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by rebooter23 at 10:51 AM EST on January 26, 2018
I haven't forgotten about your proposal, my answer was a direct response to the other question.

However, I tried out to convert a BCSTM from Zelda TriForce Heroes to BRSTM via your provided VGAudioCli.exe and the results aren't acceptable.

Before I continue, I want anybody else who reads this in the future to know, that the dependencies are .NET Framework 4.5, not 4.0 or others. Took me some time until I realized that "standalone" doesn't mean standalone, particularly the app doesn't return any failure.

Anyways the conversion can take place losslessly via this command:

VGAudioCli -i:0,1 <filename>.bcstm -o <filename>.brstm -f gcadpcm
(-f is for the internal format used which is gcadpcm in the mentioned filed. BRSTM seems to be a container only so far as I understood)

The result is that the modizer isn't ready for brstms, as the slightest use of processing power interrupts the music e.g. getting notifications or swiping a page while reading PDFs, but moreover modizer doesn't recognize the loop points correctly. Using modizer's loop feature it breaks in the middle of the song and repeats from the beginning. You can only "force loop" in the vgmstream settings to a max of 16 loops - which would be okay if it wasn't for the constant interruptions.

So the question still stands: How do we get perfectly looping WAVs easily?
by rebooter23 at 10:52 AM EST on January 26, 2018

Not if you use better programs. It's no problem to seamlessly loop while using GoodReader for example.
by bxaimc at 12:15 PM EST on January 26, 2018
Weird, works fine for me while I surf the web, text, and chat through discord. You might want to watch the amount of running apps. Close what you don’t need often. I have an iPhone 8 Plus btw...

edited 12:22 PM EST January 26, 2018
by ArcticJaguar725 at 3:22 PM EST on January 26, 2018
In an attempt to actually answer your question, my guess is that no such method to automatically cut out the intro currently exists at the moment. If you have any coding experience, you could write a program that runs the file to be converted through test.exe, obtains the looping metadata via standard output of test.exe, and then opens the dumped WAV to trim out the intro/fade based on the looping points of the host file. Obviously writing such a program takes more effort than using a preexisting option, but I doubt those preexisting options exist since I've never seen any need for this before.
by bxaimc at 3:45 PM EST on January 26, 2018
Actually, test.exe has switches to output a batch script to with the loop points for use in adxencd or oggenc.
by rebooter23 at 7:15 PM EST on February 1, 2018

So, there is the possibility to use sox if I pipe and use the variables as values. But the files of the towns in BOTW for example Rito Village don’t provide loop information. Any ideas?

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