hca file version by token at 3:15 AM EST on December 2, 2024
I can use hcainfo.exe to check the hca file version, which is actually reading the 5th and 6th data of hex. (https://github.com/hozuki/libcgss)
There is a game whose file header is 48 43 41 00 01 03, and the hca file version is 1.3. I modified my own audio and there is no sound when I import it into the game. I found that the file header after my modification is 48 43 41 00 02 00, and the hca file version is 2.0. So how can I generate file version 1.3? I tried to change 02 00 to 01 03, but the result showed that the file header was damaged and it could not be played in the game.
My hca file is not encrypted, and I can directly hear the music using CriAtomPlayer.exe.
Sample file link https://wwhi.lanzoux.com/icusy2gvhtzg
Please help me, can you give me some ideas?

I tried many wav to hca conversion tools and found that the converted hca files are all version 2.0
[edit] (16 hours left)

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