Jan Pieńkowski Haunted House - shockwave cxt, imts to wav by Corak at 1:32 PM EST on February 20, 2025
Hi there!
Can you help to rip music+sound from old game "Jan Pienkowski Haunted House" to .wav?
1. Resources are in .cxt format. So it's MediaStation engine
2. It can be ripped with "disney_lion_king.bms" script to .imts.
.cxt ripper: https://vk.com/doc-84049169_686386491
3. imts can be anything, from animation with sounds, or sounds/music. The sound data are in: 22050hz, 16bit, signed byte. So here's data:
itms2wav: https://vk.com/doc-84049169_686386484
- simple .imts to .wav (with wavehead util), but needs fix from clicks + remove animation datas.

gamedata: https://vk.com/doc-84049169_686386896
original imts files: https://vk.com/doc-84049169_686386717
wav from imts files: https://vk.com/doc-84049169_686386749

Please help.

edited 2:20 PM EST February 20, 2025

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