locating music files in creative wonders' madeline european adventures by elipsis at 6:40 AM EDT on September 16, 2024
i dunno if this is the right place to ask, but i'm trying to find and rip the soundtrack from the 90s creative wonders PC game 'madeline european adventures' - i found a thread on this forum where someone linked a tool allowing me to convert the MAV audio files to WAV, but... there's like 1000+ MAV files and every one i've tried converting has been voice lines or short puzzle sfx/jingles... i've searched through all the folders but nothing immediately stands out as music, both in terms of file name or size, and i absolutely do not have the patience to convert and sort through every single individual file

basically, what i'm asking, does anyone have any info or documentation that might allow me to locate or at least guess where the music files would be? thank you in advance!
by WDLmaster at 8:34 AM EDT on September 16, 2024
I thought I had an AVC2WAV converter tool specifically written for this purpose back in 2020 (from the thread you linked above) but this does not seem to be the case. I've lost interest in the topic very quickly back then. The music is in the AVC files, interleaved with other data. Each frame is preceded by a tiny header, each audio chunk is 2758 bytes long. Extracting the audio requires another tool which has not yet been written. And I'm not sure if I have the "patience" at the moment to write it...
by elipsis at 9:44 PM EDT on September 16, 2024
bummer, thanks for replying!

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