Riding Spirits streams by YukariZX at 7:54 AM EDT on March 24, 2018
I think the music is in RSVOLM2.DAT. I'm trying to use MFAudio but it's so difficult, I don't even know if it can be done :< Can someone help me? I can supply the file if needed, it's 430MB.

The way the static sounds in MFAudio makes me think it's music, I feel like I almost even know what song it is based on the screeching :'D
by Nisto at 8:35 AM EDT on March 24, 2018
Yukari?! You're still alive? Long time no see.

Probably would be best if you uploaded the file, yeah. If you see other files that may be related, please upload them too; they may contain crucial metadata to properly extract the data from RSVOLM2.DAT.
by YukariZX at 8:09 AM EDT on March 25, 2018
Hmm, okay, I can upload the ISO then? XD because actually it's hard to tell which files might have the streams, I only think it's RSVOLM2.DAT but let's be real, I'm trying to pick music out of static, I could be totally wrong. But the ISO is pretty big even when compressed with 7z (1.43GB) so I can upload that and send a linky?

And yeah, not dead yet. Good to see you again. Haven't been to your group in yeeeears because I basically stopped being into VGM collecting. No reason why, my interests just moved elsewhere. But RS soundtrack is so dope, I have to have it :<
by Nisto at 3:08 PM EDT on March 25, 2018
No need to upload it. Seems I already had it from a set. D'oh.

From the looks of it, there is no metadata in any of the RSVOLM* files, so the information required to properly extract the data from those files are probably somewhere in the main executable (slus_204.29).

It looks like there is some sequenced music based on the code in the IRX modules, which would definitely make it more difficult to rip. If you really think you heard some music you recognize, maybe that's from a pre-rendered movie? Because I do see some PSS/MPEG-2 data in RSVOLM0.DAT. Those can probably be ripped using psscut.
by YukariZX at 4:58 PM EDT on March 25, 2018
Yeah, there is sequenced music for sure, but I think there are also streams. The sequenced music is all the menu stuff, but the quality of the race music seems way higher than sequenced to me, especially the vocals. It's definitely a woman's voice, and the electric/acoustic guitars sound way too real. I did find the one movie stream by loading RSVOLM0.DAT into MFAudio, but it was just the opening and no other streams (there are no other movies as far as I know).

I knew this was going to be difficult v__v

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