Forza Motorsport 2023 updated FMOD sounds by TheAdmiester at 4:24 PM EDT on September 9, 2024
Hi, I'm trying to look at some of the newer additions to FM23's sound files and noticed that a recent update has changed things from straight .bank files for each sound bank, to a .bank presumably for the events and for the audio itself.

Not sure if any encryption or compression has changed as the .fsbkey file we used before no longer works, or if it's down to the file format change itself.

I've uploaded a zip with an example of the two files that correspond to a car if it's any use:
by mouds-ks7258 at 10:32 PM EDT on September 12, 2024
seem like the encryption key got changed as of the latest update.

or Turn 10 just now remembered to encrypt their banks. in any case, get yourself an updated key first.

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