Ape Escape 1 and 3 Ripping by Fleety at 10:50 PM EDT on May 23, 2019
Are Ape Escape 1 and 3 instruments and midis rippable? I know 3's midis are rippable but currently no one can figure out the instruments (besides this guy on YouTube supposedly). I don't know anything about Ape Escape 1's status though.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the original Ape Escape streamed? Could've sworn someone here confirmed that a long time ago but it piqued my interest as well, the game has some good tracks! Nice find either way.
Yes Ape Escape 1 is sequenced. I've made a PSF rip of it years ago. It's using Sony's SSsq/SShd format as found in other games such as Alundra 2, Arc the Lad 3, The Legend of Dragoon, Wild Arms2, etc.. Mostly games by SCEI from 1999 and up.
Well that's good to know! I remember trying to rip the midi files and samples from the PSF set using both VGMTrans and VGMToolbox years ago but it never worked, might take a dab into this once more again someday.
That's good to know. Is there anyway to get instruments or midis from these Sony SSsq/SShd formats? It seems no one has had any luck with Ape Escape 1 in that regard.
Ah nice, yeah I got the midis from Ape Escape 1. Here's a download for the midis if anyone wants them along with the instrument files if anyone wants to try and rip those. bxaimc already did Ape Escape 3's midis.