FIFA 97 Saturn Commentary Export Help by adams06 at 8:59 AM EST on February 25, 2025
Hello to everyone.
I want to ask you for help. I tried to extract commentary audio files from Sega Saturn FIFA 97 Game.
There is one audio file PBP.MCD.
I am mannualy extracted first file from it with hxd, and then try to open with Audacity imported raw. I tried 16 PCM 11025, bigendian, and I heard Motson to said 'Botafogo', but there are too much noise. I tried other values, but without success.
Also, inside fifa bin there is another file PBP.HCD.
Maybe that files are linked.
I also tried to add bites from PBP.HCD to extracted file, but without success.
I tried ffmpeg conversion, vgmstream also, sox and 'Saturn PCM <-> Windows WAV' , But also without success :)

Can you help me :)

edited 8:59 AM EST February 25, 2025
by WDLmaster at 12:14 PM EST on February 25, 2025
Please upload those .HDC/.MCD files so we can take a look.
by adams06 at 2:06 AM EST on February 26, 2025
@WDLmaster , here are the links:

by WDLmaster at 2:25 PM EST on February 26, 2025
Seems to be encoded in some 8-bit logarithmic format (like a-law or mu-law, but it's not). I cannot make sense of it at this moment (maybe later). Bit 7 of each byte could be the sign bit, 5 and 6 could be a bit-shift amount, the other 5 bits might be raw samples. Or it's some ADPCM variant. The PBP.HCD file could be a table with coefficients. Not sure.

edited 5:35 PM EST February 26, 2025
by adams06 at 2:30 PM EST on February 26, 2025
Thank you very much. If you figure how to solve, please notice me .
Thank you again.
by WDLmaster at 5:19 PM EST on February 26, 2025
OK, I figured it out. It is indeed just a logarithmic format quantized to 8 bits (quiet sections have more resolution than loud ones). The expanded, linear format is 16 bits. But the PBP.MCD file has no offset table, which makes automatic extraction a lot harder. It has a file size for each sound but no offset. I could write an extractor that just skips groups of zeros until the next 4-byte-aligned integer is found but this will not guarantee correct extraction because a silent portion of some sound might be recognized as padding to the next sound. Is there some other file with an offset table?
by adams06 at 5:39 PM EST on February 26, 2025
Hmm. That is interesting. Never heard before for that. If you can would be awesome to do that extractor and tomorrow I can check other files in game for that offsets.
by adams06 at 3:06 AM EST on February 27, 2025
Didn't find any offset file :/
But if you can on that way that you suggest would be nice :).
Thank you again.
by WDLmaster at 11:26 AM EST on February 27, 2025
Here are the converted files. Those are RAW files, not WAV files! The format is 16 bit mono, 22050 Hz samplerate.
[edit] (3 hours left)
by adams06 at 1:55 AM EST on February 28, 2025
Ohh nice. Thank you very much. That is awesome.
Can you tell me how you convert that files to clear PCM? Do you have some program or script?
[edit] (18 hours left)
by WDLmaster at 6:43 AM EST on February 28, 2025
I write my own programs/tools if the problem is small enough to justify it or if the thing you want to do is so specific/niche that no other tools exist. Sometimes it's faster to simply write a new program than to search for and toying around with existing tools.

The actual algorithm for conversion was: create a 16-bit lookup table with 256 entries where the index into the table is the input signal. Each table entry represents a 1/256th piece of an exponential curve with a power of 8 which is scaled to the range of -32678 to 32767. You read a byte, use this as index into the lookup table und the value you find there is the output sample.

edited 6:46 AM EST February 28, 2025
[edit] (22 hours left)
by adams06 at 7:08 AM EST on February 28, 2025
To be honest, I don't how to do that :D
Sorry again. Can you please for another favor about 'same' problem..?
PC files for same game have a little different structure.
I wrote python script with chatgpt help to extract viv files and the convert to wav. But I am not satisfied with result, because of loudness, and noise.
As I understand, that are a vox adpcm files, and need to convert to wav. But.... Maybe that is the same think.
Can you take look on files?
PC Example
[edit] (23 hours left)

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