Uploading gamerips that have more than 1GB onto the VGM repo? by J2023 at 8:11 PM EDT on June 29, 2024
I posted a tagged rip of the PS4 version of Street Fighter 6, but the rip is more than 2GB, which means that I can't upload it onto the VGM repo on the site for publishing... Any help?

edited 8:22 PM EDT June 29, 2024
by bnnm at 5:23 AM EDT on June 30, 2024
In those cases post a link to the file in the forum, preferably in the xxx.joshw.info Music Archive thread, and wait until it's noticed (most activity is now on Discord though) and reuploaded.


Also, for tagging consider using !tags.m3u. It lets vgmstream to show real tags like ARTIST, TITLE or any other you want without being limited by windows' filenames. You can also use it to order the tracks.

It also preserves original txtp names, which is useful b/c when the rip is updated older txtp may also need to be fixed (since wwiser, the tool that makes them, is still being updated). With !tags.m3u you won't have to rename again all the 1300+ txtp since all tags live in that file. You could probably reuse !tags.m3u for a PC rip too.

You could also use foobar's external tags (as folder tags) so you can make them via foobar's editor too. This only works with foobar, but can be converted to !tags.m3u with this script

Here a basic example of a !tags.m3u file of your tags, can be used with the original PS4 rip: link

by Tanookirby at 8:45 PM EDT on June 30, 2024
I'm trying to use that script, and it's giving me errors. First, I got "SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape." Then I used double backslashes as a solution but came up with nothing. Am I supposed to have the folder.tags file in the same location as the script?
by bnnm at 2:41 PM EDT on July 1, 2024
Should work if you drag and drop folder.tags to the script, though it wasn't very tested. Post the file that gives you errors to check.
by Tanookirby at 4:31 PM EDT on July 1, 2024
Do you mean drag and drop the file icon to the script file in a program such as Windows Explorer?
by bnnm at 5:31 PM EDT on July 1, 2024
Actually you just need to run the .py script in the same folder, forgot I didn't add drag and drop. Still, hard to say what's the problem without seeing your file.
by Tanookirby at 6:33 PM EDT on July 1, 2024

I figured it out. I just ran the file in Windows Power Shell.

edited 10:23 PM EDT July 1, 2024
SF6 (Tagged PS4 Rip) Ver. 1.1 - Updated tags by J2023 at 7:48 PM EDT on July 8, 2024
As part of my continuing SF6 gamerip tagging project, this rip of the PS4 version has updated tags.

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