So there's this thing called agbplay... by agu fungus at 3:42 PM EDT on August 7, 2018
I just learned about this application that plays GBA music directly from ROM without the use of gbamusriper, and I was wondering if this type of technology could be also be implemented in actual GBA emulators, and especially .gsf plugins like vio_gsf.

Here's a great example of what can be achieved with agbplay.

edited 3:43 PM EDT August 7, 2018
by DarioEMeloD at 4:56 PM EDT on August 7, 2018
Thank you for bringing this to my attention :D
I hope there's a proper release soon, at least it's still active
by Kurausukun at 4:58 PM EDT on August 7, 2018
Have you been able to build this program on Windows? I tried building it with mingw, but I can't find the correct libraries, and I'd really like to build this since it sounds great.

EDIT: Never mind, got it built, but it needs to be done in cygwin.

edited 5:47 PM EDT August 7, 2018
by marcoxD95 at 12:33 PM EST on December 3, 2021
Does anybody have a already build release? Doesn't need to be the latest. I tried to do it with Cygwin but no luck. Then again I am not really familiar with this coding stuff anyway. I usually just grab the releases but sadly there is none for AGBPlay on GitHub... The Git guide just says something about installing all needed dependencies (which I did) but then it says only to run make. Probably he means running makefile in a Cygwin command line? If so, it doesn't work for me.
by hcs at 1:07 PM EST on December 3, 2021
make is just the "make" command. When that didn't work, what errors occurred?
by marcoxD95 at 4:09 PM EST on December 3, 2021
A lot. Almost every script line cannot be parsed. No idea why. I dont post the whole terminal log since that is too long but it basically looks like this but longer with mostly always command not found errors. I am running the makefile script in that Cygwin64 terminal located in C:\Cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i

$ /cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 1: CXX: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 2: CXXFLAGS: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 4: BINARY: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 5: LIBS: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 9: GREEN: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 9: 32m: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 10: RED: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 10: 31m: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 11: BROWN: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 11: 33m: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 12: WHITE: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 12: 37m: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 13: NCOL: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 15: wildcard: command not found
/cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents/agbplay-master/Makefile: line 15: SRC_FILES: command not found

edited 4:12 PM EST December 3, 2021
by hcs at 4:33 PM EST on December 3, 2021
A Makefile is not a shell script, you run it with the Make program. If you have the dependencies set up you should be able to just change into the directory in Cygwin and type:


There may be other issues, but give that a shot.


Note that in addition to the listed dependencies, you will need to install make and gcc-g++. I tested with installing the 9.x version of g++, for what it's worth.

edited 4:54 PM EST December 3, 2021


I also had to enter this in the Cygwin terminal before running agbplay with a ROM:

export TERM=xterm-256color

edited 5:03 PM EST December 3, 2021
by marcoxD95 at 12:34 PM EST on December 4, 2021
Woah nelly. I actually got it running with your instructions. Thank you so much for your time.

Now I just need to figure out how to exactly use this program. I mean I did load a gba rom but no idea where to go from there. Shows me a playlist and tracklist and such. I guess I have to somehow figure out what are the music tracks and then add them to the playlist? So far I didnt get how to export or render a track to wav though. I guess I will have to read the documentation about this program on github and hope I will figure it out.
by hcs at 2:38 PM EST on December 4, 2021
Glad you got it working!

The readme says O to play/pause, Spacebar also works. You can navigate the tracks on the left with up/down arrows.
by marcoxD95 at 4:55 PM EST on December 4, 2021
Neat. I actually figured the basics out now and was also able to export as wav stream.

Now I only wonder how someone does this "XQ" music stuff which makes the music sound way better and less compressed than on the GBA by bypassing the GBA software mixing or something like that. Didn't see information about this in the readme sadly.

EDIT: Hm. From what I understand it is supposed to work by default and you just export the tracks as wavs? Weird. I mean I just tested Pokemon and it seems to work just dandy. But initially I wanted to do Kirby Nightmare In Dreamland and the music still sounds as muddy and compressed as ever. Does XQ not work with this game? I am a bit confused. I thought Kirby uses the Sappy gba sound engine but maybe I am wrong, which at least would explain why XQ music doesn't work.

edited 5:05 PM EST December 4, 2021

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