Request: Resident Evil 2 (Dreamcast) by Pixel_Crusher at 6:06 PM EDT on September 21, 2024

If possible, I'd like to request an audio rip of Resident Evil 2 for the Dreamcast (I believe the music must have been encoded in ADX, similarly to RE3 and Code Veronica on the same platform).
by Kirishima at 12:39 PM EDT on September 28, 2024
It uses a modified DC sequence format with a possibly custom adpcm format for all the instruments and sfx files. I would guess the files relevent for for creating dsf's out of this would be in the midi and tone dat files, although I can't be certain because I could never get any non static sound out of any of the files.
by DarkOK at 10:01 PM EDT on October 13, 2024
The sequences and other files aren't modified and seemingly no custom formats are used, it's just that most files are compressed with the same ADT compression as other assets.

The game uses the usual MPB, MSB and OSB files for music and SFX (except a few sounds that use WAV).

All the files I've found (except voices, oops), I have put at These come from disc 1, but I wouldn't think disc 2 to be different.

I'm yet to make a DSF set out of these.

For now if you want to extract just SFX (albeit without effects), you could use the OSB tools from You may have to manually fiddle with sample rate after export, though.

edited 10:02 PM EDT October 13, 2024

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