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Help with unpacking .msm files! by neo_chip at 7:29 PM EDT on November 4, 2010
I'm trying to get all of DDR Mario Mix bgm songs. Unfortunately the disc only contains two folders which contain music

1 = MRODDR_Snd.msm
2 = MRODDR_Str.pdt

I dumped the pdt file thanks to manakoAT program and was able to get everything else "except" the dance songs which leaves me thinking that they are contained in this "msm" file. Does anyone know how to unpack this?

I'd really appreciate the help, I'd love to get this rip in lossless quality :)
by neo_chip at 10:29 PM EDT on November 5, 2010
nvrm answered my own question

edited 12:19 AM EDT November 6, 2010
by bxaimc at 10:03 AM EDT on November 6, 2010
Nintendo DSP is not lossless. It's ADPCM.

edited 10:03 AM EDT November 6, 2010
by SmartOne at 11:25 AM EDT on November 6, 2010
by neo_chip at 1:06 PM EDT on November 6, 2010
I meant in it flac.

32khz is not lossless I know, returning to my question is it possible to extract the msm file?

I'm gushing my brains out with this one...

edited 1:10 PM EDT November 6, 2010
by neo_chip at 9:01 PM EST on November 7, 2010
Here's the msm file if anyone wants to look at

Still haven't heard a yes or no from someone. There has to be someone here knowledgeable of gamecube file extensions...

Thanks for reading
by neo_chip at 5:54 PM EST on November 14, 2010
anyone got by this yet?
by neo_chip at 8:13 PM EST on January 12, 2012
It's been more than a year and I'd like to revive interest on this project. This game has not been hardfile ripped all these years. The dance song streams are in the msm extension (similar to .brsar archives) no doubt.

Can someone (hcs or snakemeat) help me unpack this streams? It sounds like deja`vu all over again but I'd, like many others, would like this.

To sweeten the deal I can provide a lossless copy of Donkey Kong Returns Soundtrack. It's what I can offer in return as I don't know how to do this.
by neo_chip at 3:58 PM EST on January 15, 2012
by hcs at 4:04 PM EST on January 15, 2012
I've looked at the first 2.5 MB of this file that someone had sent me back in 2009, but as far as I can tell it is sequenced, so we can't do anything useful with it. I'll take another look at the full file but I don't expect to discover anything new.

edited 4:06 PM EST January 15, 2012

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