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- DAAH! by G-Boy at 12:26 PM EDT on March 29, 2017
- Instrument: Jazz Scat
Sound Module: Roland ED SC-8820 (1999)
Song: Crescent Moon ~ Crescent Moon Village
Game: Wario Land 4 (2001)
Composer: Ryoji Yoshitomi
- by G-Boy at 12:57 PM EDT on March 31, 2017
- Instrument: Chorus Oohs
Program Number: 054
Instrument: Ukulele
Program Number: 025
Instrument: Timpani
Program Number: 048
Instrument: Bird
Program Number: 124
Song: Medamayaki ~ Palm Tree Paradise
Instrument: Steel-str. Gt
Program Number: 026
Song: Wildflower Fields
Sound Module: Roland Sound Canvas SC-8820
Game: Wario Land 4
Composer: Ryoji Yoshitomi
edited 12:57 PM EDT March 31, 2017
edited 1:03 PM EDT March 31, 2017
- by AceK at 4:52 PM EDT on April 2, 2017
- Two questions. How do you guys feel about having a Discord server for the purpose of discussing stuff relating to this topic?
Also, are there spreadsheets around for anything "brand-name" focused? I'm seeing sheets specifically made for a certain game series (only saw Pokemon), and I can edit it in the 1st post so it will be easier to navigate said sources. List any spreadsheets known.
In the meantime, some contributions on the 1st post's spreadsheet were added (some that I didn't even get to post in this thread). Sorting by date will help show what has changed overtime. Otherwise, it doesn't have added contributions (except maybe a few) discussed in the past 100 pages or so sadly. I also didn't plan on making it publicly editable, and instead running it as a "comment" based system to avoid mishaps like one of the spreadsheets made earlier.
edited 5:34 PM EDT April 2, 2017
- Rest in Peace, Kakehashi-Sama by G-Boy at 1:45 PM EDT on April 3, 2017
- FYI; Ikutaro Kakehashi, the founder of Roland and likely one of the developers of the Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 recently died at the age of 87. I'll always remember him, video game music in the 90's would not have been the same without him.
edited 1:55 PM EDT April 3, 2017
- by Terry93D at 2:54 PM EDT on April 4, 2017
- Anyone know what Shimomura used in Radiant Historia? That soundtrack is absolutely fantastic and were I less experienced/knowledgeable I'd say it was played by an actual orchestra.
- Akai Sound Library Vol. 1 XL by G-Boy at 4:54 AM EDT on April 5, 2017
- Has anyone ripped the Akai Sound Library Vol. 1 XL sample CD that was used in Animal Crossing, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time etc.? I cant't find it on the internet, and I think I would find a lot of new sample sources if I got my hands on it.
edited 4:55 AM EDT April 5, 2017
edited 4:56 AM EDT April 5, 2017
edited 4:57 AM EDT April 5, 2017
edited 4:58 AM EDT April 5, 2017
- by punk7890-2 at 5:39 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
- @Terry93D Some of the instruments in that game are from East West Symphonic Orchestra, such as the Harp, Violin (one of them), Snares (one of them), Violin/Viola Sections, Pizzicato Section.
@G-Boy I have it. Message me on GlitchKill for it. It does indeed have quite a few game samples on it, though I forget which and haven't fully gone through it so that would be great if you could.
- by AceK at 6:33 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
- @G-Boy I have Akai Sound Library V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 and V7.
- by Ghignarda at 8:20 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
- How do you guys open the Akai Sound Library files? At least the ones I've dled from a Google search are either mdf files or bins that won't respond to any file opener.
- by punk7890-2 at 9:17 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
- @AceK Neat! I didn't know there was V3/V4/V5/V6/V7! Would you mind uploading those somewhere? Those would be of great use.
@Ghignarda You need to use a virtual drive mounter such as virtual clone drive. Then you need something to open them such as CDXTRACT 4, Extreme Sample Converter, or Awave Studio.
- by AceK at 12:31 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
Going to see how this will turn out. Looking to mod some people along the way (currently figuring out how to disable voice chat).
@punk7890-2 I might have a source off hand. I can PM/message you about it over in the channel above.
edited 12:49 AM EDT April 6, 2017
- by G-Boy at 4:02 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
- @punk7890-2
FYI: I've messaged you on Glitchkill. If the PM was sent by a user named "gboy", that's me.
- by G-Boy at 4:09 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
- @AceK
I tried to create a new account, but Discord told me that the email was already registered.
edited 4:09 AM EDT April 6, 2017
- by AceK at 4:31 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
- @G-Boy
Weird. It shows your name on the offline list at least. Do you know if you or someone registered to Discord already with that same email?
- Disconfusion by G-Boy at 5:01 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
- @AceK
I figured it out. I already have a Discord account named NintendoGurkan that was registered with the same email address (I created it for the SiIvaGunner discord server), but I missed the login button when I was invited to your server, so I accidentally created a new account.
I've logged in to your server with the right account now, but I still can't figure out how to change my server nickname. I want to have the same nickname as I have on this forum and not YouTube, but until I figure that out, I'm NintendoGurkan on your server.
- by AceK at 5:06 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
- @G-Boy
Fixed. You should have G-Boy as the nickname now.
- by G-Boy at 9:57 AM EDT on April 6, 2017
- Sample: Shamisen
Program Number: 107
Sound Module: Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 (1994)
Game: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (2009)
Console: Nintendo DS
Song: Kay Faraday ~ The Great Truth Thief
Composers: Noriyuki Iwadare, Yasuko Yamada
edited 9:57 AM EDT April 6, 2017
- by G-Boy at 12:40 PM EDT on April 6, 2017
- @punk7890-2
NVM, @AceK sent me the sample CD on Discord!
- by G-Boy at 1:49 PM EDT on April 6, 2017
- I never thought I would say this, and I know this is off-topic, but baggagelizard found the source of the ReDead scream sample. It comes from The General Series 6000 Sound Effects Library which was made by Sound Ideas, and it was not only used in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was used in The Nutshack and many other TV shows too!
edited 1:49 PM EDT April 6, 2017
- by starerik at 4:49 PM EDT on April 6, 2017
- @G-Boy Are you Swedish?
- by G-Boy at 2:25 AM EDT on April 7, 2017
- @starerik
Yes, I am. How did you know?
edited 3:51 AM EDT April 7, 2017
- JV-1080? by Hexagon12 at 9:52 AM EDT on April 7, 2017
- @Enclave123
I heard that you own a Roland JV-1080. If it's not hard for you, can you do me a favor? I need the GM set sampled from your JV-1080 Bank D. Especially, the music box is what I need.
- by starerik at 9:58 AM EDT on April 7, 2017
- @G-Boy: pga gurkan
- by G-Boy at 1:12 PM EDT on April 7, 2017
- @starerik
Är du också svensk?
- by Enclave123 at 3:20 PM EDT on April 7, 2017
- @hexgon12 Hey there! i do own a jv1080 the problem is, i don't have any recording tools for it for my PC.
Lately i been having trouble to finding a audio recorder for it.
- by starerik at 4:23 PM EDT on April 7, 2017
- @G-Boy: Japp.
- by Enclave123 at 11:58 PM EDT on April 7, 2017
- If i have any audio recording hardware for my Jv1080, i can try recording a sample of it.
So far i only like 2 cards now.
(Vintage and Orchestra)
I feel like Vintage was the most expensive or rare in the Jv80 expansion cards series.
I was having trouble finding it in Reverb but i decided to use Ebay as a Alternative and it went very well.
There also some different versions of the sync wave preset so far.
So far i am planning to buy the Jv80 world card which have a impressive library of sounds that i heard in other games.
edited 12:00 AM EDT April 8, 2017
- More Koei Tecmo (Part 2) by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 1:43 AM EDT on April 8, 2017
- I've obtained the "Bass & Drum" samples I was looking for, but the percussion used in this track;
... is not among any of them. Can anyone help me identify where it came from? It was used in both Dynasty Warriors 2 and 3.
- by Hexagon12 at 5:20 AM EDT on April 8, 2017
- @XaikuTheMaverickHunter
I think it could be Spectrasonics Stylus (not RMX). It was released just before the game came out.
- Re:More Koei Tecmo (Part 2) by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 12:58 PM EDT on April 8, 2017
- @Hexagon12
Do you have any idea where I could get the "not RMX" version of Stylus?
- by Ghignarda at 1:06 AM EDT on April 9, 2017
- @XaikuTheMaverickHunter
It isn't necessary to get the "not RMX" version, seeing as Stylus RMX contains all of the "classic" loops anyway.
- by alimu at 3:45 PM EDT on April 9, 2017
- @Hexagon12 @XaikuTheMaverickHunter Actually, it cannot be Stylus in this case, since Stylus was released in 2002. The Dynasty Warriors 2 game was released in 2000. It sounds like it is not a loop, but individual samples making a drum kit.
- Re:More Koei Tecmo (Part 2) by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 2:13 PM EDT on April 10, 2017
- What do you think it could be from? The Korg Trinity , or some other Korg or Roland product (maybe another Super JV expansion board)?
- by G-Boy at 5:33 AM EDT on April 11, 2017
- I noticed that every instrument in the Super Mario World Airhsip music from Super Mario Maker seems to be sampled from the SC-55 map of the Roland Sound Canvas VA. It seems like Koji Kondo tried to make it sound like it was composed with the Roland dev kit that SNES developers got in the 90's and was used for Super Mario World, but he didn't have access to a real SC-55, so he sampled the VST instead.
The strings in the real SC-55 are actually very different compared to the strings in the real SC-88, but the SC-55 map in the VA just has the strings from the SC-88 in the SC-55 map because Roland couldn't sample the former strings for some reason, and that's why it uses the SC-88 strings even if Super Mario World was made in 1991 and Koji Kondo tried to make it sound retro.
And the Sound Canvas VA was released in 2015, just like Super Mario Maker, so that also explains things.
edited 5:34 AM EDT April 11, 2017
edited 5:35 AM EDT April 11, 2017
edited 5:36 AM EDT April 11, 2017
- by G-Boy at 9:11 AM EDT on April 11, 2017
- Sample: Music Box
Program Number: 011
Sound Module: Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 (1994)
Game: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (1995)
Song: Story Orgel
- Re:More Koei Tecmo (Part 2) by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 10:44 AM EDT on April 11, 2017
- @alimu I'm not sure if this forum delivers notifications, but I guess it's worth a shot. Anyway, do you know where the drum kit used in Dynasty Warriors 2-3's "Against All Odds" came from?
- by alimu at 8:46 AM EDT on April 13, 2017
- @XaikuTheMaverickHunter Hey, unfortunately it does not deliver notifications which is why I'm late. I'll check some stuff and get back to you
- Re:More Koei Tecmo (Part 2) by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 10:32 AM EDT on April 13, 2017
- @alimu No problem.
- by witapepsi at 3:59 PM EDT on April 13, 2017
- Does anybody know this distinct trumpet patch Shoji Meguro uses in the Megami Tensei/Persona PS2 games?
Here's a sample song.
- by Ghignarda at 10:49 PM EDT on April 15, 2017
- In "Track Attack" from Yooka Laylee, David Wise used one of the "Warped Flute" samples from Zero G's "Animato" for the opening whirling flutes.
- Re:More Koei Tecmo (Part 2) by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 7:53 PM EDT on April 16, 2017
- @alimu Anyone who's willing to help me out can;
I just need to know where that drum kit came from. Also, I'm putting this up again just as a reminder.
- by G-Boy at 11:23 AM EDT on April 17, 2017
- Test
EDIT: Phew... I wasn't able to post messages on this forum for some reason (an error message said "Authentication failed"), but it worked after I deleted the cookies from this site.
edited 11:26 AM EDT April 17, 2017
- by kode54 at 3:33 PM EDT on April 17, 2017
- Yeah, the way the login cookies work, you can only log into the site from one browser or machine at a time, unless you somehow share your cookies between browsers.
- by hcs at 4:11 AM EDT on April 18, 2017
- It really wasn't intended that you would stay logged in all the time, though if I had really thought that through I would have had cookies expire per browser session. I should probably delete cookies if authentication fails. Sorry for the trouble G-Boy!
- by Enclave123 at 5:48 PM EDT on April 18, 2017
- I actually recorded the Banjo Kazooie Grunty Revenge theme with my Jv1080.
- Sample by Enclave123 at 8:11 PM EDT on April 18, 2017
- I was enable to record that glass like sample from my JV1080.
It in the Jv1080 GM drums set.
I believe it call Ank lungs
edited 8:30 PM EDT April 18, 2017
- by Nisto at 11:07 PM EDT on April 18, 2017
- Cool! I think that's the sample used in the cloister of trials theme from Final Fantasy X as well.
- JV-1080 sampling by Hexagon12 at 7:16 AM EDT on April 19, 2017
- @Enclave123
I heard your remake of the Banjo-Kazooie theme and I already found a sample that I didn't find yet in my most researched game. Also the quality is really good and I hope you can try to sample out the GM bank out of your JV-1080 with that kind of quality.
- by Enclave123 at 4:55 PM EDT on April 19, 2017
- @Hexagon12
I can try sampling what is the instruments you need?
- by Hexagon12 at 1:10 AM EDT on April 20, 2017
- @Enclave123
I would actually need the whole GM bank from Bank D. But if it's the specific instruments, I would need the music box, the tubular bells, the nylon guitar and the percussive organ. Maybe also the violin, viola and the bassoon?
edited 7:08 AM EDT April 20, 2017
- by Enclave123 at 1:19 AM EDT on April 20, 2017
- Look like i did it again! i redone the whole dam track from Goldeneye by using my JV1080 synthesizer.
I use the Vintage Card and the default Jv80 presets and also the orchestra card.
edited 1:19 AM EDT April 20, 2017
- by Thelostrune at 10:36 PM EDT on April 20, 2017
- Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Lurelin Village has Pan Flute MOD from Goliath in there. Hits quite obviously in at around 55 seconds.
- by G-Boy at 2:31 AM EDT on April 21, 2017
- @Enclave123 Have you redone any Banjo-Kazooie music?
- by Enclave123 at 2:45 AM EDT on April 21, 2017
- @G-Boy Yeah i only redoing the Grunty revenge Music mainly, so far i finish like a few tracks.
- by G-Boy at 8:25 AM EDT on April 21, 2017
- @Enclave123 Are you planning on redoing music from Banjo-Kazooie 64?
edited 8:25 AM EDT April 21, 2017
edited 8:25 AM EDT April 21, 2017
- by Enclave123 at 2:37 PM EDT on April 21, 2017
- @G-Boy If i have a Emu Proteus FX, i might even consider doing it.
edited 2:38 PM EDT April 21, 2017
- by Enclave123 at 12:45 AM EDT on April 22, 2017
- The Silver Case appears to use Jv1080, some of the strings were from the orchestra card and i find it interesting.
- by Enclave123 at 4:44 PM EDT on April 22, 2017
- If anyone wants to know what i use to record my JV1080, i mainly use a 3.5 mm cable and insert it to phones.
But i recommend getting a stereo 1/4 jack converter first.
The converters are pretty cheap to get actually, you can find them online a lot actually as long it in the right size what i mention.
I also recommend lowing the volume on your synth rack or else it gets super loud and distorted.
edited 4:48 PM EDT April 22, 2017
- by ArcenyHax at 5:24 PM EDT on April 22, 2017
- ey @punk7890, mind if I pm you too? I got some time to listen to samples rn haha
@G-Boy I think the scream isn't even an original sample; it sounds like three other samples layered together. But yeah, cool find!
- by G-Boy at 4:41 AM EDT on April 23, 2017
- @ArcenyHax
AceK sent me the Akai Sound Library Vol. 1 in a PM on Discord before punk answered. Here you go!
- by G-Boy at 5:03 AM EDT on April 23, 2017
- Sample: Busy Talk
Program Number: T01 78
Source: Korg M1
Game: The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Launch Date: 1991
Songs: Amusement Park ~ The Happiest Place in Japan♫!, Ebisumaru's "Hypnotic" Dance
Sample: Tenor Sax
Program Number: M01 62
Source: Korg M1
Game: The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Launch Date: 1991
Songs: Title ~ Goemon's Theme, Traveling to a New Town, The Sexy Strip Show
edited 5:06 AM EDT April 23, 2017
edited 5:06 AM EDT April 23, 2017
- by PokeMusic at 9:52 AM EDT on April 23, 2017
- Sample: Elec Sitar
Source: Roland Fantom X
Game: New Super Mario Bros Wii
Songs: Desert Theme
Sample: Andes Mood
Source: Roland Fantom X
Game: New Super Mario Bros Wii
Songs: Desert Theme
Sample: FS Nylon Gt
Source: Roland Fantom X
Game: New Super Mario Bros Wii
Songs: Desert Theme
Sample: Neo Sitar
Source: Roland Fantom X
Game: New Super Mario Bros Wii
Songs: Desert Theme
Sample: Vintage Duck
Source: Roland Fantom X
Game: Super Mario 3D World
Songs: Blockade
- by Nisto at 9:00 AM EDT on April 24, 2017
- Game: Zelda: Twilight Princess
Title: Lakebed Temple
Library: Roland SC-88Pro / SC-8820
Sample: Anklung Pad
Time of Sample: 0:20
- by G-Boy at 9:17 AM EDT on April 24, 2017
- @Nisto
Are you sure? There's no preset in the SC-88Pro map of the Roland Sound Canvas VA that's called "Anklung Pad".
- by Nisto at 9:33 AM EDT on April 24, 2017
- That's odd. Maybe we have different versions or something?

- by G-Boy at 9:35 AM EDT on April 24, 2017
- @Nisto
Never mind, I found it.
- by G-Boy at 3:39 AM EDT on April 25, 2017
- It may be off-topic, but I had to write about this!
Sample: Busy Talk
Program Number: T01 78
Synthesizer: Korg M1
TV Show: Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Song: Dr. Robotnik's Theme
Composers: Reed Robbins, Mark Simon, Stephen C. Marston
edited 3:40 AM EDT April 25, 2017
edited 3:40 AM EDT April 25, 2017
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Sample List by Hexagon12 at 2:46 PM EDT on April 25, 2017
- Just to let you know, I made myself a list which covers all known Pokemon Mystery Dungeon samples we know till now. If someone wants to contribute to this list / found some new samples, please request on the form or write a e-mail here so I could add you.
GDrive link for the sheet
- by PokeMusic at 7:06 AM EDT on April 26, 2017
- Sample: Recorder
Source: Roland SC-88
Game: Super Mario 3D World
Songs: Captain Toad Goes Forth, all other Captain Toad tracks
Sample: Brightness
Source: Yamaha PSR-e443
Game: Super Mario 3D World
Songs: Captain Toad Plays Peek a Boo
Sample: Mizmars
Source: Emu Proteus/3
Game: Super Mario 3D World
Songs: Captain Toad Goes Forth
Sample: Mizmars
Source: Emu Proteus/3
Game: New Super Mario Bros Wii
Songs: Baby Yoshi
- by ArcenyHax at 8:25 PM EDT on April 26, 2017
- @G-Boy Ay thanks m8. :)
- by Enclave123 at 3:22 AM EDT on April 27, 2017
- I finally finished of redoing all of the Banjo Kazooie - Grunty Revenge Tracks.
They are right here
It took me weeks to finished this one, so far i have a lot of fun of redoing the tracks and i honestly wanted to make a high quality version of the OST.
While using the JV1080 instruments.
I use most of the default and also the SR-02\-JV80 Orchestra Card to make the tracks.
I try my very best to make all of the tracks to be accurate to the actual original tracks themselves enjoy.
- by Nisto at 3:44 AM EDT on April 27, 2017
- @Enclave123: by any chance, do you have the SR-JV80-04 card as well? I have long been trying to find out if the "Analog Chime" preset/sample on that card is the same as the one present on the library "Einstein" by Music-Store Köln, but I could never find any demos or anything.
- by Enclave123 at 6:26 AM EDT on April 27, 2017
- @Nisto
Speaking of which i own the vintage card, Analog Chime is in my list of presets in matter fact of actually.
is there anything i can do?
- by Enclave123 at 6:37 AM EDT on April 27, 2017
- @Nisto
I decided to sample the sound, i am hoping this sounds familiar to you.
I added like 4 different pitches to it.
- by Nisto at 8:12 AM EDT on April 27, 2017
- Thank you very very much, Enclave123 for finally helping me close that case. That is indeed what I was hoping for it to be (the second pitch to be exact)! It's the sample used in Besaid Island from FFX. I always suspected Einstein sampled from a synth, since it's a super rare German-produced library and it didn't seem likely to have been used by someone in Japan..
- by PokeMusic at 2:41 PM EDT on April 27, 2017
- Sample: PipeOrgan1
Source: Korg M1 MSC-9S Organ Expansion preset no 08
Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Songs: Ganondorf Battle, Ganondorf Final Battle.
edited 2:43 PM EDT April 27, 2017
- by G-Boy at 2:42 PM EDT on April 27, 2017
- I just noticed that Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars uses the Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 heavily, just like its sequel. For example, I found the strings and the Voice Oohs in the SC-88.
- Re:More Koei Tecmo by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 3:48 PM EDT on April 27, 2017
- Anyone who's willing to help me out can;
I just need to know where that drum kit came from. Also, I'm putting this up again just as a reminder.
- by MetalKnick at 3:49 PM EDT on April 27, 2017
- Are the guitars from here and here the same?
- by MetalKnick at 3:50 PM EDT on April 27, 2017
- Whoops I wasn't done with the post lol. If they are the same where are they from?
- by Enclave123 at 12:16 AM EDT on April 28, 2017
- I decided to record the Banjo Strings with my JV1080.
This one is WIP.
But the presets are GlockenCeleste and VlsVasVCSCbs (Which is the strings)
- WR64 & 1080 by 1983parrothead at 10:52 AM EDT on April 28, 2017
- It's been a while, any more success on the soundfonts I requested?
- by PokeMusic at 2:36 PM EDT on April 28, 2017
- Sample: Vintage Duck
Sample No.: I070
Source: Roland Fantom X
Game: New Super Mario Bros Wii
Song: Bonus
Sample: Dig-n-Duke
Sample No.: C062
Source: Roland Fantom X
Game: New Super Mario Bros Wii
Song: Bonus
Sample: Ocarina
Sample No.: 80
Source: Roland SC-88
Game: New Super Mario Bros U
Songs: Bonus
Sample: Whistle
Sample No.: 79
Source: Roland SC-88
Game: New Super Mario Bros U
Songs: Bonus
Sample: Fantasia
Sample No.: 11
Source: Roland D-50 (1987)
Game: Super Mario 3D World
Songs: Beach Level (Above Water)
Sample: Electric Grand Piano
Sample No.: 4
Source: Roland SC-88 (1994)
Game: New Super Mario Bros 2
Song: Overworld
edited 2:39 PM EDT April 28, 2017
edited 8:25 AM EDT April 29, 2017
- by G-Boy at 3:48 AM EDT on April 29, 2017
- @1983parrothead
I'm still working on them, here's a beta version of the Wave Race soundfont.
The Wave Race soundfont will probably be done soon, especially since there's a glitch in a spreadsheet I was working hard on that makes me hesitate to continue with the sheet.
EDIT: The Wave Race soundfont is done now, here you go:
edited 3:56 AM EDT April 29, 2017
edited 3:57 AM EDT April 29, 2017
edited 3:57 AM EDT April 29, 2017
edited 4:45 AM EDT April 29, 2017
edited 4:46 AM EDT April 29, 2017
- by peronmls at 8:33 PM EDT on April 29, 2017
- can anyone confirm that "Sand Castles" from Liquid Grooves is that weird high pitched sound in DMC4 "The Time Has Come?
- by Nisto at 9:50 PM EDT on April 29, 2017
- Time? I looked through it but didn't find anything obvious. Also, Sand Castles has 11 waveforms (on the AKAI release at least).
- by peronmls at 7:43 PM EDT on April 30, 2017
- @nisto
through out the song. more noticeable at 0:33
It's that hi hat sounding sound.
- by Nisto at 8:29 PM EDT on April 30, 2017
- I don't think that's the source. Maaaybe this or this, but you would probably have to add a DSP or something to convince me.
- by peronmls at 10:30 PM EDT on April 30, 2017
- sorry should have been more specific. I didnt realize i was playing it at a higher tempo. Play it to the tempo of the track. 140-150BPM? Also it's the Sandcastle REMIX2 from StylusRMX.
edited 10:38 PM EDT April 30, 2017
- Re:More Koei Tecmo by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 10:40 PM EDT on April 30, 2017
I'm practically beating a dead horse with this particular "where did this drum kit come from" fiasco...
Can anyone, and I do mean anyone, help me out here? I'm actually working on something right now, and for authenticity, I need the drum kit or sound library being used in the music track I've linked above.
- by Hexagon12 at 2:59 AM EDT on May 1, 2017
- @XaikuTheMaverickHunter
It may come from the JV-1080 POWER drum kit. I don't have a JV-1080 myself, maybe @Enclave123 can help you out?
- by G-Boy at 3:22 AM EDT on May 1, 2017
- @XaikuTheMaverickHunter
I think I've actually heard that drum kit and the saw wave in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, but I don't remember which song. The saw wave is confirmed to come from the Roland SD-90, so perhaps that's where the drum kit is too?
edited 3:26 AM EDT May 1, 2017
- My VGM Instrument Source Spreadsheet by G-Boy at 8:42 AM EDT on May 1, 2017
- I wanted to redo the VGM Instrument Source Table from scratch since it started lagging so much and there was problems with it that I wanted to fix, so I created a new list with Google Sheets and imported every finding that I thought was real from the V.I.S.T. to it by hand. It took a few days, but now I'm finally done with it. Here's the V.I.S.S.:
If anyone wants to edit it, feel free to request access.
edited 8:49 AM EDT May 1, 2017
- Re:More Koei Tecmo by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 2:05 PM EDT on May 1, 2017
- @G-Boy I've looked through the Percussion sounds via my Sound Canvas iOS app, and it doesn't seem to be there. Does anyone know if Roland released any VST versions of the Studio Canvas, or is that just it? If it isn't there at all (and I assume it isn't, currently), what other libraries could it have come from?
We've already confirmed that MASA has a Korg Trinity (or at least, he had one at one point), so maybe the drum kit could've come from there? Somebody, whoever's reading this thread that has any of these specific products, please help me.
- by kode54 at 12:44 AM EDT on May 2, 2017
- Yes, they released the Sound Canvas VA instrument, which sells for the amazingly reasonable price of $125, amazingly reasonable considering it's the exact same instrument core as the $25 iOS app, only now sold as a "professional" instrument that actually bears lovely warnings to not use it for general MIDI playback. The US support staff also don't know what to do with bug reports, because all they do is translate and sell it, they have nothing to do with the Japanese developers who maintain the actual software. And those Japanese developers apparently do not provide an email contact, so you'll have to snail mail them if you want to report bugs.
Conveniently, the professional instrument includes its synthesizer library as a fairly simple API static singleton DLL or .so for the macOS version, which provides a single MIDI interface for input of either commands (32 bit words) or SysEx messages, and output of floating point stereo streams (non-interleaved). Configuring which synthesizer standard is supported is performed through SysEx messages sent to the core, and the UI, being part of the plugins themselves, does its own MIDI interpretation for visual feedback, entirely separate from the synthesizer, which has no API of its own for retrieving synthesizer state, except for one function to retrieve the current polyphony count.
I'd link to the repositories on my GitLab or similar that document the API, but I bet if Roland finds out I've documented it, they'll just stop distributing the library as a dynamic format and cut me off at the pass. I say this, because the dynamic core library has no DRM protecting it, that's entirely implemented by the VST instrument front end.
- by G-Boy at 7:29 AM EDT on May 2, 2017
- @XaikuTheMaverickHunter
I have the Sound Canvas VA (the $125 version, not the demo), and I can confirm that the VST version only has the SC-55 map, the SC-88 map, the SC-88 Pro map and the SC-8820 map. There's no VST version of the SD-90 or the JV-1080, and I would be very happy if Roland released one, even if I also had to buy that for $125...
- Re:More Koei Tecmo by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 10:45 AM EDT on May 2, 2017
- I just looked up the first official release of the SD-90 and it actually came out in the year following Dynasty Warriors 2 (you said that game was released in 2000 right?), though I would have to double-check the validity of that. So, to my knowledge, that just leaves the Korg Trinity as a search option. However, I can't invest in one until it's been confirmed to have the drum kit I'm looking for.
- by MetalKnick at 4:34 PM EDT on May 2, 2017
- It definitely sounds like the snare found in Pokemon FireRed which was the SD-90.
- by G-Boy at 11:37 AM EDT on May 3, 2017
- I think Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra was used in Psychonauts, but I'm not entirely sure.
- by G-Boy at 12:21 PM EDT on May 3, 2017
- Sample: Clarinet
Program Number: 072
Sound Module: Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 Pro
Release Date: 1997
Partition: B
Volume: 10 FLS LG F
Program: FLS LONG F
Samples: FLS LG F #D4, FLS LG F #F4, FLS LG F C5
Partition: D
Volume: 01 OBS LG F
Program: OBS LONG F
Samples: OBS LG F C3, OBS LG F A3, OBS LG F C4
Sample CD: Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra
Release Date: 1996
Song: Hyrule Field Main Theme
Game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Release Date: 2006
Console: GameCube
Composers: Toru Minegishi, Asuka Ota, Koji Kondo
There are more samples, but I don't have time to list them all here.
edited 12:22 PM EDT May 3, 2017
edited 12:36 PM EDT May 3, 2017
edited 1:56 PM EDT May 3, 2017
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