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by Franpa at 2:32 PM EDT on May 7, 2011
Dunno but it would be great for it to be updated with the latest Desmume engine :)
by TheUltimateKoopa at 7:49 PM EDT on May 9, 2011
With the latest version, 0.23, as I mentioned, you can here some slight popping and crackling in some songs.
Would the latest Desmume engine make it absolutely perfect with no crackling at all?
by Franpa at 8:48 AM EDT on May 10, 2011
Probably, v0.23 is using an incredibly out dated engine. Play the games on the latest Desmume and see if the audio pops occur there.

edited 8:49 AM EDT May 10, 2011
by neo_chip at 6:53 PM EDT on May 10, 2011
No there is no popping or weird instruments misplaced, its pretty damn perfect.

Shame the work on vio2sf looks abandoned. Can HCS or bxaimc kindly update it?
by TheUltimateKoopa at 6:53 PM EDT on May 10, 2011
Is Desmume fast? Because the last DS emulator I tried was VERY VERY slow. My PC has a 3.2 GHz processor and 6 GB RAM, which I assume it enough for it to at least work.
by TheUltimateKoopa at 7:57 PM EDT on May 10, 2011
Well I tested it and there's absolutely no slow down whatsoever. Also, the sound is excellent, providing you have the Synchronization Mode set to "Synchronous", and if Interpolation set to Cosine (sounds best, as they say). Also, the default buffer size is 5880, would changing this make any difference? Also would you know what the difference between the "Sync Methods" (N, Z or P) are?
by neo_chip at 10:07 AM EDT on May 11, 2011
Desmume is open-source so the latest version can be used to implement to vio2sf. With this update alone its the perfect 1:1 sound production for DS music.

If that someone could just update it...
by Franpa at 8:32 AM EDT on May 13, 2011
Desmume is fast if you have a recent 3.2GHZ or faster processor. On my 2.66GHZ i7 processor the performance is borderline. Games like Mario & Luigi 3 are playable for sure but they play at 55~ FPS instead of constant 60.

The differences between the synchronization modes are mostly only notable if your computer can't play the game at full speed. (Based on my own tests) The default audio mode results in lots of stutter/skipping when playing audio, the first 2 modes are either really slow (Out of sync) or sound weird while the "Sync Method P" mode sounds suitable for the frame rate the game is running at. By suitable I mean it plays in sinc at the same speed as the game without stutter or anything.

Also I think there are still only 2 decent DS emulators, Desmume and NO$GBA with the latter being updated less often (It might be abandoned now).

edited 8:38 AM EDT May 13, 2011
by TheUltimateKoopa at 11:45 PM EDT on May 15, 2011
I have a 3.2 GHz i5 processor (Intel Core i5 CPU 650), and 6 GB RAM. I'm also using a 64-bit OS.
by GANO at 10:40 PM EDT on May 24, 2011
Actually, the Desmume team in now updating it. You can download the source to compile it here:

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