Playing audio from .z64 by Volkov73 at 1:28 PM EDT on April 28, 2017
Am I supposed to convert to USF or is there some other method to play only the music from this rom?

I currently listen to N64 songs using downloaded USF (miniusf) and have come up dry on a guide on converting (if converting needs to happen, that is).

Can anyone clue me in on playing music only from my .z64 file? It has edited game music so existing rips are of no use.

Thanks in advance :)

edited 1:45 PM EDT April 28, 2017
by Volkov73 at 1:56 PM EDT on April 28, 2017
I've found various guides for converting to USF, many outdated. Hoping someone can chime in on a easy method for this.

Otherwise, if this conversion if not even needed - how would I just play the music from the z64 I already have?

by ArcticJaguar725 at 2:34 PM EDT on April 28, 2017
This probably isn't an answer to your question, but from what I understand, USF conversion is pretty difficult because the way the audio works for the N64 is pretty strange. I personally can't explain it, but from what I know, the N64 mixes everything together internally before actually sending it to the player. As far as playing audio straight from a z64 is concerned, there isn't any way to do this as far as I'm aware. However, it is possible to rip MIDI+SF2 from most N64 games. Since yours is a modified ROM, it might not work, but you can look more into it here:
by Volkov73 at 2:46 PM EDT on April 28, 2017
I'm looking simply to get WAV recordings of the songs in my rom (I have edited the songs). I want the rom to be played in original hardware or in an emulator - so sf2/midi is out of the question.

Someone elsewhere has suggested putting the songs into a different location in the game so they can be played without other game ambience, etc.

Looks like something to explore.

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