Tool: Zone of the Enders demuxer by Nisto at 10:06 PM EST on November 8, 2016
Since it seems to be a hot topic, I whipped up a tool to demux the .pss files in PS2 Zone of the Enders. I have only tested the US release (SLUS-20148) so far. I was able to demux all files without any problems. I assume it will work fine with the European and Japanese releases as well, but if there's any problem, let me know.
There are no "official" filenames, so I name them by what I've been able to discern so far: <name>.m2v: MPEG video <name>.genh: PSX ADPCM with custom 2048-byte header (+GENH header) <name>.bin: models and possibly other data? <name>_subs_en.bin: english subtitles with custom headers <name>_subs_fr.bin: french subtitles with custom headers <name>_subs_de.bin: german subtitles with custom headers <name>_subs_it.bin: italian subtitles with custom headers
All PSX ADPCM streams are extracted to GENH, thus playable in vgmstream et al. I haven't looked into the .bin data much, but if it's a fixed format with a known typical extension, do inform me.
Seeing as you posted this i think ill just post my code here as well: pss-demux.c and subtitle-convert.c The former will demux a pss to m2v, vag and bin (subtitles), while the latter will convert the subtitles to subrip srt files. To get the pss files, use dat-extract.c, the pss files are in [root]/ada/ If theres demand for binaries, ill post some as well
Ah, so this would allow for archiving of the music in the first game, or both games?
by AnonRunzes at 11:36 AM EST on November 14, 2016
@Uikri - Not yet. The .sdx files are where most of the in-game music takes place, and although one person managed to at least take notes about this format it hasn't been reverse-engineered since then.
@Nisto - I just found this: "E:\zoe_demux>zoe_demux.exe E:\ZONE_OF_THE_ENDERS1\ZOE_EXT\ada\anna2a41.pss E:\ZONE_OF_THE_ENDERS1\ZOE_EXT\ada\anna2a41.pss: 0x00000030: unexpected substream ID: 00" Here`s a sample in which this error was shown.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that this file came from the Japanese version of the game.