Finding Names for Wii Sports Sound Effects (brsar) by bungus35 at 4:46 PM EDT on June 12, 2024
Hi everyone. I've been enjoying digging around the brsar files of Wii sports and using brawlbox and this branch of VGMTrans .

Specifically, I've been trying to figure out the names of each sound effect within the Sound Effect (SE) RBNK in the file called "rp_Box_sound.brsar". Using VGMTrans, I'm able to export each sample collection into .wav, but all of them are called Sample_0000, Sample_0001, Sample_0002, etc. The names of each sound effect are shown in the collection tab, but they aren't in the same order as the .wav sample collection and they are sequences. I've tried exporting some of the named sequences into MIDI + Soundfont2, and playing them in VLC Media Player, but it doesn't play anything.

This leaves me with two questions:

1. Does anyone know either how to find the sound effect names that properly link up with the .wav sample collection in the RBNK?

2. How do I play an exported sequence MIDI + SF2? Each MIDI I've tried exporting has had no sound and is 0 seconds long when trying to play in VLC.

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