Alternative to foobar2000 for VGM formats on steam deck? by PikpikPretzel at 4:53 AM EST on November 22, 2023
I was wondering if there was a good option for listening to the music files from the archives on steam deck. I know it's kinda silly but I figured I'd check anyway. Thanks for any help you can provide!
I haven't tried installing Winamp in Proton, but I know Winamp works in WINE. I've also seen a forum post, somewhere, that someone *did* install Winamp on the Steamdeck. I think the topic title was "But why?!"
But yeah, I have the same question. How can I use VGMstream, in a Lunux environment. I know fb2k doesn't work in Proton (I've already tried), but based on my personal experience of using Winamp in WINE, and the thread I already mentioned, it sounds like Winamp will most likely work on the Steamdeck. I don't know if WaCUp (an *extensive* Winamp mod) will work, but I need to try it out. Unfortunately, I can't remember my credentials, so I don't have access to the most recent verions.
Manjaro/arch has some "upstream" repository (the AUR or something) that has vgmstream plugin for audacious in it. Last time I used it was 6 months ago, so I cannot tell about current status. It works fine in my experience.
Does anyone just have the file for download? I do not know how to build things myself, and it is not time to learn that right now, as I have other things I am trying to learn at the moment. I just want to listen to my vgm on my deck while working.
Not sure if this has been posted here before but it actually is possible to get Foobar2000 working on the Deck.
Using a preexisting or new Proton/Lutris directory, open it in either ProtonTricks (download on Discovery) for Proton or WineTricks within Lutris then choose 'Install an application', and you'll see Foobar2000 in that list. Install it from there and voila!
Keep in mind that it's specifically v1.4 of Foobar (I've tried messing with it to get more recent versions working but they always just immediately crash upon opening) meaning that only older versions of plugins will work with it which can require some digging around to find v1.4 compatible versions, and with it being Proton there's no network access nor drag and drop but it does do the job well enough as far as I'm concerned.
Hopefully this helps you and I can post more help if needed!