Getting instument samples from Street Fighter III: Third Strike by JacintaB19 at 6:34 PM EDT on June 21, 2020
How can I get instument sound samples from CPS-3 games? Street Fighter III: Third Strike is one of them, so does anyone know how to get the samples.
by Kirishima at 12:00 AM EDT on June 22, 2020
InsertNameHere already did all that. Check on
by JacintaB19 at 6:01 AM EDT on June 22, 2020
I checked on every site, and on the VGMrips forums, and there were no Street Fighter III: Third Strike soundfonts or instument sets (.sf2s). The only soundfont i found is a soundfont named ''sfiii3n'', but it has all it's instuments not sorted properly by name and sound.

Would the instuments be ripped from the Playstation 2 and Dreamcast versions of the game? Could you make a Street Fighter III: Third Strike instument set for me that only has the sorted instuments in it, and without the song vocals, character sound effects and voices?

edited 6:58 AM EDT June 22, 2020
by Kirishima at 9:25 AM EDT on June 22, 2020
"The only soundfont i found is a soundfont named ''sfiii3n'', but it has all it's instuments not sorted properly by name and sound."

That's how Capcom or the game's composers had the sound organized. These weren't meant to be standard general midi.

"Would the instuments be ripped from the Playstation 2 and Dreamcast versions of the game?"

No, because every console version uses streamed audio.

"Could you make a Street Fighter III: Third Strike instument set for me that only has the sorted instuments in it, and without the song vocals, character sound effects and voices?"

No. Just delete all the banks that are not 0 to deal with voices and non music sfx.

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