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Would it make sense for F-Zero X to be ripped to "lwav" than usf? by RukarioGyiyg996 at 10:13 PM EDT on April 21, 2018
All of the music is more or less streamed, so shouldn't it make more logical sense to play the music in vgmstream than a USF player?

Infact has anyone ever bothered to rip lwav's of everything? I only ripped Japon and Rainbow Road from the Expansion Kit disk version. I know the rest of the music in the disk version is stereo where as the cartridge had mono only.

I can't use N64SoundListTool properly under Linux as everytime I try to do anything in the dropdown menus it just acts like I moved away from the menu and closed it. Wine's debug channels don't tell me anything useful. So I can't currently make a "rip" myself.
by bxaimc at 11:54 PM EDT on April 21, 2018
That would mean adding a vadpcm decoder to vgmstream. Not sure if anyone wants to do so but we’re open to submissions 😬.

I’m assuming (or speculating?) they’re doing something funky with these “streamed” games and storing them as a single large sample in a bank. Then the sequence data calls to play that one note which plays the whole stream. Idk since I’ve never actually dug deep into the workings of N64 and USF.

edited 10:38 AM EDT April 22, 2018
by vajuvaju at 6:15 AM EDT on April 22, 2018
@bxaimc You are correct. They did the same thing to other N64 streamed games like Mortal Kombat 4, and GBA streamed games like Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance.
by RukarioGyiyg996 at 6:31 AM EDT on April 23, 2018
I just used N64SoundListTool's ability to save 16-bit PCM wav files, then I added the looping point via Wavosaur afterwards.

A straight up vadpcm decoder would be rather neat though. However I'm too retarded to do meaningful programming beyond just UnrealScript, so I can't really offer much...
by hcs at 8:24 PM EDT on April 23, 2018
I think vadpcm is essentially the same as the "AFC" we already have support for in vgmstream. Haven't tested this theory, though.
by kode54 at 2:53 AM EDT on April 24, 2018
Umm, Harmony of Dissonance wasn't streamed, it was entirely sequenced, although it mostly used the simple waveform channels and PCM drums. Unless you mean the ending/credits theme, I guess that's streamed? It sounds like it could be synthesized by the PCM mixer.
by simonmkwii at 6:10 AM EDT on April 24, 2018
@vajuvaju, @kode54 - Mortal Kombat 4 on N64 was sequenced too...

Literally both examples are!
by hcs at 2:20 AM EDT on April 25, 2018
The only other streamed music N64 title off the top of my head is Magical Tetris Challenge.

A few just stream vocals:
1080 Snowboarding (I think?)
Buck Bumble
Conker's Bad Fur Day
The Goemon games (Mystical Ninja 64, Goemon's Great Adventure, Mononoke Sugoroku)

Not complete by any means.
by vajuvaju at 7:55 AM EDT on April 25, 2018
@kode54 Yeah, I forgot to mention that I was talking about the main menu theme of Castlevania ("Kyrie Eleison"). That was streamed.

@simonmkwii Yes, MK4 is "sequenced", in that the midis are simply triggering loops of streamed music. Use N64SoundbankTool on it and you'll find that the extracted DLS's contain the same songs as any other console version, except chopped up as loops.
by simonmkwii at 8:09 AM EDT on April 25, 2018
@vajuvaju - Playing loops means it's sequenced.
Streamed would imply the entire track was a single sample.

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