina of Time hits 1K downloads! by hcs at 6:23 PM EDT on August 21, 2005
By the time you read this the Ocarina of Time USF set will have been downloaded 1,000 times from this server, which is about 3 months old.
For what that's worth, let us celebrate!
1k posts (REMOVED) by unknownfile at 7:57 AM EDT on August 25, 2005
This post has been removed because it sucks. Have a nice day, and listen to USF sets or something.

edited 12:00 PM EDT August 25, 2005
Best SSID Ever by hcs at 7:31 PM EDT on August 25, 2005
My brother was using his new PSP in the back of the car as I was driving around, looking for a wireless network to test out the 2.0 firmware's new web browser, and he found a network with the name "wardrivers go to hell". I'm not sure what store it was coming from, we were driving through a strip mall.
USF Release Questions by marioman at 8:13 PM EDT on August 26, 2005
Just two quick questions.

I have asked this first question before, but hcs was out of town and he apparently did not see it after he got back.

Specifically what does it mean when a USF set is a preliminary rip? Does that mean that it is complete except for tags/times, or is there still optimizing to do? I originally asked this question in the context of Mario Party's recompiler error, but I see many other rips that stay prelim even though they have tags/times and look complete. So I would like to see if I can get some clarification on that.

Also, just out of curiosity, are requests supposed to be removed after the prelim set is released, or after the complete set is released? I just would like to know when I should change my Yoshi's Story request.

Thanks for your help.

edited 9:44 AM EDT August 27, 2005
IDA Plugin by Josh W at 3:19 PM EDT on August 28, 2005
i made something last night that i thaught would help me rip stuff. I don't think it helped getting the xref i wanted, but it might be good for others.

What am i speaking of you ask? It's a IDA plugin that should make IDA autoanalyse and find all the functions in a project64 savestate.

I think of it only works with 8mb savestates, but i cant be sure if it works on smaller ones.

Well here it is. Just unzip it into the plugins folder in IDA:

In IDA click Edit->Plugins->N64 Function Auto-analyzer. It should also work if you press Alt-.

edited 7:21 PM EDT August 28, 2005
Now Playing by hcs at 11:29 AM EDT on August 31, 2005
Here's my winamp plugin that will update a server with what you're currently playing. It can be used with anything that will accept the title in the URL.
Specifically I've set up a service to store these. Use a URL like:
in the configuration for the plugin. Use anything for the user name and password, the first time you use them they'll be added to the database and subsequent attempts to use the account with a different password will fail. Then you can link to the image with:


And feel free to test here!

edited 3:30 PM EDT August 31, 2005
Amateur Literary Criticism by hcs at 7:55 AM EDT on September 8, 2005
It suddenly hit me, after a line of throught I can't reproduce, that the first book in Ursula K. LeGuin's Earthsea cycle, A Wizard of Earthsea, is very similar to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

Just an observation...
I'm too excited to see if this has already been mentioned... by Will at 2:52 PM EDT on September 8, 2005
I see Paper Mario has been ripped.

...YES!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! ^____^ I am so overfilled with joy, it's like... like...

Well I dunno, but thank you sooo much! hcs I looove you! (In a uh, completely platonic way, yeah)

Winamp's P2P poll by Mouser X at 8:55 AM EDT on September 9, 2005
Currently, Winamp has on its front page a poll that says:

Suppose Winamp integrated a legit P2P service with tons of cool features that made it cake to acquire and play unlimited new tracks. What would that be worth to you?

Please select one:




"The 'Media Pirate Code of Honor' prohibits me from paying jack for P2P."

Since I've never found a P2P service worth paying for (I don't use them most of the time anyway, why would I pay for one?), I of course selected the last option. When the results came up, they were as follows:

- 2%

-- 8%

----- 20%

The 'Media Pirate Code of Honor' prohibits me from paying jack for P2P.
------------------ 70%

Total Votes: 1488

I found that funny. Yah, I have to much time on my hands... But, since we're on the Topic of Winamp, what skin do you usually use? The ones I use the most (I rotate through them) is "Creative Amp (I downloaded it from," and have since modified it some), "A Brink of Time (modified to include the Media Library)," and one called "iBDE (also modified to include the ML)." If you'd like, I can send a copy of my modified skins, or links to those that interest you that I haven't modified (I have a GBA SP Winamp 'Modern' skin, if you're interested). Yah, I probably have 48 "classic" skins, and 33 "Modern" skins (actually more, but those are the ones that are in my "skins" directory). I generally stick to the "Classic" skins, because they usually look nicer (they seem to 'fit' better...). Anyway, I leave now. Mouser X over and out.
Missing Yoshi's Story Tunes by Tanookirby at 11:43 AM EDT on September 10, 2005
After listening to the yoshi's story usf files, I realized that the guitar versions of the stage music that you hear after eating a heart fruit are missing. Is it possible to rip those?
Here's a little something for you Rareware music fans by Apx at 2:21 AM EDT on September 11, 2005
Awhile back there was a chance for Rareware fans to submit questions for the Rareware musicians on how they go about and create the music that everyone here enjoys.
And the results are here in this three page article:

enjoy ;)
Animal Crossing + Yoshi's Story by fishonthecarpet at 2:22 AM EDT on September 11, 2005
... don't appear to work too well for me! When I open one up, it sits there and the equaliser goes wild (trying to load the thing I think it means), but doesn't do anything. Interestingly, for Animal Crossing, if I load one file, then close Winamp, and open again, it will play.

:( Anyone can help out? Much appreciated.
Super Smash Deities by hcs at 9:37 AM EDT on September 12, 2005
Think about it: a fighting game with figures from all sorts of religions throughout history. Not just gods, but all manner of saints, prophets, etc.
I'm thinking of taking a history of religion course to get ideas for this, it's pretty entertaining in my mind.
A little something like how Pirate Jesus plays in religion.
In other news... by hcs at 6:44 PM EDT on September 13, 2005
I'm two days younger than Mario.
USF Player for Mac by KungFuFurby at 6:47 AM EDT on September 18, 2005
Does anyone plan to release a USF Player for Mac OS X? Just asking.
DK64 Soundtrack (Torrent) by Poobah at 6:57 PM EDT on September 20, 2005
If anyone's wanting the real Donkey Kong 64 soundtrack to help tag the usf once it's released, a torrent for it is currently available here.
Player test results by hcs at 6:19 AM EDT on September 22, 2005
I've run 64th Note v1.0 b11 through a few players that support (in one way or another) Winamp plugins.

Winamp 5.1 - good

Winamp 5.07 (last version before Windows DRM) - good

Winamp 2.95 - good

foobar2k v0.8.3 - with round frequency works fine. needs foo_winamp_input plugin (tested with 0.0.5 50309)

xmplay - with round frequency and seek backwards works fine (dll goes in directory with binary)

coolplayer 215 - no way to config within the program (that I can see), so you have to edit the INI. seems to work except that seeking is screwy. DLL goes in dir with bin.

kbmedia 2.41.2005.0711 (english patch) - works well, can sometimes freeze up changing tracks but resumes in a few seconds.
use kbwinamp to create a kpi (KBM plugin) from the winamp dll. To do this run kbwinamp_installer.exe (with the rest of the files from the archive) with the winamp input dll in the same directory, type 'y' to convert each plugin. You'll then need the .dll and .kpi, put them somewhere in \Plugins.

Those are all the programs I know of, if there are others let me know and I'll test 'em out.

edited 10:57 AM EDT September 22, 2005
Zool bookmarks by hcs at 12:09 PM EDT on September 24, 2005
So I don't lose them and have to look them up again some day:

and Glover, while I'm at it: <- here's my reference for the artist tag, though they do both appear in the credits data in the ROM
XG2 rip by Koji at 4:19 PM EDT on September 26, 2005
Just making sure here, but, hcs, you do realize that the XG2 rip sounds like crap missing most of the sound channels (or instruments or whatever,) making songs borderline unrecognizable, right? :/ Yeah, I anticipated this release (didn't actually see it coming, thanks a whole bunch for actually considering it) but it's, well, not really listenable.

Well, just wanted to point it out. If you didn't know this and could use someone that helped you checking, I'll be glad.
Relativistic Electrostatics by hcs at 1:22 PM EDT on September 28, 2005

More verbose

I love this concept. It's almost as if things make sense now, instead of just "field lines, that's why."
Default options for 64th Note v1.0 by hcs at 5:14 AM EDT on September 29, 2005
What should the default settings be for 64th Note v1.0?

At the moment I'm thinking:

- Default length selected, set to 180 seconds, 10 seconds fade

- Detect silence unchecked

Fade Type = linear (as much as I like cosine I don't want to make it default)

CPU Thread Priority = normal

Title format default to file name on missing field checked

Use Recompiler CPU checked

Round Frequency unchecked

Seek Backwards checked (changed my position on this)

Fast Seek unchecked

RSP Sections unchecked

Soft Amplify unchecked

Audio HLE unchekced

Audio Audio HLE unchecked

Display Errors unchecked

Relative volume 1.00


so what do you think? I'm most uncertain at the moment about Round Frequency, since the default setting is all that most people will use it might be best to have that checked by default so people don't have problems with odd output plugins or other players than winamp, but it sets the frequency off from the exact value a bit and I very much want to keep the default settings to be as accurate as possible...
Tagging guide/suggestion by Lunar at 5:13 AM EDT on October 3, 2005
I'm wondering if there is a guide for tagging and timing USF sets anywhere around here? I couldn't find one when I looked around. I personally don't know how I'd go about making these batch files if I decided I could chip in and help with something, so I think it'd be cool to have a guide available showing people the correct way of doing it. I'm pretty clueless, myself.

If there is such a guide, I have a suggestion; to link to it on the USF set page, somewhere obvious.
Call for Pokemon Stadium tags by hcs at 5:36 AM EDT on October 3, 2005
Maxwill's Pokemon Stadium tags are nearly complete, but there are still a few tracks generically labelled "Music", "Battle", or "Fanfare". Please help recognize these if you can.

not to mention Pokemon Stadium 2

edited 9:37 AM EDT October 3, 2005
For HCS- Finished Patching Program by PokeParadox at 8:25 AM EDT on October 3, 2005
Just wanted to say thanks again, and give you the opertunity to see what you helped me create.

Ecube SavePatcher

If you read the Readme you'll see I've given you a little mention in the credits section. :)

edited 12:26 PM EDT October 3, 2005
Missing SSB track(s) by neothe0ne at 6:32 PM EDT on October 3, 2005
The first track at the top of my head that's missing is the Polygon Team Battle. It's in the Sound Test, but no rip of it was ever done. There could be others, possibly, but the SSB USF rip isn't tagged by the Sound Test so I can't easily check.
Cruisin World and USA by Sabrewulf at 8:03 PM EDT on October 3, 2005
I like the sounds of the Cruisin World and Cruisin USA
The Search For Stupid Advertisements. by unknownfile at 3:52 PM EDT on October 4, 2005
I have initiated the search for very stupid advertisements. Here's the first one I found:

So, do you know of any stupid advertisements?
Then post 'em here ;p
Building 64th Note in MSVC .NET by hcs at 7:36 PM EDT on October 5, 2005
Since that's all they have in the computer lab I tried this out... I had to put #define NOCRYPT at the top of every file to prevent some definition of UWORD in the "smart card" headers from getting in the way. I end up with a much smaller DLL than in MSVC6 and it doesn't run... just sits at 99% CPU.

If anyone can get it working let me know.
DK64 USF Help by ShaneO64 at 11:03 AM EDT on October 6, 2005
Just wondering if anyone eles is having trouble getting the Donkey Kong 64 USF sets to work. Every time I try my Winamp causes an error and takes a crap on my floor. Please help if you can.

Why arab terroists suicide bomb by Josh W at 8:45 PM EDT on October 7, 2005
Here is an small mp3 that i got sent to me of why middle eastern terroists are willing to suicide bomb.


edited 2:23 AM EDT October 8, 2005
How to Play USF? by someguy at 8:40 PM EDT on October 11, 2005
Hi all,

Sorry, but I'm a n00b. But how can I play USF? I know that I have to install Winamp, but which version of Winamp? Does it have to be Winamp v2.xx? Or is it the latest Winamp (v5.xx)? Thanks...
My USF stuff. by unknownfile at 4:22 PM EDT on October 13, 2005
I thought I'd just make a new thread for my stuff.

I've started work on Onegai Monsters but I have thus far not been able to find a song select thread. I'm guessing the song select was the same thing as 64 Trump Collection (they were both published by Bottom Up) but so far that has appeared to be a bad guess so I'm going to try the alternate way - see wtf is going on with a0. alSeqNew and alCSeqNew are also present though there are no jump-and-links to them. Hopefully I'll try this on the weekend.

edited 8:23 PM EDT October 13, 2005
The Mushroom Wars by hcs at 5:16 AM EDT on October 14, 2005
Would anyone here be interested in reading a comedy/sort-of-sci-fi story a friend and I have been working on for nigh 8 years? We're quite proud of it and usually get good responses from those we've passed it around to.
I think I'll put up some sample passages here after I've read through it again to pick out some good ones.

For a laugh you can check out the web site we put up years ago, before I realized that I can't draw for shit.

Aftermath is more the sort of thing that the evolved project has become, more textual, but I think our writing has significantly improved since then. So you really shouldn't judge by that.
Unless you like it...

edited 9:24 AM EDT October 14, 2005
Overclocked Remix via snail mail by hcs at 2:05 AM EDT on October 16, 2005
I have proposed in this thread to send all Overclocked Remixes to anyone who will pay for the media and shipping (or send me blanks and return postage).
Animal Forest, missing hourly music. by AENIGMA at 5:14 PM EDT on October 16, 2005
First off, thank you so much for making the USF for this game. I checked out all of the music and noticed that the only hourly music that was included, was the default music:

sparse01.ram.miniram.miniusf = 12:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse02.ram.miniram.miniusf = 1:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse03.ram.miniram.miniusf = 2:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse04.ram.miniram.miniusf = 3:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse05.ram.miniram.miniusf = 4:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse06.ram.miniram.miniusf = 5:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse07.ram.miniram.miniusf = 6:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse08.ram.miniram.miniusf = 7:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse09.ram.miniram.miniusf = 8:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0a.ram.miniram.miniusf = 9:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0b.ram.miniram.miniusf = 10:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0c.ram.miniram.miniusf = 11:00 am (default) Hourly music
sparse0d.ram.miniram.miniusf = 12:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse0e.ram.miniram.miniusf = 1:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse0f.ram.miniram.miniusf = 2:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse10.ram.miniram.miniusf = 3:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse11.ram.miniram.miniusf = 4:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse12.ram.miniram.miniusf = 5:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse13.ram.miniram.miniusf = 6:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse14.ram.miniram.miniusf = 7:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse15.ram.miniram.miniusf = 8:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse16.ram.miniram.miniusf = 9:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse17.ram.miniram.miniusf = 10:00 pm (default) Hourly music
sparse18.ram.miniram.miniusf = 11:00 pm (default) Hourly music

In the Winter (in the game), when it's snowing, the hourly music is different. It sounds more seasonal. Also, during the Cherry Blossom Festival (in the game), April 5th - 7th, the music is also different. It sounds more mellow.

Have you come across these songs when making the USF [a total of 48 tracks]?
64th suggestions :) by Borg Number One at 11:46 AM EDT on October 19, 2005

Your USF plug-in is a really great plug-in to hear good old N64 tunes without playing/emulate Nintendo 64. :)

Well, I have a really good idea /good suggestion to support compressed archives / compressed collections of USF tunes.

This idea is so good that your plug-in does not need:
+ other unpacking code
+ further embedded unpacking libraries

It just needs to call a function from a library which is already shipped with Winamp 2.x - 5.1.
The name of the library is: read_file.dll.


The read_file.dll is a really powerfull .dll which was/is shipped in:

+ Winamp 2.7 and ++
+ Winamp5
+ Peter Pawlowski's Plug-ins Package (4P)
In this package there is also an non-public TFMX input plug-in, which is
much, much more better than this one: .
There is further great stuff inside the package, which was never be
published on Winamp's plug-ins page.
Take google and to try get the Plug-ins Package.

Or ask me to get this great package.

The read_file.dll can be found in Winamp's plug-in directory.

Well, nearly nobody really knows all the features that the read_file.dll

1.) ARJ/RAR/ZIP archives will be handled as directories.

With the help of read_file.dll, Winamp can directly open files in archives.

Example for what is Winamp (& the certain input plug-in + read_file.dll)
currently able to handle:


2. Play files/areas inside container files

Tunes/certain areas in (game specific) "container files" will be handled as
playable tracks.

Click here to see the example

To avoid to search manually, Peter Pawlowski also built a great Windows
Ripper tool
which can detect embedded stuff (music, midi, video, graphic related) in
different files:


While scanning files with "WinRipper" you can:
+ extract ripped files to a certain place or
+ add the ripped tune as a playlist entry in/to winamp automatically.

For example, scan your Command and Conquer, ..., Red Alert CDs with
WinRipper and you should get playlist entries like these:

Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn game music:
(inside scores.mix ; "#" describes any CD drive)


Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn addon: "Covert Ops" game music:
(inside scores.mix ; "#" describes any CD drive)


Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 game music:
( + inside theme.mix ;
+ "#" describes any CD drive)


Before scanning, disable the "convert to .wav" switch in WinRipper's both
AUD settings and
enable: "send files to Winamp without extracting"
(Winamp should already be opened, before/while scanning files.)


Many other games / game container files and file formats (e.g. midi, mod,...) are also supported.

After rippping, check the Waveform Decoder Plug-in and enable AUD support.

Now you can play files from your Command and Conquer CDs/CD Images directly
without extracting the game music.

If a file / music format from/inside a zip/rar archive can be played or not,
only depends on the input-plugin which has: "read_file.dll" support.

Here you can get an example of:
+ a .rar file with tfmx tunes
+ a .m3u file to play the tfmx tunes inside the rar archive
+ the best (but not really known) TFMX plug-in for Winamp.

Here is a list of input plug-ins which use the "read_file.dll"
+ to handle areas as files and
+ to handle zip/rar archives as directories:

Input plug-ins with read_file.dll support:

+ Nullsoft MIDI Player 3.07 (older versions too) [in_midi.dll]

( Notes/interesting information: The current MIDI Plug-in in Winamp5 (and in
older Winamp2 releases) was 99,99999% (or 100% ?) built by Peter Pawlowski.
Briefly: Nullsoft kicked Peter Pawlowski and the the MIDI Plug-in is still
part of Winamp. should check Winamp 1.xx or early 2.xx releases to see the
differences between the old MIDI Plug-in and the new which was improved by
The main part of improving all other Winamp's plug-ins was also done by
Peter Pawlowski. )

+ Nullsoft Module Decoder v2.2.11 (older version too) [in_mod.dll]
+ Winamp2 SPC player plugin v2.07 [in_spc.dll]
+ Winamp2 TFMX Player 1.25 /TFMX plugin v1.25 for Winamp2 [in_tfmx.dll]
+ Winamp2 VQF Decoder v1.12a [in_vqf.dll]
+ Ogg Vorbis Decoder* [in_vorbis.dll]
+ Winamp2 Waveform Decoder [in_wave.dll]

*=This was the only .dll file where I could not find a read_file.dll string.
That means ogg vorbis decoder plug-in maybe does not support the

The latest known "read_file.dll" was built on:
20th July 2002 and the latest Winamp5 release still uses this read_file.dll

However, I only have a readme.txt-file from read_file.dll version:
And there you can see that the ogg vorbis input plug-in should be able to
play files in compressed archives/ container

read_file.dll, build 01/25/2002
(c) 2001-2002 Peter Pawlowski,

This dll is a part of winamp setup; it is used by my input plugins to read
compressed files. in winamp3, all input plugins will use access local files
read_file.dll so you will be able to play zipped mp3s for an example. Of
it also reads regular non-compressed files.
You are not allowed to redistribute this DLL anywhere without my permission.

currently supported formats are:
- zip and gzip (powered by all-time great ZLIB)
- rar (powered by UnRAR source code)
- arj (powered by UnARJ source code)

plugins that support read_file.dll:
- in_midi (in winamp setup)
- in_wave (my one, not Nullsoft's plugin from Winamp setup)
- in_vorbis (will be in the next winamp setup)
- in_mod (updated version will be in the next Winamp setup)
- in_vqf
- in_spc
- in_tfmx

most of plugins listed above can be found on my web site

read_file.dll's major purpose is to decompress compressed mods /
midis (archives containing single file) 'on the fly'.
the file is being completely decompressed into memory while opening.
be careful with this stuff - if you compress 50-meg wav, you will need 50
megs of
free RAM in order to play it and it will take several seconds to open it.

new versions have some other features:
- CD letter detection - replace drive letter with # character,
eg. "#:\main.mix" and read_file.dll will automatically scan all drive
letters for that file.

- partial file access - eg.
"partial://xxxxxxx-yyyyyyyy:x:\dir\file.ext\file.mid" where :
xxxxxxxx - start offset in hex (must be 8 characters!), yyyyyyyy -
end offset in hex, x:\dir\file.ext - path of file,
file.mid - 'display name' of file (most input plugins will recognize it as
file name);
extension is important to make sure that proper input plugin opens the file.
example: install my in_wave,
insert Red Alert CD1 english and open
"partial://188391D4-18C4BEC0:#:\main.mix\Hell March.aud".

- zip/rar file extraction - eg. "c:\music\spc\FF5.rar\ff5-1-01.spc".
you can compress all your SPCs with RAR and create playlists referencing RAR
this will save huge amounts of disk space (about 30 megs for me).

TIP: if you want to compress whole directory of files, append '.rar' (or
'.zip') to its name,
then create big playlist with files in it, save it in parent directory,
remove '.rar' ('.zip') extension,
compress contents with rar/zip (make sure that rar/zip file name is the same
altered directory name before) and put rar/zip file in parent directory
(where your playlist is).

*** Using read_file.dll in your plugins ***
Read_file.dll is based on pre-released Winamp3 specs (Tempura).
It should even still work with Tempura. (Almost) complete specs were inside
Winamp3 pre-sdk which used to be available on NSDN - (and might be still there).
Exported symbol is int readerSource(HINSTANCE ,reader_source**) (this is not
mentioned in Tempura

The Plug-ins listed above use the symbol/function:
+ readerSource

The input plug-in: "in_midi.dll" is able to convert (exotic) MIDI file
formats to other / compressed MIDI files.
So, it additionally uses the functions:

+ RF_create
+ gzip_writefile

All three functions can be found inside the "read_file.dll" and are offered
by this

in_usf.dll improvements / suggestions

Now, it would be really great, if you could add "read_file.dll"-support to
your 64th Note USF input Plug-in.
Then it would be possible to play the N64 USF tunes in "rar/zip state" without
unpacking them.

Because I could not find any "read_file.dll"-related documents I did a long
search and finally found
good old Winamp3 SDK

Unpack them (extract both in different directories, e.g.: ...\SDK1 & ...\SDK2) and look for files
which contains the strings:

+ "readersource"
+ "reader_source"

This will help you to find all necessary stuff to add:
"read_file.dll"-support to your great
64th Note USF input Plug-in.

To get WinRipper or its sources or other/old Winamp related stuff, just ask

edited 3:49 PM EDT October 19, 2005
USFs not on list by hcs at 8:38 PM EDT on October 20, 2005
Could the rippers (or whoever else notices) tell me in this thread what rips of theirs (in progress or otherwise) are missing from the USF Central list? I know it's a bit out of date, sorry
CBFD Tags by ShaneO64 at 8:52 AM EDT on October 21, 2005
(this may have been talked of allready)Just wondering if anyone for see's Conker's Bad Fur Day tags in the near future. If not I would be happy to do it, two things though,

1. Most of the tracks titles I would make up myself, wich might piss alot of you off.

2. I'm not sure how to go about submitting them.

So reply to me with your coments and insults. I'll be here all day.
SUCK by unknownfile at 7:22 PM EDT on October 21, 2005
this was recorded on 10/21/2005 in channel #jj2 on quakenet. I posted it here for no reason whatsoever other than the fact that it amused me quite a bit.

[22:56] *** SUCK has joined #jj2.
[22:56] SUCK: !
[22:57] SUCK: i
[22:57] MaGoo`: woah how did you do that
[22:57] SUCK: O.o
[22:57] SUCK: dunno
[22:57] SUCK: amazing
[22:57] SUCK: i
[22:57] SUCK: I
[22:57] SUCK: bore
[22:58] SUCK: ED
[22:58] *** SUCK is ~irsaiidd@ ([476244aa] #JJ2 Web User)
[22:58] *** SUCK is on: #jj2
[22:58] *** SUCK is using * QuakeNet IRC Server
[22:58] *** End of /WHOIS.
[22:58] SUCK: SUck
[22:58] SUCK: MY NAME!
[22:59] SUCK: LOL SUCK
[22:59] UNKNOWNFILE: tickbot killweb SUCK
[22:59] *** -Tickbot- You must be an operator in #jj2 to access this command.
[22:59] SUCK: d
[22:59] UNKNOWNFILE: (I wish)
[22:59] SUCK: u
[22:59] SUCK: tickbot genderchange
[22:59] Monolith: SUCK, please only use one line at a time
[23:00] SUCK: OmGZ
[23:00] SUCK: ho hum
[23:00] UNKNOWNFILE: tickbot jabber
[23:00] Tickbot: next year must stay inside.. bastards i am on the internet world cup? please only use one line at a time 2.5 million or so people here) the day was ruined after that game ball over the keeper at one point
[23:01] SUCK: the day was ruined
[23:01] SUCK: tickbot jabber
[23:01] Tickbot: been interesting of people live in your area? soccer before, actually. got unlucky
[23:01] SUCK: eh
[23:01] SUCK: more
[23:01] SUCK: tickbot jabber
[23:01] Tickbot: LOL SUCK the 1.6 is non whites ;D or so I heard make out at the end of that game probably jews, apparently interesting while we make out during the world cup
[23:01] MaGoo`: enough
[23:01] SUCK: k
[23:01] SUCK: someone say a funny word
[23:02] UNKNOWNFILE: taco
[23:02] SUCK: 8\10
[23:02] MaGoo`: moist
[23:02] SUCK: 7\10
[23:02] MaGoo`: you suck
[23:02] UNKNOWNFILE: fish
[23:03] SUCK: duh
[23:03] SUCK: 5\10
[23:03] SUCK: squish
[23:03] UNKNOWNFILE: "nucular" weapons
[23:03] SUCK: eh
[23:03] SUCK: -0\10
[23:03] UNKNOWNFILE: suck
[23:04] UNKNOWNFILE: you suck ;p
[23:04] SUCK: file a fish dish
[23:04] SUCK: *fan*
[23:04] SUCK: *cheers
[23:04] * UNKNOWNFILE kicks SUCK in the balls
[23:05] SUCK: BOL
[23:05] SUCK: sigh
[23:05] MaGoo`: ok bye
[23:05] *** MaGoo` has signed off IRC (Quit: reg ;)).
[23:06] SUCK: may i do a tickbot_jabber?
[23:06] *** DESUCK has joined #jj2.
[23:06] SUCK: tickbot desuck SUCK
[23:06] *** SUCK is now known as UNSUCK.
[23:06] UNSUCK: tickbot jabber
[23:06] Tickbot: i am perverted I'm glad you were pissed off. one of the best women's soccer teams
[23:06] SpazticandLC: well this is fun
[23:07] UNSUCK: SUCK
[23:07] Monolith: indeed, ella
[23:07] UNKNOWNFILE: ok stfu
[23:07] DESUCK: NO
[23:07] UNKNOWNFILE: you suck desuck
[23:07] UNSUCK: snorez
[23:08] UNSUCK: sucksuck
[23:08] UNSUCK: may i eat your taco?
[23:08] DESUCK: WHOS
[23:08] UNSUCK: Suck Zone Act I
[23:08] UNSUCK: unknowfiles
[23:09] UNSUCK: *gravbs toca
[23:09] * DESUCK steals taco
[23:09] UNSUCK: eat the toca
[23:09] *** LarK` has joined #jj2.
[23:10] SpazticandLC: LARK
[23:10] UNKNOWNFILE: hi lark.
[23:10] UNSUCK: ACT i
[23:10] UNSUCK: omg
[23:10] LarK`: HI.....:O
[23:10] SpazticandLC: welcome to sucksville
[23:10] DESUCK: ++TACOS
[23:10] UNSUCK: ++taco
[23:11] UNSUCK: and toca
[23:11] *** hcs has joined #jj2.
[23:11] UNKNOWNFILE: hello Adam.
[23:11] hcs: yo
[23:11] UNSUCK: BOLZ
[23:11] hcs: 'k
[23:11] UNSUCK: !!!
[23:12] *** hcs is now known as RESUCK.
[23:12] *** DESUCK is ~iefrhopi@ ([40e783f4] YOU SUCK LAWLZ)
[23:12] *** DESUCK is on: #jj2
[23:12] *** DESUCK is using * QuakeNet IRC Server
[23:12] *** End of /WHOIS.
[23:12] UNSUCK: SUCK
[23:12] RESUCK: ain't it, though?
[23:12] * UNKNOWNFILE falls out of his chair
[23:12] UNSUCK: are you dead
[23:13] UNSUCK: what do we do when we get there>?
[23:13] DESUCK: HEY
[23:13] UNSUCK: How much fuck would a woodfuck fuck if a woodfuck could fuck wood?
[23:14] UNSUCK: or suck
[23:14] UNSUCK: Our science teacher made us smell boiling cabbage today.
[23:14] UNSUCK: To bad it wasn't taco.
[23:14] DESUCK: TACO!
[23:15] UNSUCK: tickbot ban taco
[23:15] UNKNOWNFILE: tickbot jabber
[23:15] Tickbot: WE EAT TACOS Or not smell boiling cabbage today. first round its for a good reason. EAT TACOS *cheers you suck #razzarena
[23:15] Blackraptor: who the hell are all these people?
[23:16] UNSUCK: sucky people
[23:16] UNKNOWNFILE: Resuck is hcs
[23:16] UNSUCK: we is the suck force
[23:16] RESUCK: yo
[23:16] DESUCK: ++SUCK
[23:16] Blackraptor: oh ok
[23:16] Blackraptor: who is hcs?
[23:16] UNSUCK: ha
[23:16] RESUCK: I am unknowable
[23:16] UNKNOWNFILE: He's the usf guy.
[23:17] UNSUCK: George Bush < Tacos
[23:17] UNSUCK: *Turd
[23:18] UNSUCK: "Luke, I am my own father."
[23:18] UNSUCK: *hillbilly
[23:18] DESUCK: tickbot rsg * [is] v u
[23:18] * Tickbot is impregnating Foxfulness
[23:18] Monolith: :O
[23:18] *** UNSUCK is ~irsaiidd@ ([476244aa] #JJ2 Web User)
[23:18] *** UNSUCK is on: #jj2
[23:18] *** UNSUCK is using * QuakeNet IRC Server
[23:18] *** End of /WHOIS.
[23:19] UNSUCK: uh.
[23:19] UNSUCK: That's more of a truth
[23:19] UNSUCK: than a funny.'
[23:20] DESUCK: Indeed it is!
[23:20] UNSUCK: tickbot jabber
[23:20] Tickbot: the suck force *cheers the day was ruined LIKE HUMANS AND CRACK THEY IS PROTECTES SUCK
[23:20] UNSUCK: I;m protected
[23:20] UNSUCK: tickbot make freaky sex with DESUCK
[23:21] UNSUCK: darm
[23:21] *** UNSUCK is now known as SuperSuck.
[23:21] SuperSuck: hail me
[23:21] DESUCK: OK
[23:21] DESUCK: *hails*
[23:21] SuperSuck: pizza
[23:21] SuperSuck: get me it
[23:22] SuperSuck: now
[23:22] * DESUCK gets pizza, beer, burritos, and tacos.
[23:22] DESUCK: pick one.
[23:22] SuperSuck: Yes.
[23:22] DESUCK: or all four.
[23:22] SuperSuck: I choose Dennis.
[23:22] UNKNOWNFILE: OK, this is just getting annoying
[23:22] SuperSuck: yes
[23:22] UNKNOWNFILE: !cockvote SuperSuck
[23:22] iCeD|Away: [Kickvote] UNKNOWNFILE has initiated a kickvote on SuperSuck. Type !vote yes or !vote no to vote.
[23:22] iCeD|Away: [Kickvote] Voting will last for 1min. A minumum of 3 YES votes is required.
[23:22] *** -iCeD|Away- [Kickvote] You have automatically voted yes, and do not need to use the !vote command.
[23:22] DESUCK: !vote no
[23:23] SuperSuck: !vote yes
[23:23] SuperSuck: oh well
[23:23] iCeD|Away: [Kickvote] 15secs left to vote.
[23:23] *** DESUCK has signed off IRC (Quit: THIS SUCKS AND IM BORED).
[23:23] Blackraptor: !vote yes
[23:23] SuperSuck: lets talk about politics
[23:23] iCeD|Away: [Kickvote] Vote failed (not enough yes votes).
[23:23] iCeD|Away: [Kickvote] Script will be deactivated for 10mins.
[23:23] Blackraptor: gg
[23:23] UNKNOWNFILE: george bush teh sucks
[23:23] UNKNOWNFILE: and he knows it
[23:24] SuperSuck: he suck his mom
[23:24] UNKNOWNFILE: monobot hail supersuck
[23:24] Monobot: What do you mean 'hail supersuck'?
[23:24] SuperSuck: monobot eat taco
[23:24] * Monobot eats SuperSuck
[23:24] SuperSuck: ~
[23:25] SuperSuck: thats a Suck molacule
[23:25] UNKNOWNFILE: SuperSuck: Two guys come into a bar. One is called /exit, the other is called /quit. If /exit leaves, then who is left?
[23:25] SuperSuck: not DOS
[23:25] SuperSuck: God
[23:26] LarK`: oh well, this channel hasnt gotten any better since the last time i came here. see you around.
[23:26] SuperSuck: 3 dollars.
[23:26] *** LarK` has signed off IRC (Quit: Look over there!).
[23:26] SuperSuck: *looks*
[23:26] SuperSuck: Monobot become a girl
[23:26] Monobot: What do you mean 'become a girl'?
[23:26] UNKNOWNFILE: monobot cow
[23:26] Monobot: Moo.
[23:26] SuperSuck: YOU KNOW *NUDGE*
[23:27] SuperSuck: monobot tickbot
[23:27] Monobot: A fancy random number generator.. with special parts that's all.
[23:27] UNKNOWNFILE: monobot barf
[23:27] Monobot: Yea ok whatever..
[23:27] Blackraptor: ...cya
[23:27] SuperSuck: idle
[23:27] *** Blackraptor has left #jj2.
[23:27] UNKNOWNFILE: monobot be usefl
[23:27] Monobot: Unable to comply.
[23:28] SuperSuck: monobot Darth Vader
[23:28] SuperSuck: monobot kill
[23:28] Monobot: It is not my place to kill.
[23:28] SuperSuck: do it
[23:28] SuperSuck: monobot do it
[23:28] Monobot: ...
[23:28] SuperSuck: monobot take crap
[23:28] Monobot: No.
[23:28] SuperSuck: yes
[23:28] UNKNOWNFILE: tickbot rsg u [likes to hang out near] v n[s].
[23:28] Tickbot: Monobot likes to hang out near making babies with chain smokers.
[23:28] *** SuperSuck has signed off IRC (Quit: omg my head asplode).
Banjo - Tooie by Gema at 8:25 AM EDT on October 22, 2005
Dunno if this has been posted before but here it is...
Some songs sound very different than those in the game. like sparce45, 3e, 39, and most stage songs id say...... i can provide some mp3s to compare with the ripped songs and see the difference....
Just tell me where should i send them and ill try to send them as fast as i can... just 3 or 4 songs to get the idea.
Oh.. and im not complaining here.. u guys do a great job and i just want to help u make it a perfect job :)
Need Help on Speed Control by Tanookirby at 3:37 PM EDT on October 22, 2005
Some of you might notice that the USF's for cartain games play at a tempo that is different from what they use during gameplay. To solve this problem, I use a Winamp plugin called Pacemaker that allows me to change the speed of a music file. I also listen to an Mp3 version of the song to make sure the USF is at the right speed. My problem is that I do not know what tempo or speed each one should be excactly set to. Here are my setting for a few games:

Donkey Kong 64: Move the speed (speed not tempo) up two notches.
MarioKart 64: Move the tempo up three notcges.
Yoshi's Story: Move the tempo up five notches.
Super Mario 64: Move the tempo up four notches for some songs and eight notches for others (such as looping steps).

You can get the Pacemaker plugin here.

edited 7:38 PM EDT October 22, 2005
USF on IRC. by unknownfile at 7:57 PM EDT on October 22, 2005
A channel has been started on Visitors are myself, Josh and hcs.

The channel is #usf.

edited 9:01 PM EST March 12, 2006
Multiline comments by Poobah at 10:47 PM EDT on October 23, 2005
I've noticed that if there are comment tags with multiple lines, each line is stored as a separate "-comment" tag. While this works fine, it isn't compatible with Neill Corlett's PSFPOINT utility, because it will only write one of each tag. Is there any chance that you (HCS) could change the plugin so that comments are stored in a compatible way?

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