Ripping music from PS3 .bin and .vas by rcsb at 9:31 PM EDT on June 2, 2020
Guys, would someone guide me on how to rip the music from a PS3 game? Unfortunately I have no clue on the tools to do the job, but I'd really like to understand how to do it. The game is "Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2013".
@punk7890-2 thanks for the reply! Unfortnately, it does not. But I guess there should be a lot of other sound files inside those .bin, right? Appreciate the help, thanks!
Here's the sound files folder from the game. Hopefully someone could look into it. However, any info on how to do it by myself would be highly appreciated, as I'd not need to depend on others again.
Also, if there's something missing, I can upload the full game files, no problem. It's just that it's a big game, since it's from PS3.