Tony Hawk Project 8 and Wildfire Online by TheGoldenChild at 6:49 PM EDT on April 15, 2018
Hello I recently Tried opening these .pak for the Xbox 360 version of THP8 via Ravioli Tools. But they are either encrypted or contain files that aren't visible, or simply empty with no sound data. I tried it with the .xen extension and with removing the .xen extension still the same results via pasting in ravioli's tools but no results.

I have tried using an old Guitar Hero BMS .xen extractor however it doesn't work for this game.


Second Game is Wildstar Online

I am currently trying to extract the sound files from Wildfire online. Good news is that a BMS script was able to extract the files without issue. However I am left with just .dat files that I cannot get into. I was wondering if there was a script that could be written to extract these .dat files or if they are just full of hot air.

There are a bunch of different files to upload so I will upload the .bag via mediafire.
The file when running the BMS script uploads a bunch of .dat's however I am unsure on where to proceed. There are also some miscellaneous files such as



I should also note that when I place the file in Ravioli's tools I get a bunch of Mp2's and a bunch of .Fev's. Though while the Mp2's work in foobar the .Fev's won't work in FMOD Designer. ( But I assume the MP2's are the audio files the .Fev's are referencing ).

Also to update I believe I found the FSB hidden in the Hero.bag however its broken on Ravioli's tools ( Cannot open them ) and when extracting it with the script mentioned above I only got .dat's that I couldn't view.

by Ultrafighter at 5:10 PM EDT on April 21, 2018
I suggest using this to scan any files from Project 8 that may contain BGM, just drag & drop them into fsbii.exe and it'll extract any embedded FSBs. Unfortunately this method won't work if archives from Xbox 360 version are compressed and/or encrypted but this tool worked wonders when I ripped PS3 port. However judging by some filenames you posted X360 ver. might be structured differently and new ripping procedure should be invented.

As for nameless DATs + those files with weird extensions (*.qd\*.0lo\*.d4d, etc.): I had to deal with something like that a few times but in each case something was different.

For example in Enter the Matrix (Xbox) there're 14-15 unique extensions for files extracted from aunew_*.DAT bigfiles, yet every single little file was of the same nature: headerless Xbox 4-bit ADPCM. You see with Matrix it was rather easy: each individual file coming from those initial archives & extracted with a respective BMS was actually an audio one but with some misleading extension in the beginning (VPO, VPY of even TXT).

In Haze (PS3 exclusive) unpacked files were basically nameless too but their extensions weren't so (supposedly) meaningless & confusing: a single file with *.pam extension was really PAM video, a few WAVs were AT3s (the latter actually have RIFF WAVEfmt headers so they might be confused with each other), all the *.txt were plain text docs and so on.

So what I'm getting at is that Wildstar files may be more or less similar to each other (100% sounds or 90% audio + 10% related scripts) or every single file might be pretty much unique & you won't have to rely on extensions at all (I mean inspecting every contained file individually).
I'd advise you to check a few huge files, select smaller ones & one or two super-tiny samples (not taking extensions into account this time) in a hex editor, it might occur they're what you're looking for and use common codecs (try searching for "OGGs" or "FSB#" strings for a start).

I hope this was helpful, bye!
The Devil's Third Encrypted .Wem by TheGoldenChild at 11:59 AM EDT on April 26, 2018
Ah, I wasn't able to rip the sounds but thank you for your help. The archives would either be blank or wouldn't convert especially with the wildfire.

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