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Latest vio2sf? by neo_chip at 11:13 PM EDT on April 7, 2011
I've been using v0.23 but the 2sf that are converted to wave for the game Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem the music from the Cosmic Adventure - Boss level sounds different from the original sound. Can anyone tell whats the latest version of vio2sf, or how to fix the problem?

edited 11:16 PM EDT April 7, 2011
by TheUltimateKoopa at 9:47 PM EDT on April 8, 2011
I'm pretty sure that is the latest, as of January 2010. And not having an update for over a year is worrying. There still needs a LOT of improvement, as, while 0.23 is much better than 0.22, there are still pops and crackles. For example, the Castle theme in NSMB. The one that starts with two short notes, at the end of every note, there's a significant pop sound. Likewise, the underwater theme of the same game, the "bass" line has some slight sizzly/crackly sound.
by neo_chip at 9:37 PM EDT on April 11, 2011
Can you link me v0.23? I can't find the latest, i've been using v0.22 so no wonder the songs were different. Thanks Ultimate Koopa.
by SmartOne at 2:38 PM EDT on April 12, 2011

vio2sf 0.23 is mislabeled.
by neo_chip at 4:24 PM EDT on April 12, 2011
Yea just figured that out :P
by TheUltimateKoopa at 3:48 PM EDT on April 16, 2011
Wait, do you mean that it actually is 0.23 but it still says 0.22 in Winamp? Well I downloaded the "0.23" and it's much better quality than what I had before which was also labeled as "0.22", so I assume it's 0.23, or at least a 0.22.1 or something.
by Franpa at 9:49 AM EDT on April 30, 2011
by Lunar at 3:02 PM EDT on April 30, 2011
^^^^0.23. yup, it says it's version 0.22 in the components tree of fb2k. i guess he forgot to update that.
by neo_chip at 8:38 AM EDT on May 1, 2011
Who releases updates for this plugin? Is it the DesEmu team or what?

Last I checked the latest version of the emulator has a perfect sound reproduction of particulaly the "Cosmic Adventure - Boss lv". I ended up recording the song but its not the same quality.

Can't someone go through the code and update the plugin?
by Elven Spellmaker at 12:50 PM EDT on May 1, 2011
I thought it was mysterious plug-in guy who made updates for this.

Some people know who he is apparently.

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