Hoot Update by OK3 at 11:19 AM EST on November 25, 2019
Hoot got an update the other day, so I was wondering if the Eng. language hosted on JoshW will be updated?
Also, does anybody have the Cheap hack still? I can't seem to find it alive anywhere online. Or is that now outdated completely? I'm trying to rip some PC-98 osts but having them play endlessly is making it super laborious.
Hey I've been on the same mission as you finally got around to getting Hoot working but I can't seem to locate a working link to Cheap hack around anywhere.
Hmm,. hopefully someone somewhere will have it. I think it was once shared on the JoshW Hoot directory and on this forum, maybe there was a reason it's no longer around.
well, I got it working but I hoped it would be smart enough to just turn off the looping, rather than just stopping the track playing at a preset time. ):
the text file created in the process didn't give me any track times either just 00:00 before every track. Is that how it's supposed to be?
Also, it seems to crash Hoot (2019 version) after each track has ended, which is a shame. But it's semi usable still.
I'll c&p Knurek's instructions for running Cheap in case anyone else is interested in running it.
Hack for Hoot to not play songs neverendingly:
1) Get Cheap and put it into the hoot directory. https://hcs64.com/lostfiles.html 2) Run hoot, then when it's loaded open up a cmd.exe prompt, change to the directory with hootclient.exe, and run 'hootclient.exe list 1.txt'. This will create a textfile which will store all the song data. You can freely edit this (would be a good idea to divide it gamewise). The first column corresponds to the playtime. 3) Now run cheap.exe (hoot still running), fileselector will pop-up. Choose the playlist. 4) You can change the default songtime in cheap.ini.