Music Rip Request: ESPN NFL PrimeTime 2002 (PS2, Xbox, Windows) by godzfire at 3:03 PM EDT on October 13, 2024
This is a big favor, but one hopefully someone would consider doing. I am a big fan of the old school ESPN NFL Primetime music you heard Sunday Nights in the 90s and early 00s. I found that some of them are actually included in the ESPN NFL games. One specifically that has special music not found anywhere else is ESPN NFL PrimeTime 2002 for Playstation 2, XBox, and Windows.

I'm wondering if someone would be kind enough to rip them for me? I tried doing it myself, but the ones I downloaded seem to be in a .rez format which no matter what program I've used, doesn't work or think they are that format. If needed I could track down iso's of the games.

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