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by mudlord at 10:28 PM EDT on April 19, 2009

Sounds like fun =D I might join in unpacking it for the ride....Sure would make a decent start into unpacking tutorial writing. :)

But seriously, they should have used something like ASProtect SKE to pack it. That can sure be a bitch to unpack manually sometimes, especially when the dev decides to use crypt markers.

edited 10:29 PM EDT April 19, 2009
by hcs at 10:49 PM EDT on April 19, 2009
Wasn't a problem, whatever it is. As Mouser mentioned I just got a core dump and I'm working from that.
by mudlord at 7:58 PM EDT on April 20, 2009
Fair enough.

Here's my unpack anyway.....
by hcs at 9:39 PM EDT on April 20, 2009
Cool, that would've saved me some time manually importing some crap. Might yet come in handy.
Mini-status report: I'm making my way slowly through the format recognition and loading routines, want to see how everything is set up before attacking the decoder itself.
by IBUKImAsTa at 6:12 PM EDT on April 22, 2009
is this anything?

i also found a game with what should be .xma and towav did not convert it. here is the file if anyone wants to try and get it workin.

edited 6:12 PM EDT April 22, 2009
by hcs at 8:11 PM EDT on April 22, 2009
a) it is something, but I already have it
b) what game was it? This format is just raw XMA, will be easy to handle when we can decode it at all.

edited 8:12 PM EDT April 22, 2009
Header by OrangeC at 9:48 PM EDT on April 22, 2009
The tool does not support headerless XMA, the XMA you posted was headerless, i have decoded this file with this custome FSB container header.

Add this at the beginning of the first couple bytes.

Also note that XMA has different decoding id's mainly right after a header table if its present, but im hoping someone can make a custom header out of this, this header is not mine, its by a member named kataah from gamingforce and ffshrine.

Forgot to mention this header only works for xma files 5mb and smaller, but lets hope we can manipulate that, i am not a header creator though lol.

edited 9:50 PM EDT April 22, 2009
by IBUKImAsTa at 12:06 PM EDT on April 23, 2009
cool thx alot i will try it out. this file is from wwe smackdown 2007

edited 12:18 PM EDT April 23, 2009
by bxaimc at 3:29 PM EDT on April 23, 2009
maybe when xma is finally added to vgmstream, it'll be added to GENH also.....maybe ;)
by marcusss at 10:57 PM EDT on April 23, 2009
Sounds like a good plan :P he he he

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