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by hcs at 10:12 AM EST on March 7, 2011
So the sample count doesn't match up... I added an exception to allow it to proceed if the parsed sample count is greater than the FSB header's count.

XMAsh 0.4
by adimifus at 3:53 PM EST on March 7, 2011
It still does the same thing when I use the new version...

EDIT: sorry somehow I was still using 0.3 after I downloaded the new one. 0.4 works great on that file now!

Gonna test it on more files...

edited 3:59 PM EST March 7, 2011
by OrangeC at 5:34 PM EST on March 7, 2011
Thanks hcs so much for this tool.

real useful.
by Polokus at 5:35 PM EST on March 7, 2011
Thanks very much for this tool hcs :D
by adimifus at 3:38 AM EST on March 8, 2011
Your tool works better than all the other tools I was using before. There are a number of files I couldn't extract audio from previously that I can now using XMAsh. I've only tested Guitar Hero World Tour and Guitar Hero Metallica files, but so far, its worked 100% on every file I've tried from those two.
by Infernus Animositas at 7:12 AM EST on March 11, 2011
Here's some FSB files from Rango: The Video Game that XMASH 0.4 didn't like. Again it would just hang on the "Trying padding" and eventually crashed.
by hcs at 10:11 AM EST on March 11, 2011
XMAsh 0.5
by Infernus Animositas at 11:39 AM EST on March 11, 2011
Thank you so much hcs. It worked brilliantly :D
by OrangeC at 6:16 PM EST on March 11, 2011
Thanks HCS :)
by alfke at 1:03 AM EDT on March 15, 2011
0.5 didn't seem to like guitar hero 6 fsb's

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