Yooka Laylee .wem files by wolupgm6 at 12:09 AM EDT on April 12, 2017
With the game finally being release, I took a crack at the .bnk and .wem files, hunting for the complete score. The .bnk files are all compatible with bnkextr and the .wem files (for the most part) work well with ww2ogg (around 80% of them). The other 20% are another story. They have a wave-like header, but I've not been able to get anywhere in regards to decoding them or playing them. That being said, my skills are poor and the game has only been out 12 hours. Here's one of the files, it's 857kb in size.
Unless I'm mistaken, VGMToolbox and VGMStream are different tools. I appreciate the effort though! I asked on the github page and got both compiling instructions and a recent build. It plays the files in question perfectly.