How can I rip music myself? by Uikri at 11:44 PM EDT on June 1, 2014
There are some games which do not have their music on the archive, and I figured I might as well rip it myself, except that I don't know how. What tools do I need and what do I have to do to rip native format music from:
Dino Crisis (PS1) DBZ: Legacy of Goku II (GBA) Medabots AX: Metabee/Rokusho Version (GBA) Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (DS) Zone of the Enders (PS2) Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (PS2) Pokémon Colosseum (GameCube)
Also, I don't need native format music, but playable music from Fable II (XBOX360). How can I achieve such? All I really want is the pause menu music.
Also, my original account, Vittas, won't log in. How can I get help with this?
For Fable II, there isn't a plugin or player that allows you to listen to its sound files (XMA) natively. However I do have a rip if you would like it :)
As for most of the other games mentioned, most of them I wouldn't know as I do not rip music from handheld consoles.
I tried ripping Dino Crisis using generic SDK functionality (my generic psf driver), to no avail.
After consulting with a professional on the matter, we concluded that the sequence data is proprietary. Well, technically speaking, it's all proprietary, using something called the "GIAN" format.
...but more specifically, CAPCOM used proprietary encoding of the sequence data (notes, pitch, etc) that simply isn't compatible with PSY-Q functionality.
Long story short, this game requires an original driver... which I never got around to. I'd have to write something that would convert the sequence format to generic MIDI/SEQ format, otherwise.
Furrybob (moosehunter) is sort of working on Colosseum rips, but I'm not sure how much progress he's made. If Fable II does indeed use xma as its format, you need a copy of towav.exe to convert the xma files to wav (it's pretty easy to find). As for Explorers of Sky... I have no idea. For some reason, VGMTrans can't find any of its sequences. I haven't tried yet, but maybe you can get some 2sf rips using VGMToolBox. Good luck.
EDIT: After some searching, it seems Explorers of Sky is totally unrippable with the tools we have right now, it seems to use its own little engine of some sort.
I did a Colosseum rip a while ago.
I was looking at the sequence format for Pokemon Colosseum and Tales of Symphonia and have some basic information about them, but I don't have enough spare time to completely figure them out.