? how to decode these weird .vp6 videos? by truston at 11:20 AM EDT on July 25, 2024
I got these EA .vp6 videos from PS3 NPUB90062 Burnout Paradise Demo.
Tried everything, yet the video graphic is a mess.

file example

when it plays

how to decode these weird .vp6 videos correctly??
Thanks a LOT!!!

edited 11:32 AM EDT July 25, 2024

edited 11:37 AM EDT July 25, 2024

edited 11:40 AM EDT July 25, 2024

edited 11:41 AM EDT July 25, 2024

edited 11:44 AM EDT July 25, 2024

edited 11:48 AM EDT July 25, 2024

edited 11:53 AM EDT July 25, 2024

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