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Problem with Mario Kart .BRSTM by Omochao at 2:38 AM EDT on April 9, 2008
Although most of the files will play, the larger files (whose names all start with STRM) will not.

VGMstream: doesn't recognize them
in_cube: crashes WinAmp
by hcs at 3:21 AM EDT on April 9, 2008
These are probably > 2 channel files. While I've seen them and it is probably straightforward to extract, I haven't written anything to do it yet.
FastElbja, have you?
by fastelbja at 7:36 AM EDT on April 9, 2008
the first file has 4 channels, the second got 6 channels ...

you'll have to wait for vgmstream to handle multi channels, sorry
by Omochao at 9:46 AM EDT on April 9, 2008
Add support then, please.
by unknownfile at 11:10 AM EDT on April 9, 2008
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: <center><blink><font size="5" color="red"><big>DO IT YOURSELF</big></font></blink></center>
by Peppyman at 11:29 AM EDT on April 9, 2008
28MB?? This can't be all of them?!
by valiant at 12:56 PM EDT on April 9, 2008
So, how's the music in the game?
by Omochao at 3:53 PM EDT on April 9, 2008
unknownfile: Shut up!

Peppyman: I only provided a sample.

Prime Blue: The music seems to be pretty good, but I am curious as to how Bowser's Castle sounds. Rainbow Road is alright, maybe not as good as in 64 and Double Dash. Award Ceremony is a remix of the 64 and Super Circuit version.
by unknownfile at 9:00 PM EDT on April 9, 2008
No U!

Seriously dude, learn to code and do it yourself!
by hcs at 9:40 PM EDT on April 9, 2008
Dear unknownfile,
Please do not pervert the forum with blink tags.


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