SMG1&2 Soundfont by forumguy at 4:44 AM EDT on June 25, 2017
I made this a few months back, but today I'm gonna share it to you. This is a Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 soundfont in development. The goal of this soundfont is to use every sample found in SMG1 and SMG2's files. It's not 100% accurate, but I am currently making it as accurate as possible. Some of the instruments are not looped well at all and there are A LOT of instruments missing. You can use this to almost recreate the sequenced music found in both games, but I am telling you again, not 100% accurate. Another version might come sooner or later, as I am currently fixing the violin (samples are not mapped correctly), flute (release is a little bit too high), and maybe the brass (doesn't loop well). The samples are actually ripped by the members of this very forum. Thanks for sharing the samples!
Hey this is pretty neat, nice work! I just tried it and the violin sounds fine to me but the brass from both games were always hard to loop from my experience, I'm surprised at how small the SF2 file size is which is great and I can't wait to see further progress on your soundfont in the future.
The problem with the violin is that I tried the violin in the Slider midi and the violin at the end didn't sound quite well. That's what I meant about it not being mapped correctly. Version 2 is coming this way, but you'll have to wait :)
Also, here's a little funny note. I'm working on this on 2 computers. I am not kidding.
Help with the sitar by forumguy at 8:51 AM EDT on July 4, 2017
Before I release Version 2, I need help with recreating the sitar. You see, I need to achieve this effect with the sitar. I don't know how to do it. I tried the sitar with the Slider midi but it didn't pitch well and just sounds awful. If anyone has some info on how to do this please tell me. If no one can help, I'll just release V2 anyway.
I just realized other than the yoshi bongos, it's missing the rest of the percussion instruments from the games. Good soundfont though, thanks for version 2 release! That harp sounds beautiful. :)
Version 4 by forumguy at 1:12 PM EST on December 15, 2017
CHANGELOG: Added Soprano Sax. Lowered Trumpet's release (Matches Hightail Falls Galaxy) Reverted Banjo back to Version 1 (Semi-fixes the Banjo) Added release to the Drum kit. Added vibrato to some instruments. (Nevermind what I said)
EDIT: Wow. I'm an idiot. Here's the download link:
Are you working on other soundfonts? i would love to see an Mario Kart Wii Soundfont. someone told me that it's sequenced,and everything is on the brsar,but i'm on linux and almost no shit works :/
nope nope nope, nope. hehe i figured out how and made a soundfont of it. a already posted it here but here we go:
CHANGELOG: Added new Violin (old violin moved to Fiddle) Added Electric Picked Bass and Fretless Bass Added Percussive Organ Some couple other changes I don't remember
Hey, i noticed you left a lot of samples unused, some brasses, strings, whistles, harps, guitars and marimba (there's even an original celesta). i can make another one for you, with proper reverb and echo, if you know from which track those samples came from.
@Chocolate2890 Check out this thread. These MIDIs won't work with any soundbank for it without manual intervention since almost every MIDI channel is mapped to the same instrument. That being said, each MIDI channel has a name corresponding to a number that likely represents the instrument it uses.
About the question if we can use the soundfont in the extracted MIDIs....
Yes, we absolutely can! I have already made a pretty accurate version of Hightail Falls Galaxy and I might share the .FLP (FL Studio project) in the future.
but who will recreate the midis? i'm pretty sure that other super mario galaxy midis are inaccurate (except Gusty Garden, someone literally recomposed it.)
and i have A LOT of wii games samples, we can put everything toghether in a soundfont and start recreating music! or even make a youtube channel!
@Mr.Sanic keep in mind a vast majority of the music from both SMG games is streamed, as the bgm was recorded by a live orchestra. While almost every stream has a MIDI to go along with it, most of them are entirely useless and don't serve much of a purpose whatsoever (and I think the reason they exist is probably to do with in-game sound effects like launch stars and coins). Essentially, the only MIDIs worth your time include power-up themes, game jingles, and maybe like two other sequenced bgm tracks. The main music people generally care about would have to be unofficially recreated, and people like us have no advantage over anybody else in terms of note accuracy.
@ArcticJaguar725 yes, i know that. but we could at least try to remake them, it would be awesome to recreate the entire soundtrack, but it would require a lot of people to work with.
if we agree to remake the soundtrack, we could create a discord server just for that.
Keep in mind that I have the ACTUAL real MIDIs used for the sequenced tracks. The purpose of this project is to recreate every seqeunced track with 100% accuracy. Also, Mr.Sanic, I need your Discord ID if you have one. I need to talk to you.
Galaxy Orchestra 2 by forumguy at 12:32 PM EDT on April 4, 2018
Galaxy Orchestra 2 is finally here! I've figured out how to get every instrument with accurate ASDR and loop points! Also, the file size is much smaller too!
@mariofan12ify actually i'm kinda "trying" to continue this project, and at the moment i have 750MB of sounds to create a "newer" soundfont, i'll keep you guys updated.