Need Help Ripping Space Invaders Extreme ost by Steelix100 at 1:15 AM EDT on June 17, 2018
Hi I'm new at ripping and stuff and I just wanted to rip the music from Space Invaders Extreme for PC which released a couple of months back. The game is made in Unity and uses that funny Criware audio format. I spent a lot of time trying out different stuff and as far as I can tell the only thing I need more to do to rip the OST is to somehow find the hcakey.
I don't know much about this kind of stuff, and I thought someone here might be able to help me with it? I've uploaded one of the bgm files here if anyone wants to take a look.
It does needs the hcakey, you could try to post several samples in this topic and somebody may able to help you find the key: